Page 33 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 33
the exception of Vasarely, no artist working Contemporary Art in Belgrade gave a prize, (Top left)
with precise or geometrical forms has been stood out from the rest of the British entry. Of Kosuke Kimura
Present Situation 24-A 1972
chosen. This year this deficiency was made good the Yugoslays, apart from those already
when the Yugoslav, Miroslav Sutej, was mentioned, the most outstanding were (Top right)
Robert Rauschenberg
awarded the grand prix. But, though Sutej is a Velickovic, a superb draughtsman with a savage One of the Tampa series 1972
first-rate artist and he presented one work imagination, some of the colour compositions
which produces the most excellent optical of Jemec and the curious antiquarian drawing of (Bottom left)
colour mixture, that work alone did not justify Borcic. William Tillyer
Montant 1972
his selection on the grounds of merit (the For the rest, one can single out the abstract
criterion used in the case of Tapies) and he is compositions of Getulio Alviani (Seriographics, (Bottom right)
Bogdan Borcic
not as advanced as Velickovic or even Selin, Xylos, 1954), the optical-kinetic work of Cette fois-ci bien plus sur
Borcic. Generally, however, the juries of Biasi, and the photographic studies by Winner le coquillage II 1972
Ljubljana have been sound and have given us a of London's dockland. But to do justice to so
good picture of the development of graphics many works of high quality, crowded together,
over the last two decades. is impossible.
This year the United States entry was The success of the Ljubljana graphics biennale
lamentable (with a few exceptions, such as may be its undoing. One solution is to limit the
Kitaj) and the British entry compared very number of entries; another is to increase the
unfavourably with the Yugoslav entry on the hanging space. Given that quality does not
other side of the room. deteriorate too disastrously, the obvious
The serial compositions of William answer is to increase space. q
Tillyer, however, to whom the Museum of CYRIL BARRETT