Page 69 - Studio International - April 1973
P. 69

Art information

         News and notes                            says, 'usefulness is always sacrificed. The spaces   instance passes at either '0' or 'A' level in
                                                   of an edifice must, like a motor, give the   particular subjects, may be adopted for
                                                   maximum return. For symmetry, however, light   individual courses at individual colleges.
                                                   and space are conceded to areas with no need   3. Entrants to the Dip AD three-year courses
                                                   for them, while others, most necessary to   should generally have completed a Foundation
                                                   modern life, are deprived of them'. 'The facade   course of one year.
                                                   of a house', he says elsewhere, 'must descend,   4. Students may enter a three-year Dip AD
                                                   rise, undo, enter or protrude according to the   course directly from the sixth form provided
        Newly discovered Boccioni manifesto        power of the requirements of the rooms which   that the admitting college and the NCDAD are
         Further evidence of the internal contradictions   compose it. It is the exterior that the architect   satisfied in each case of the student's
         of Futurism, between the various strands   must sacrifice to the interior as in painting and   competence to undertake the work on an equal
         ill-woven into its ideology and between the   sculpture. And since the exterior has always been   footing with the students from Foundation
        personalities gathered around Marinetti, has   a traditional exterior, the new exterior resulting   courses.
        been offered us by Zena Birolli who has    from the triumph of the interior will create   5. Exemption from the minimum
        discovered amongst the Boccioni papers a   ineluctably the new architectural line.   requirements is permissible in cases of students
         hitherto unknown and unsuspected draft for   'We have said that in painting we want to place   of marked creative promise.
        a manifesto upon architecture. It had always   the spectator in the centre of the picture,   Effectiveness of the present arrangements
        seemed something of a mystery that Boccioni's   making him, that is, a centre of emotion rather   These arrangements have worked exceptionally
        ideas of 'plastic dynamism' should not have   than simple spectator. So too, the architectural   well since the introduction of Dip AD courses in
        found an expression in some sort of declaration   environment of the city is transformed in a   1963.
        about architecture. Moreover, for many years   sense of surrounding. We live in a spiral of   i. They make possible a very wide application
        there had been some speculation about the   architectonic forces'.                   from a variety of backgrounds - very valuable
        divergences between Sant' Elia's original    In these quotations Zevi sees an anticipation   from an educational point of view.
         Messaggio and the Manifesto, edited by    of Dutch Neo-plasticism in its ideas of the   2. The very considerable number of applicants
        Marinetti, culminating in Bruno Zevi's     elevation, and of Tatlin in the spiral wrap-  who can only satisfy the existing minimum
        discussion of the essay of Giovanni Bernasconi,   around of urban environment, and in the   academic requirements but who have special
        as Bruno Zevi has hastened to tell us in his   following passage an intimation of the   visual and aesthetic sensitivity are able to
        column of L'Espresso of 11 February.       'megastructure' : 'Until yesterday construction   proceed with the development of their
          Though Birolli is at pains in his critical notes   developed in a panoramic sense of succession.   particular talents.
         to stress the agreement between Boccioni's and   One house followed another, and one street   3. If specific requirements such as '0' and 'A'
        Sant' Elia's ideas, and this is more or less what   another. Today we begin to have around us an   level passes in particular subjects are considered
        Marinetti did in his editing of Sant' Elia's   architectural environment that develops in all   desirable they can be adopted for individual
        text, and in his decision not to publish Boccioni's,   directions . . . Life will cut through the secular   courses.
        Zevi is more properly concerned with the   horizontal line of the earth's surface . . . The   4.  Students who enter Foundation courses
        differences. Boccioni was always in some sense   future prepares for us a sky unlimited for   prior to Dip AD have the benefit of working for
        or other a figure apart. He remained more or less   architectural structures'. q     a year in a diagnostic situation, in an Art and
        'marxist' for one thing. He was the one really                                       Design environment, and, to quote from the
        great talent at a European level for another.                                        Joint Report, 'receive educational and
          The points in common are the obvious     Statement by the Academic Board of The    vocational guidance on the basis of performance
        rhetorical attacks upon academics and hacks -  Polytechnic, Wolverhampton, on the    and developing interests'.
        architecture then as now was dominated by both-  proposal by the National Council for Diplomas   The effects of the latest proposals
        upon the reverence for the past and for a false   in Art and Design to change the entry   It is now proposed to introduce a minimum
        tradition, and the affirmations of the need for   arrangements for Diploma in Art and Design   entry requirement of two 'A' level GCE passes
        total renewal and the ecstatic eulogy of industrial   courses:                       for entry to Dip AD courses.
        products. But much of this, except for its wild   The Academic Board is very concerned over the   The main adverse effects of this proposal if
        declamatory form, was not even peculiar to the   proposal by the National Council for Diplomas   implemented would be felt in the three
        futurists, and some of it was already under way   in Art and Design whereby two 'A' level passes   following ways:
        in the projects if not the actual practice of the   in GCE would be required as part of the   .  Applicants
        pioneer architects of this century.        qualification necessary for entry to Diploma in   The number and range of applicants would be
          An immediate difference, as Zevi notes, is this   Art and Design courses.          restricted by excluding nearly all those who
        passage from Boccioni's draft; 'The architect   The present arrangement              could not fully satisfy the new requirements.
        needs must throw everything over and forget to   These were set out in the First Report of the   One of the greatest educational benefits
        be an architect. He must turn to a new basis,   National Advisory Council for Art Education in   resulting from the introduction of Dip AD
        other than the archaism of the Egyptians or the   196o and were again recommended in the recent   where application for entry is on a national basis,
        primitivism of peasants, the architectonics   joint Report by the National Advisory Council   is the wide variety of students' background -
        imposed upon us as pure necessity by the   for Art Education and the National Council for   educational, social and geographical. Any
        conditions of life created by science. The great   Diplomas in Art and Design on the Structure of   restriction on the application would only serve
        popular housing blocks with their nudity and   Art and Design Education.             to reduce the richness of the total educational
        their simple decoration of white-solid and   The conditions are summarized in the Report as:   experience.
        void-black are much nearer reality than the villa   1. The minimum age of entry is 18 years.   2.  Exceptional entry
        or the palace ... In this there is some breath   2.  The normal minimum academic     To increase the percentage of applications for
        of Boccioni's socialism with its recognition of the   requirements are five GCE passes at '0' level (or   'exceptional entry'.
        emotive values of working class quarters.   an approved equivalent) but specific     An 'exceptional entry' does not qualify for a
          Boccioni attacks symmetry, 'For which', he   requirements for other qualifications, for   mandatory award. As an increase in this kind of
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