Page 17 - Studio International - September 1972
P. 17

News and                                  the museum charges. Lord Eccles was firm in   'British Sculptors
                                                   his assurance that these would be introduced
         notes                                     as planned.                               72'
                                                                                              Bryan Kneale in conversation
                                                   The Serpentine Gallery wishes to announce
                                                   application dates for all printmakers under 35,   with Peter Atkins
                                                   excluding students, who wish to submit prints
                                                   either for small one-man shows at the gallery,   Bryan Kneale: I came across an article in the
                                                   or for display in the print-bins during the 1973   May issue of this magazine about the recent
                                                   season. Application forms are available at the   sculpture exhibition at the Academy. It missed
                                                   gallery (telephone 01-402 6075, or write to   the point of the show so much that I felt I
                                                   Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens,   needed to make some comments of my own.
                                                   W2 3XA) and should accompany all prints (no   I originally wanted to complain about the level
                                                   more than 3) posted or delivered to the gallery.   of criticism we get back but when I began to
                                                   Submission dates are November 1-14, when the   think about the problem the issue broadened in
                                                   office will be open from 10-5 (excluding   my mind. I decided I was thinking not only
                                                   Saturday and Sunday). The selection committee   from the point of view of a sculptor but also as
                                                   will select works after that date and     somebody who teaches sculpture as well. We
                                                   printmakers will be notified of its decision as   have often touched on these issues while we
         Herr Ernst Fischer the critic and leading   soon as possible.                       are at the College and I thought we might go
         Austrian Marxist died on August 1. After the                                        over some of the points in a discussion.
         War he held office in Austria as Minister of   The crisis in Ireland. The following resolution
         Education and communist deputy. He was    has been passed: 'There is a group of people in   Peter Atkins : I remember you said that the
         perhaps best known in this country as the author   London who are actively interested in   Academy exhibition originated with an
         of 'Marxist Approach' and 'Art v Ideology.'   investigating the possibility of an exposition   invitation to you to become an A.R.A. which
                                                   to reflect the reality of the situation in Ireland   you accepted conditional on the Academy
         Lord Eccles delivered a lecture at the ICA in   and who think that it is an important proposal   mounting a sculpture exhibition. The whole
         July. He said he had come to talk about culture,   and are prepared to support it as far as they are   thing took off and you said an enormous effort
         by which he didn't just mean the so-called fine   able.' Among those who signed were Father   was made by the Academy.
         arts but also cinema and the crafts. He then   Cyril Barrett, Stuart Brisley, Tim Hilton,
         turned to the question of freedom of expression   Robert MacDowall, the organizer, Gustave   BK : That is absolutely true, they redecorated
         in the arts with particular reference to his recent   Metzger and Jane Morris. Anyone interested in   galleries (and how the recent summer show
         visit to the UNESCO conference of European   giving support or requiring further information   has benefited), lowered ceilings, covered floors,
         Ministers of Culture in Helsinki. He had found   please contact Robert MacDowall, c/o The   and it is astounding what exceptionally good
         the communist bloc as implacable as ever:   Slade School of Art, Gower St, WCi. Tel.   sculpture-showing places the galleries turned
         threatened by the new technology they wanted   01-387-8659.                         out to be. It seemed just the right time for a
         some form of international understanding about                                      show. The Whitechapel Gallery which had
         the limits of freedom of expression. Lord Eccles   Krazy Kat Archive, Department of Fine Arts,   been run by Brian Robertson so successfully
         had naturally opposed this in principle, though   St Salvator's College, St Andrews. Donations   no longer functioned and the only way for the
         he hoped he didn't have to tell an ICA audience   of artefacts, however old, and pulp magazines   work of up and coming sculptors to be seen
         that freedom didn't 'mean freedom to do any   on any subject, however recent, will be very   was in the largely unsatisfactory space of
         damn thing you like.' This was crucial. 'The   gratefully received and acknowledged.   commercial galleries.
         way we act upon our concept of freedom is what                                         Because I teach at the Royal College I have
         will win or lose the day in the struggle to produce   The Kasmin gallery is closing in December.   an interest in encouraging sculptors who have
         a post-industrial society, one which goes beyond   Business in future will be conducted from a   been students there but additionally for my own
         both liberal/capitalism and socialist/    West End office and Kasmin is starting a new   sake I want to get the measure of their work in a
         communism.' Lord Eccles warned the audience   gallery in Paris with Barry Rubin and Beatrice   public situation. As a professional sculptor I
         against the danger of novelty for its own sake,   Monte. Exhibitions will be divided equally   think there is a great need for a periodic survey
         of artists and intellectuals isolating themselves   between the two galleries represented, the   of what is happening in sculpture and this
         from the 90% of the general public: 'Supposing   Rubin Gallery, New York and the Galleria del   clearly involves a large exhibition and there are
         you were born with just a little more than the   Ariete, Milan, and Kasmin. The opening will   not many galleries which can handle it. I am
         average intelligence and that you have had what   be in the forthcoming season. Kasmin himself   not even sure if it is possible to put on a really
         is called a good education, how easily can you   will continue to base his activities on London.   comprehensive show but I am certainly not
         talk to a coal-miner, a lorry-driver, or a carpenter   The final shows at the gallery will be Darby   satisfied with those we have had in recent years.
         or to his wife and kids ?' Locally constituted   Bannard (Sept), Stephen Buckley (Oct),   They seem largely representative of somebody's
         ginger groups had already been set up in the   Anthony Caro (Nov) and David Hockney   taste or to be selected to illustrate some current
         regions to infiltrate this 90% but what was really   (Dec).                          attitude towards sculpture. We need a way of
         needed was the animateur, the go-between                                             putting different kinds of work together in
         between the general public and the artist. Where   Multiples in Japan: readers may wonder why   such a way that it can be meaningfully
         were these animateurs and who were they to be ?   there is no coverage of Japanese multiples in   compared. We get no help from the critics; the
         At present there were only about three.   this issue. The reason is, there aren't any. Akira   level of writing on sculpture, with one or two
         Afterwards Lord Eccles answered questions.   Kurita went looking: 'I could not find no gallery   exceptions, is abysmally low.
         Nigel Abercrombie said there were at least ten   which ever tried to make multiples and a sadder
         animateurs and then left. Lord Eccles talked   fact is that no gallery has any future plan to make   PA: Certainly the way sculpture can be seen
         of the importance of geographic decentralization   multiples. In reality, I met not a slight difficulty   now is not satisfactory. The permanent public
         and the need for more money. David Thompson   to explain "What is multiple ?" to the gallery   collection does not belong to the category of
         concluded the discussion with a question about    owners and staffs !'               exhibitions which bring sculpture forward for
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