Page 29 - Studio International - April 1973
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unexpected.                                gallery or museum should rightly be proud of
          The temptation to slide into invective is of   having put it on. But in London, its defects and
        course nearly irresistible. Yet I shall for once   grave shortcomings cannot be overlooked, the
        ignore the rewards such a temptation would, in   more so in view of the extravagant claims made
        my case, at least, allow. Let me suggest only   for it by the PR apparatus without which no
        that Czerewko go out to any stationer and   exhibition these days is complete.
        purchase any manner of English dictionary at   To put it bluntly, the exhibition is not on a
        once before he's picked up by the police.   scale nor at a level to qualify for the epithet
          I have asked a reputable friend of mine to   `major'; nor can the representation of Balla,
        verify the event which I described in last   Boccioni, Qua, Severini, etc., be said to be
        November's Studio. Since I have obviously no   extensive when the show is short on major
        credit with Canadians (where to turn ? where to   works, the Boccioni Unique forms being a modern
        turn ?), it would be rather bootless were I to   re-cast and scarcely other than a reproduction,
        repeat my description of Fare's carryings-on or   and the Balla items, catalogue numbers 7, 8, 9,
        merely to request belief. I trust that my friend   10 and 20, hardly any better. Doubts have also
        will not fail to convince your readers, whose   been expressed as to the authenticity of the
        welfare seems so verily in the balance,    moving lights in the Fireworks model; and
        according to cz . . . .                   certainly they seemed out of phase with the
        TIMOTHY CRAIG                             music.
        London NWI                                  The essays in the catalogue contribute
                                                  nothing new and betray no sign of original
                                                  research. On the contrary, they repeat received
        I normally live here and there in Paris, where I   opinion, contain nothing that might not have
        am employed by the French Government on a   been written thirty or forty years ago, and seem
        series of art-projects. However, I come to   not to have any acquaintance with Italian
        London just about once every month to see my   writing on Futurism of the last twenty years.
        friend Linda Wroth. Knowing this, Timothy   There is a singular failure to cope with the
        Craig (may his tribe increase!) wrote to me c/o   problems of the relations with Fascism,
        Linda sometime last week asking me to verify   particularly in the light of recent neo-fascist
        an experience we both sat through some five   attempts at cultural 'restoration' and the
        years ago in Toronto. He included a photocopy   dragging into public gaze of old idols one
        of a bitchy letter from one michael p.     thought surely dead. Nor are the less contentious
        czerewko which had been addressed in the first   themes of futurist ideology and practice
        place to you. This letter, as I assume you know,   disentangled. This one would have thought
        questions the veracity of Craig's report of a   essential in a show that aimed to range over the
        John Charles Fare performance. I often read   whole of futurist activity. One thinks
        your excellent publication, but I had not until   particularly of the conception of the city as a
        yesterday read Craig's wonderful little article in   machine, the 'compenetration' of interior and
        your issue of last November; he included a copy   exterior, the various aspects of simultaneity.
        of it as well.                              Finally why the arbitrary 1919, ignored by
          Let me state at once that the event actually   some of the contributors in the interests of
        occurred, but that I am not totally familiar with   adequate exposition ? True, there is general
        all of the details of Fare's career and so cannot   agreement on Primo Futurismo and Secondo
        verify all of the details concerning Fare's   Futurismo being divided by the war. However
        meetings with his confederates, etc. It does not,   recent studies suggest there were several waves,
        I hope, matter very much. The important thing,   the first dating from the 1909 manifesto and
        to me, is that Craig should be questioned or   spending itself with the death of Boccioni, the
        challenged on any matter whatever. Please, if   next coinciding with a major preoccupation with
        you can, print this letter as a rebuttal. Please, as   politics and including the foundation of the
        well, excuse my heat.                     Futurist Party, the entry, secession and re-entry
        ROBERT BASSARA                            into Mussolini's fascist movement, and several
        Paris                                     more during the twenties and thirties.
                                                  TONI DEL RENZIO
        [For readers' information Time magazine, Dec.   Italy
        18, 1972, reported the death by self-inflicted
        amputations of a Viennese artist Rudolf
        Schwarzkogler in 1969. The article also stated   Is a red square beautiful?
        that prints recording the amputation of   Impatience with the inconclusive nature of
        his penis were shown at Documenta 5 last   aesthetic enquiry can easily lead to a search for
        year. Ed.]                                precise answers provided by experimentally
                                                  quantifiable data. Maurice Yaffe's article 'Can
                                                  Aesthetic Preferences Be Quantified ?' (Studio
        Futurismo's deficiencies                  International, October 1972) is the latest
        The exhibition, Futurismo' 1909-1919, has now   instance of this way of thinking. There is of
        been afforded a London showing at the Royal   course nothing objectionable in principle in
        Academy. It is a brave little effort and not   measuring people's reactions to colours and
        without merits at its modest level. A provincial   simple designs, but this activity must not be
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