Page 30 - Studio International - April 1973
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confused with the discipline of aesthetics which   the prevalent preferences in a population and   cannot have pornographic music, but it is a
     Yaffé correctly defines as 'that area of philosophy   the degree to which these can be modified by   matter of a priori definition that abstract
     which is concerned with the language and   education and other environmental factors. But   painting is not pornographic.
     concepts that are used to describe and evaluate   in devising the relevant tests we must be careful   5. Psychological tests can reveal the causes of
     works of art'.                            not to slip value-loaded elements and pretend   pleasure. A causal chain may be traced from the
     1.  The most fundamental objection to the   they have a purely descriptive function. Yaffé   stimulus of the colour on the retina to the
     experimental approach is that results of   reports one such instance involving the   ensuing chemical and electrical reactions in the
     experiments tell us how things are, but they   Maitland Graves Design Judgment Test in   brain. But the aesthetician wants answers not in
     cannot tell us how things ought to be, whereas   which, to his surprise, 'the average score of the   terms of causes, of which the subject may not
     we cannot avoid importing arguments involving   artist group was found to be less than that of the   even be aware, but in terms of reasons. The
     ought if we wish to talk about value. Only if we   non-artists ! It is difficult to explain why   explanation that someone says 'this is beautiful'
     could settle a priori what art we ought to have   performance of the test was so much less   because of certain physiological changes in his
     would there be any point in having experiments   satisfactory in these two studies than it was for   brain is no explanation at all. The aesthetician is
     to see whether or not we are moving closer to   the original samples chosen by Graves. Eysenck   only interested in such answers as 'because it is
     our goal.                                 suggests this may be due to changes in the   well-balanced', 'because it shows the moral
     2.  Even if we assume that art has no ulterior   general climate of art education which now   ascendancy of the working class' or 'because
     purpose, that its success depends on the amount   tends to stress simplicity and regularity more   here Poussin has at last fully realized the
     of quantifiable pleasure produced, we still have   than in the forties.'             potential of his medium'.
     to decide how we are to evaluate the        The insurmountable difficulty here is the   The belief that psychological tests can make
     physiological data. In a surgery waiting-room   assumption that the components of the Graves   important contributions to aesthetics, or even,
     (Yaffé's example) pleasure may be tantamount   test are inherently aesthetically valuable. But if   as Yaffé claims, that they constitute an
     to minimal arousal, but this need not be so in   they are, the artists tested should not have   alternative method of doing aesthetics, looks
     aesthetic experience. It is the work which   rejected them. Yet they have rejected them ! So   plausible so long as we concentrate, as
     creates maximum interest, stimulates greatest   the alternative explanation, proposed by   psychologists do, on the springs of creativity and
     arousal, that is usually judged good. Yaffé   Professor Eysenck, must be that these   the spectator reactions to works of art. The
     reports that Daniel Berlyne 'found his subjects   components are not, after all, inherently   irrelevance of such tests becomes clearer when
     sought out patterns judged pleasing, beautiful,   valuable. Neither Eysenck nor Yaffé seems to   we turn to consider, say, the logical status of
     interesting; when a pattern was rated as more   realize that once this alternative is accepted,   statements in fiction, the place of artistic
     pleasing, the less arousing it was shown to be',   these tests can no longer provide an objective   intention in evaluation, the extent to which
     and that those people 'avoided any pattern with   measure of aesthetic value and are therefore   contemplation of paintings involves being
     discomforting or puzzling properties'. And yet   completely useless.                 subjected to an illusion, or whether art works are
     these same people chose 'problem-raising or   Art has a history. There are times when   physical objects.
     otherwise conflict-inducing patterns' when they   classical simplicity is preferred and there are   The tests reported by Yaffé obviously absorb
     sought intellectual stimulation in art. Thus we   times when baroque exuberance excites the   the time of able men and it is therefore
     are led to conclude that art creates conflicting   mind. A generation whose taste was moulded by   regrettable that they should think, as they
     responses of minimal and maximal arousal. And   the one style will fail tests devised by   clearly do, that they are making a contribution
     this is precisely the point (which we knew   experimenters reared on the other style. And   to aesthetics. They may well be making a
     already): we classify as works of art objects   this has in fact happened many times. Ever   substantial contribution to psychology, but that
     which invoke in us a complex response, which is   since the establishment of academies we have   is another matter altogether. q
     in part sensual and in part intellectual, and it is   had judgement tests devised by the incumbents   ADAM CZERNIAWSKI
     wrong to suggest, as Berlyne apparently does,   and we have had the now acknowledged   Rochester, Kent
     that the response is nevertheless simple, in that   masters who had failed to pass them. If the
     we seek sensual pleasure in, say, the visual arts,   more sophisticated modern psychology tests are
     and intellectual pleasure in, say, historical   to be used to preserve the status quo, then we   Letter from Paris
     novels. A painting is distinguished from a   shall have to say that in addition to being useless   I would like to point out, since the photographs
     soothing wallpaper precisely because it not only   for aesthetics they are also a danger to a healthy   used in the 'Letter from Paris' by Andrew Forge
     consists of sensuously pleasing patterns of   experimentation in the arts.           (Studio International, March 1973, pp. 116-18)
     colours, but because it has a content which   4.  Yaffé seeks support for his psychological tests   might mislead some of your readers, that I had
     stimulates the spectator intellectually.   in the distinction drawn by Fechner between   no hand in deciding what use should be made of
       This intellectual stimulation may take many   `empirical' and 'speculative' aesthetics. But this   the photographs you were given. You were
     forms. One could be the realization that for   distinction rests on a confusion. Like all   meant to choose one only, not to use them all in
     example the perceived object was painted by   philosophical enquiry, aesthetics is partly   a row, and the decision to do so was yours alone.
     Vermeer rather than by Rubens. The spectator's   speculative and partly empirical. For example,   I would like to stress my complete disagreement
     pleasure is thus enhanced by any knowledge   the question 'How do we determine the value of   with this presentation, which is contrary not
     that he acquires in addition to what he can   a work of art ?' seems speculative because of its   only to the meaning of my work but also to the
     directly perceive. It may take him time and   complete generality. But one way in which this   manner in which it should be documented.
     effort to assimilate this knowledge. Thus the   question can be tackled is by asking whether   What is more, the work was done in 1971 not
     pleasure will grow gradually and will not   pornography has aesthetic value. We then   1972. Finally, I hope one day to understand why
     therefore be fully revealed in an instant   proceed to a detailed examination of the arts and   a photograph of a work done for Documenta 5
     stimulus-response test. But the increasing   come to realize that we can have pornographic   should appear in an article on the Paris art scene
     intensity of the response will not of itself be   poems, pictures and plays, but not pornographic   in 1973, supposedly illustrating another article
     proof of aesthetic worth. A pornographic   music or pornographic abstract art. So the   in the same issue 18 pages earlier, in which no
     photograph may be more stimulating than a   speculative question about value is      mention is made of the work to which the
     Titian nude, and during a journey the     circumscribed by the empirical facts about   photographs refer ? Perhaps you will enlighten
     intricacies of time-tables may occasion greater   specific art media, and here in turn the reasons   me?
     brain-activity than a Proust novel.       are partly empirical and partly speculative: it is a   DANIEL BUREN
     3. It is of considerable practical interest to know    physical limitation of the medium that we    Paris
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