Page 74 - Studio International - April 1973
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Selected                       Camden Arts Centre,  Arkwright   Lisson,  Warehouse,  57  Lisson St,   Waddington, 2 & 3, 34 Cork St,  `W1.
                                    Road, NW3. 01-435 2643. Antiques  NW1. 101-262 1539. Sol LeWitt April/
                                                                                                   01-439 1866. Patrick Caulfield April.
                                    Fair 7 -14 April.               May.
     April                                                                                         Whitechapel, High St, Er. 01-247 1492.
                                    Crane Kalman, 178 Brompton Rd,   Lucy Milton, 125 Notting Hill Gate,  Claude Rogers & The Ashington Group,
                                    SW3. 01-584 7566. Henri Lefauconnier   WiI. 01-229 3311. Allen Barker 10  to April 3o. Retrospective of 8o paint-
     gallery                        April.                          April-I May.                   ings by Claude Rogers, one of the
                                                                                                   originators of the Euston Road School.
                                    Creative Camera, 19 Doughty St,   Madden, 77 Duke St, Grosvenor Sq,
     listings                       WCI. 01-242 0565. Bernard Ploussu   WI. 01-493 5854. Group show April.   99 paintings by the Ashington Group,
                                    March/April.                                                   14 Cumberland miners, covering the
                                                                    Maltzahn,  3 Cork St, W1X 1HA.   period 1932 to 1972.
                                    Curwen, I Colville Pl, Whitfield St,  Douglas Fox Pitt & Walter Taylor 3-3o
                                    W1. 01-636 1459. Stanley Jones 18  April.
                                    April-26 May.
                                                                    Mark, 9 Porchester  P1, W2. 01-262
                                    DM, 72 Fulham Road, SW3. 01-589  4906. Salvador Dali to mid April. 16th
                                    8208. American realists April 4-30. Prints  to 19th Cent. Russian icons from mid
                                    by Ralph Goingo, John Clem Clarice,  April.
                                    Malcolm Morley, Estes, Robert Bechtle,   Marlborough  Fine Art, 6 Albemarle
                                    Don Eddy and others.            St & 39 Old Bond St, WI. 01-629 5161.  OUTSIDE LONDON
                                    Drian, 5/7 Porchester Pl, W2.  01-723  Mordecai Ardon 6 April-3 May. 35 oils
                                    9473. Frank Spears & Joan Russell 3-19  of last decade. Ardon, who showed at   Aberdeen Art Gallery,  Schodhill,
                                    April. Don van Dall 26 April-14 May.   the Venice Biennale in 1968, was last   Aberdeen 1FQ, Aberdeen 23942. Aber-
                                                                    shown in London in 1962 at the Marl-
                                    Erica Bourne, i4a Temple Fortune   borough.                    deen Artists' Society 14 April-12 May.
                                    Parade, Finchley Rd, NW11. 01-458                              Ivor Abrahams 14 April-5 May.
                                    7551. Anthony Swerling/Keith Carter to   Marlborough Graphics,  17-18 Old   Birmingham: Ikon, 45 West Court,
                                     April.                         Bond St, WI. 01-629 5161. Gerd Win-  B'ham Shopping Centre. B'ham 643
                                                                    ner 27 April-3i May.
                                    Felicity Samuels, 16 Savile Row, WI.                           0708. Objects & documents to 14 April.
                                    01-734 8557. Tony Donaldson to 13   Mercury, 26 Cork St, W 1. 01-734 780o.   John Copnall & Anne Pullinger 18
                                    April. John Altoon 16 April-II May.   David Gentleman watercolours. II   April-26 May.
                                                                    April-5 May.
                                    Fine Art Society, 148 New Bond St,                             Bradford: City Art Gallery, Decade
                                    WI. 01-629 5116. Early English water-  New Art Centre, 41 Sloane St, SW1.   '40s 14 April-6 May.
                                    colours to 18 April.            01-235 5844. Sandra Blow & Richard   Edinburgh: Richard Demarco,  8
                                                                    Ward to  20  April. Bryan Pearce 25
                                    Fischer Fine Art, 3o King Street, St   April-i9 May.           Melville Crescent, Edinburgh EH3
                                    James's, SW1. 01-839 394 2. David                              7NB. 226 6302. Archigram 6-28 April.
                                    Bomberg 15 March-13 April. 15o works,  Nicholas Treadwell, 36 Chiltern St,   Hull:  Ferens Art Gallery, Serpen-
                                    of which 42 are oils, covering the period   WI. 01-486 1414. Mixed Show March/   tine Directions Pt II 14 April-13 May.
                                    1912-1957, with good representation of  April.
                                    the years 1912-2o. Korab 17 April-II                           Kettering: Public Library, Museum
                                    May.                            Nigel Greenwood, 41 Sloane Gdns,   & Art Gallery, Kenneth Armitage 24
                                                                    SWi. 01-73o 8824. Ed Ruscha 17 April-  March-14 April.
                                    Gallery House, 5o Princes Gate, Ex-  10 May. Paintings and drawings done
                                    hibition Rd, SW7. 589 7207 Ext 21. Tim  in 1973 by the West Coast artist.   Leigh: Turnpike Gallery,  Lancs
                                    Head, Howard Selina, Duncan Cam-                               (Leigh 72838). Early works 7-29 April.
                                    eron, Collective productions (Martin   Photographers, 8  Gt Newport St,   Liverpool: Bluecoat Gallery, School
                                    Field) 21 March-8 April.        WC2. 01-836 786o. Pitcairn-Knowles &
                                                                    Bryn Campbell 3 to 27 April. Marilyn   Lane, Liverpool 709 1363. Tom Phillips
                                    Gimpel Fils, 3o Davies Street, W1Y  Silverstone 3-27 April.    graphics 5-26 April.
                                    ILO. 01-493 2488. Alan Davie 3-28   Piccadilly,  16a Cork Street, WI   Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery,
                                                                    01-629 2875. David Pindle 27 March-28   Liverpool 207 1371. Mark Lancaster 12
                                    Grabowski, 84 Sloane Ave, SW3.  April.                         April-13 May.
                                    01-5891868. John Berry & Mauro Kunst
     LONDON                                                         Redfern, 20 Cork Street, W1. 01-734   Manchester: City Art Gallery, De-
                                    3 April-4 May.
                                                                    1732. Paul Wunderlich 3 April-3 May.   cade '4os to 8 April.
     Achim Moeller, 8 Grosvenor St, WI.   Hayward Gallery, South Bank, SEI.   Roland, Browse & Delbanco, 19 Cork   Manchester: Whitworth Art Gallery,
     01-493 7611. General show of 19th and   01-928 3144. How to play the environ-  St, W1. 01-734 7984. Philip Sutton to   Whitworth Park, Manchester M15 6ER.
     loth Century European and American   ment game 12 April-24 June.   18 April.                  061-273 1880. Bridget Riley 12 April-9
     artists.                       Heals, 196 Tottenham Ct Rd, WI.   Royal Academy, Piccadilly, W1. or-  May.
     Angela Flowers, 3 & 4 Portland Mews,  01-636 1666. Brenda King, Bert Isaac,   734 9052. Mellon Collection of English   Newcastle: Laing Art Gallery, Stag-
     D'Arblay St, WI. 01-734 0240. Ray  Padraig Macmiadhachain 13-30 April.   paintings & drawings (1550-1850) to  ing the Romans 31 March-22 April.
     Johnson 10 April-10 May. His first one-  ICA,  Nash House, The Mall, SW1.   April 3o.
     man show in the U.K. comprises 17 new   01-839  5344.   Ian Breakwell, Kevin                  Nottingham: Midland Group Gal-
     `potato masher' collages.                                      Royal College  of Art,  Kensington   lery, Nottingham 42984. Cyril Fraden
                                    Coyne, Niezvestny & children's   Gore, SW7. 01-584 5020. Guilio Paolini.   to 7 April. New faces in ceramics  14
     Annely Juda, 1I Tottenham Mews,  paintings from Belfast 5-29 April.   April. Paolini, who presents a 'meta-  April-5 May.
     London WIP 9PJ. 01-580 7593. Alan                              physical work' involving performance
     Green to 7 April. Amikam Toren 1I   Jack Wendler, 164 North Gower St,   and entitled `Apoteosi di Omero',   Nottingham: Victoria St Gallery,
     April-5 May.                   NWI. 01-387 7163. Douglas Huebler                              Kenneth Armitage 21 April-13 May.
                                    opening 1st week of April, throughout   participated in Documenta 5, and in the
     Archer, 23 Grafton St, W1. 01-493   month.                     past few months has shown in Milan,   Oxford: Museum of Modern Art
     263o. Thomas Concepcion to 13 April.                           Turin, Rome, and with Sonnabend  3o Pembroke St (Oxford 57522). Dan-
     Ippolyte Daye 17 April-4 May.   John Whibley, 22 Cork St, WI. 01-734   (New York).            iel Buren & John Stezaker 31 March-15
                                    7840. Mona Killpack & Catharni Stern
     Belgravia Art Gallery, 6 William St,   3-19 April.             Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gar-  April. Sol LeWitt 28 April-27 May.
     SW1. 01-235 1936. Yaakov Boussidan                             dens, W2. 01-402 6075. Super Realism   Sheffield: Graves Art Gallery,
     10 to 25 April. Galleri Grafikhuset in  Lefevre, 3o Bruton St, W1X 8JD.  4 April-6 May.       Surrey St, Sheffield i. (Sheffield 734781).
     London (Exchange exhibition with  01-629 2250. Wassily Kandinsky  12                          Matisse Lithographs to 15 April. Ob-
     Stockholm Gallery) 27 April-13 May.   April-23 May.            Tate,  Millbank, SW1. 01-828  1212.   jects & documents 21 April-2 June.
                                                                    Robyn Denny & Friends of the Tate
     Brian Koetser, 38 Duke St, SW1.  Leicester, 22a Cork St, W1. 01-437  to 23 April. Edward Burra & cartoons   Southend: Beecroft Art Gallery,
     01-93o 6309. Annette Bouder 3-21 April.   8995. Guy Beggs April/May.   of modern art 23 April-8 July.   Two views 25 March-23 April.

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