Page 28 - Studio International - April 1973
P. 28
Correspondence We know how unceremoniously the National even in the London area — showed small
Advisory Council was disbanded, thereby appreciation of his potentialities.'
leaving the Government without an Department of Education and Science
appropriately constituted body to advise it at a Administrative Memorandum No. 4/65
time when profound changes of a difficult published 2 April 1965 says in Para. 1, 'The
nature were contemplated; why was this action staffing of art colleges approved for Dip.A.D.
taken ? Is it not an extraordinary step to take if courses is giving rise to concern. A recent
decisions are to be informed and enlightened ? survey by the National Council for Diplomas in
Is it advisable for any education system to be Art and Design shows that there are a
subjected to the kind of perpetual shake-up that substantial number of vacancies in all grades
Art Education has already been subjected to including heads of departments.'
over the last ten years ? The third report of the National Advisory
If there was ever a need for a National Council on Art Education published in June
Advisory Council on Art Education, and there 1964 said in Para. 7 of its summary of
most decidedly was, then that need is now all the recommendations 'No college should be
greater. It must be re-formed without further approved for post-diploma work unless it is
delay; this need is an urgent one. well-equipped with staff suitably qualified to
BILL ENGLISH provide instruction at advanced level.'
Principal, Norwich School of Art If one assumes that the official bodies quoted
above meant what they said, then the Pooling
Committee's recommendations, in their
The excellent article ('Financial cuts in art undoubtedly drastic effect on the staffing
education', Studio International, March 1973) situation in schools of art, seem totally
underlines in detail one threat to art schools in incomprehensible. q
this country. What is needed now is the FREDERICK BRILL
education of those responsible for making Principal, Chelsea School of Art
decisions, and for the public at large to
understand the value of the independent art
school as a creative unit, and not merely as a Fare's Endgame
Art Education part of further education as is generally In Volume 184, No. 949, a reader wrote you
With reference to your article in the March understood. We need a major exhibition of art asking information on a Mr John Fare. In the
edition of Studio International headed students' work, and coverage by the media. Editor's Note preceding the inquiry, you state
`Financial cuts in art education', may I draw Art, as always, is a partisan issue. that publication of the letter was held up for one
attention in particular to the following points JOHN BARNICOAT year to authenticate the nature of the inquiry.
which are pertinent to the whole matter. Principal, Falmouth School of Art Tim Craig then proceeds to write of his first
Firstly, since your article was published, person experiences with one John Fare's
notification has been given that NCDAD and appearances. Mr Craig's writing made very
CNNA will merge. This fact, along with the It is interesting, in view of the article in your interesting reading, as fiction it turns out.
Pooling Committee's Report on staff student March issue on the effect of the Pooling The morning I read the article, I phoned and
ratios, has also to be considered in relation to Committee's recommendations on the staffing of spoke personally with Mr Av Isaacs, a Toronto
what has become known as the two 'A' level schools of art, to remind oneself of what views gallery owner. Reference is made in Craig's
proposal. Add to these the recent White Paper the administrative bodies concerned with article to an appearance by one John Fare,
on Education, the James Report, Circular 7/71 advanced art education including the accompanied by his mechanical operating
(which followed the Joint Report of the Department of Education and Science have room which supposedly (according to Craig's
National Advisory Council on Art Education published on the staffing of art schools. eye-witness report) appeared and performed an
and NCDAD) and Circular 12/72, and one gets The Ministry of Education Circular 34o amputation at the Isaac's Gallery in Toronto,
a very strong feeling indeed that too many published 14 July 1958 said in Para. 2, 'Artists on September 17, 1968.
non-art specialists have a plan which it is their and designers play a vital part not only in the Mr Isaacs told me the incident described by
intention to impose, in spite of the fact that it is fine arts but in industry and commerce, in Craig never occurred, but found the story
so clearly ill-advised. Apart from the fact that primary and secondary education and in the amusing, nevertheless.
the proposals are not in the best interests of art national life generally and the Minister regards I was neither shocked nor appalled; in fact I
from an educational standpoint, which is largely art education as being of the first importance.' too found it rather entertaining, but I do object
due to the exceptional lack of consultation, The second report of the National Advisory to articles of this nature which could presumably
neither are they likely to be successful from the Council on Art Education published February distress others by being represented as factual
point of view of financial economy. 1962 said in its summary of recommendations when they are merely fabrications.
How carefully considered and co-related are Para. 7, 'Art schools should arrange for part- Do inform your readers.
the first three propositions referred to above ? time teaching, or for occasional lectures to be MICHAEL P. CZEREWKO
They are certainly closely connected, but hardly given by senior designers and other Toronto, Canada
wisely or considerately so. How can they be representatives of industry and commerce; the
when the merger proposal would elevate a success of these arrangements will depend upon
Diploma to a Degree, whilst the Pooling a willingness to make available the services of I have received a letter from a person who styles
Committee's proposition would cut staffing to staff of high calibre.' himself michael p. czerewko commenting, in
the point where standards would fall well The first report of the National Council for terms which are the opposite of felicitous, upon
below the present DipAD level, and we would Diplomas in Art and Design published my letter written so long ago about John Fare,
be left with a fully fledged Degree, which February 1964 said in Para. 27, 'The part-time the eccentric self-amputee. I fancy that a reply
would in reality be of inferior quality to the teacher is, in principle, a most valuable asset and from my own pen, which has only lately been
Diploma. it was disappointing to find that some schools — restored to me by my cat Bran, is not