Page 70 - Studio International - April 1973
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Art information

     application would be an inevitable result of the   The Institution is a series of unscripted,   from the archives: Kitaj/Paolozzi till May;
     new proposal, more students would be in the   improvised dialogues, of indeterminate length,   photographs by Paul Nash, May-July;
     unpleasant position of having to apply for   concerned with institutions.            Gainsborough, June-September; Sol Le
     discretionary grants. Furthermore, the     Kevin Coyne is the Narrator who by        Witt/Bridget Riley, Oct.-Nov., and George
     implication of exceptional entry may well infer   improvised speech and action attempts a   Wade, Dec.-Jan. 1974.
     in the minds of some of the reticent students   personal impression of the Institution, based on
     inferiority and deter them from applying.   his experience during three years living and   The Arnolfini Gallery is moving into a
     3.  Foundation courses                     working in the notorious Whittingham      converted dock transit shed near the centre of
     A possible result of the proposed change could   Hospital, Lancashire.               Bristol, and will open their new premises with
     be the disappearance of Foundation courses   Ian Breakwell is the Secretary, seated at a   a show by Peter Dockley starting on May 2.
     which would result in serious damage being   desk surrounded by books, files, telephone,   The new gallery will include a cinema,
     done to Art and Design education. Support is   tape-recorder.                        scheduled to be open 6 nights a weeek and at
     given to the view expressed in the Joint Report   The performance develops into a dialogue   lunchtime. In the evening there will be
     that a total of four years in an Art and Design   between the Narrator, The Secretary, and the   double-features probably from 8.15. It is hoped
     college will remain for most students necessary   tape-recorder. Place: Institute of Contemporary   that a lot of these bills will be split between a
     in order to maintain the high standard looked for   Arts, The Mall, London, SW1. Location: the   commercial film and a TV feature. Short films
     in the Dip AD. The Foundation year allows   restaurant area.                         will be shown at midday. New address :
     students to clarify for themselves the area of   Dates : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,   Arnolfini Gallery, W Shed, Cannons Road,
     study most appropriate to their interests and   April 16-18; April 23-25. Time: 6 p.m.   Bristol 1. The Gallery will be open Mon.-Sat.,
     abilities, in a total Art and Design environment.   A supplementary exhibition concerned with   11 am-8 pm.
       Furthermore this year's experience forms a   The Institution, compiled by Ian Breakwell,
     valuable link between secondary and higher   will run throughout April 5-29, in the   `New Contemporaries': There are plans to
     education, and ensures that specialization occurs   concourse leading to the restaurant area; the   evive exhibitions along the lines of the former
     only when students have knowledge of and   exhibition will consist of photographs, notes and   London Young Contemporaries. Provisionally
     experience in the whole field of Art and Design   other documentation, and tape-recordings.   titled 'New Contemporaries', an exhibition has
     supported by professional guidance and advice                                        been scheduled for January next year at the
     rarely possible elsewhere.                 FAJ: The next issue of The Feminist Art   Camden Arts Centre.
       The disappearance of a Foundation course   Journal will contain an article covering the
     would mean that Art and Design courses would   activities of women artists throughout the USA.   The Festival Gallery, Bath, will continue
     be reduced from four years to three years, and   The current issue carries an article on, and a   after the festival period, holding four or five
     that students would be forced to choose areas of   long interview with, Eva Hesse. Unsolicited   exhibitions per year. The first show will be of
     specialization during the secondary education   articles are welcome (women only) if sent to the   work by Ralph Brown RA, Terry Frost and
     period without sufficient experience and   Editorial Department at the following address :   Ann Christopher, May 23—June I5. Daily 10—1,
     knowledge of the full Art and Design situation.   The Feminist Art Journal, 4I Montgomery   2-5, Sun 2-6. Closed June 4.
     The loss of the diagnostic Foundation course   Place, Brooklyn, NY 11215. FAJ is quarterly   Address: Festival Gallery, Linley House,
     could result in the inappropriate choice of   and costs $3.00 & $5.00 (for institutions) pa.   Pierrpont Place, Bath.
     specialization in the Diploma course and
     subsequent loss of time spent in readjustment   MOMA and Whitney annual reports: The   Mark Rothko Memorial Trust, instigated by
     or even withdrawal from a course altogether.   revenue received from admissions to the   Bryan Robertson, intends to provide funds each
     Comparison of present arrangements and the   Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1972   year to enable a young British artist to make a
     proposed new arrangements                  was $738,700 (admission charge $1.75). At the   short visit to the USA and, on occasion, vice
     The experience gained over the period from   Whitney Museum, New York, it was $297,450   versa. Twelve well-known British artists have
     1963 leads to the firm conclusion that no   (admission charge $1.00). Profits from   contributed to a special portfolio of prints which
     significant relationship exists between academic   publications: MOMA $I17,000; Whitney   will be on view at the US Embassy, Grosvenor
     attainments in the sense of '0' and 'A' level   $53,537. Overall deficits of $1,065,800 at   Square, May 7-I9. The portfolio will be in an
     passes and achievement in Art and Design.   MOMA and $300,254 at the Whitney were paid   edition of 75, price £750. All proceeds will go
     Analysis of the Diploma awards in this Faculty   out of Endowment and General Funds.   to the Trust. Portfolio enquiries : Anthony
     over the last two years clearly confirms this   The Whitney is opening a branch museum in   Mathews, 18 Endell Street, London WC2, tel.
     conclusion as do similar analyses carried out by   part of the New Uris Building, 55 Water St,   0I-836 09I2. Mark Rothko Memorial Trust:
     other establishments, for instance, the Royal   New York. Admission free.            Carole Hubbard, Hon. Sec. M.R.M.T.,
     College of Art, Kingston on Thames College of                                        Chilcombe, Bridport, Dorset.
     Art, Camberwell School of Art and others.   Exhibitions: The Victoria and Albert Museum
       Although 'A' level attainment is certainly not   are opening a gallery (Room 5o West) devoted   Editions Alecto Collectors Club, directed
     a disadvantage for Art and Design students, and   to sculpture in England between 1600 and 1850.   by Joseph Studholme and edited by Charles
     indeed in some areas of study it could be of   New acquisitions will also be on show   Spencer, has issued its first newsletter.
     advantage, e.g. Industrial Design and      collectively till June. One of the items is the   Subscription to the Club costs £I20.00 or
     Mathematics, to suggest that 'A' level     collection of 40 Beardsley drawings formed by   $3oo.00. For further information please contact
     attainment is an advantage to all Art and   the late Ralph Harari. In July the Arts Council   E.A.C.C., 27 Kelso Place, London W8 5QG.
     Design students is demonstrably untrue.    is presenting an exhibition (July-Sept.) at the
       It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that   Banqueting House, Whitehall, to celebrate the   The Push Pin Gallery, 6 Byard Lane,
     the new proposal is being made not for     400th anniversary of the birth of Inigo Jones.   Nottingham, opened in November with an
     educational reasons but for reasons of economy   In the Archive Gallery at the Tate (the passage   exhibition of photographs by Sam Haskin.
     and administrative academic tidyness, and as   outside the restaurant) there is a series of   The current show is 'Neon'. Only open
     such is considered unacceptable.           exhibitions under way of prints/photographs    Fridays and Saturdays, 10-6 pm.
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