Page 19 - Studio International - September 1972
P. 19

Caspar David Friedrich

          Stephen McKenna

          Friedrich's first studies were in his home town,
          in the University of Greifswald, but from
          1794-98 he was a student at the Academy of
          Copenhagen. Copenhagen was at this time a
          leading centre for art in Northern Europe, and
          was a citadel of classicism, on the precepts of
         which the training in the Academy was based.
            In 1798 he moved to Dresden where, apart
         from travels to his home district, the coast of
          Pomerania and the Harz mountains, he
         remained until his death. He at no time showed
          any inclination to make the hitherto almost
          compulsory journey to Italy, or indeed to visit
         any other foreign country.
            During a visit to Greifswald in 18o1,
          Friedrich was introduced to the younger painter
          Phillip Otto Runge, who was to be an important
         connection during the next three years in
          Dresden. Dresden was then the liveliest and
          most important cultural centre in Germany, and
         Runge and Friedrich moved into the circle of
         the founders of the new movement in literature—
          Tieck, Jean-Paul, Novalis, Schelling and
          Schlegel.                                 Wiesen bei Greifswald 181o. Oil on canvas. Kunsthalle, Hamburg
            The first oil paintings of Friedrich date from
                                                    firs, and in this time I met no single living   remember only a single evening when we
         1807. Previously he had worked only in pen and
                                                    person; it is true, I do not recommend this   succeeded in keeping him in a small family
         ink wash. In 1810 he exhibited in the Berlin
                                                    method to everyone—it was already too much   circle by us. The twilight was his element. A
         Academy, was made a member, and attracted
                                                    for me; gloominess comes involuntarily into   solitary walk in the first early morning light, and
         the critical attention of Brentano, Arnim and
                                                    the soul. But exactly that must prove to you,   a second in the evening at or after sunset, in
         Kleist. From this period until the late twenties
                                                    that my company can never be pleasant to   which he enjoyed the company of a friend; that
         Friedrich was a well known and respected, if
                                                    anyone.' (1821)                           was his only diversion, otherwise he brooded
         sometimes misunderstood, painter. He was                                             almost continuously over his creative art, in his
         elected a teaching member of the Dresden   2. 'Two halves make a whole, but he who is half   strongly shadowed room.'
         Academy in 1816, and a professor in 1824. In   a musician and half a painter is always only a
         1820 he made the acquaintance of Carus, who   whole half. Thus there may also be whole   2. 'It was of the greatest importance to me to
         was to become the most articulate theoretician   quarters, and our schools seem to make even   learn Friedrich's procedure in the development
         of the new ideas in landscape painting, and the   smaller fractions their aim.'      of his paintings. He made no sketches, cartoons
         preserver of Friedrich's own words and                                               or colour designs for his paintings, since he
                                                   3. 'A picture should not be invented, but felt.'
         writings. In the same year Friedrich moved to                                        asserted (and certainly not entirely without
         share a house with the painter Dahl, where he   4. 'The painter should not simply paint what he   justice) that fantasy was somewhat cooled
         remained until his death.                 sees before him, but also what he sees in   through these aids. He did not start a painting
            After 1830, the change of fashionable   himself. Should he, however, see nothing in   until it stood living before his soul, then he drew
         interest to the Düsseldorf school caused   himself, let him abstain from painting what he   on the pure, stretched canvas, first freely with
         Friedrich's work to be neglected. Financial   sees before him. Otherwise his pictures will   chalk and pencil, then the whole neatly and
         hardship and sickness followed, and in 1835 an   resemble those Spanish screens, behind which   completely with reed pen and ink, and then
         apoplectic fit left him virtually incapacitated.   one expects only the sick or the completely   continued quickly to the underpainting. His
                                                   dead.'                                     paintings looked exact and orderly at every
         Some quotations from Friedrich                                                       stage of their development, and always gave the
         These are preserved in letters and collected by   Some quotations from Carus         impression of his individuality, and the mood in
         Carl Gustav Carus in Friedrich der        1. About Friedrich: 'In Dresden he had always   which they had first made their inner
         Landschaftsmaler Dresden 1841.            kept himself apart, making no connection with   appearances to him.'
         1. 'You want to have me with you, but that "I",   the resident Professors, and so gradually trained
         that appeals to you, will not be with you. I must   himself in his own deeply poetic, if somewhat   3. 'Whoever cares to go back five or six decades
         remain alone, and know that I am alone, to be   obscure and abrupt style of landscape. As in his   in the history of landscape painting, and
         able to observe and feel nature completely; I   art, so was he in his life: upright, straight and   particularly in Germany, will hit upon a fairly
         must give myself up to what surrounds me,   solitary—German through and through—he had   desolate condition of a branch of art which
         unite myself with my clouds and fields, in order   never even tried to learn any of the modern   should belong in many respects, particularly
         to be what I am. I need loneliness for the   foreign languages; he was a stranger to every   now, to the new age. After the memories of
         dialogue with Nature. Once I lived for a whole   ostentation, as to every luxurious sociability.   Ruysdael, Everdingen and Waterloo on the one
         week in Utterwalder Grund, between rocks and    One hardly saw him among people, and I    side, and of Claude Lorrain, the Poussins,
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