Page 36 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 36
moot (Tel. 212 564 8677). Fine-art David Tunick Blumenweg 12. Publisher and dealer 924 0395). European representative
screen printers for publishers, 411 West End Avenue, New York, in graphics by Beuys, Brus, Filliou, for Nabis Fine Arts Inc., New York.
galleries, museums, artists. NY 10024 (Tel. 212 799 5228). Knizak, Rainer, Vautier, etc. Publishers of graphics by Abram,
Specializing in limited editions of Dealer in old master and modern Edition René Block Calder, Lichtenstein, Portal,
serigraphs. prints, by appointment only. Berlin 15, Schaperstrasse I I (Tel. 211 Vasarely, Wewerka, Wunderlich, etc.
Circle Press Catalogues issued every autumn, on 31 45). Publisher of graphics by Editions des Massons S.A.
22 Sydney Road, Guildford, Surrey request. Hödicke, Hutchinson, Köpcke, 17 Chemin des Fleurettes, 1001
(Tel. 0483 63952). Publisher and Desmond Page Polke, Richter, Vostell. Lausanne, Switzerland (Tel. 27 31
printer of limited edition books both 32 Campden Grove, London W8 4JQ Edition Staeck 61). Publishers of limited original
first editions and classic texts. Recent (Tel. 01-937 0804). A large collection D-69 Heidelberg Postfach 471, editions of contemporary art books in
publications include 'Landscapes and of graphics by Richard Hamilton and Ingrimstrasse 3 (Tel. 06221 24753). particular on the American avant
Figures' by Norman Ackroyd with 8 David Hockney, including Hockney's Publishers of graphics by Beuys, garde. Most recent publication : Two
etchings, illustrating poems by portraits of Celia Birtwell and the Dias, Page, Vautier, Böhmler, Roth, Women 1973 by de Kooning,
William Mclwanney, edition 125, £60; Weather series recently published in Vostell. lithograph.
`King Lear' Shakespeare's play Los Angeles by Gemini. In stock work Editionen der Galerie Editions Press
illustrated with 8 etchings by by Abrahams, Blake, Caulfield, 621 Minna Street, San Francisco,
Christopher Kent, edition 50, £39; Davis, Denny, Johns, Jones, Heiner Friedrich California 94103 (Tel. 415 626 1846).
`Zen Gardens', prints and etchings by Neiland, Tillyer, John Walker. 8 München 22, Maximilianstrasse 15 Publishers and hand-printers of
Birgit Skiold, text by James Kirkup, Dieter Brusberg (Tel. 089/29 50 21). Publishers of original lithographs. One of the few
edition of 75 in English at £75, graphics by gallery artists. Recent lithographic presses worked entirely
edition of 25 in Japanese at £100. D-3000 Hannover, Uhlemeyerstrasse editions : three portfolios containing by hand. Recent publication : The
21 (Tel. 0511 32 66 23). Publishers of
Cirrus Editions Ltd graphics by Böckmann, Berges, Jager, photographs which are the first Mexican Masters Suite, with two
708 North Manhattan Place, Los Leissler, Lausen, Peter Paul, del reproductions from the originals by lithographs each by Jose Lusi Cuevas,
Angeles, California 90038 (Tel 213 462 Pezzo, Sugai, etc. Das Wartezimmer Moholy-Nagy, done by the David Alfaro Siqueiros, Rugino
1157). Printers and publishers of fine- der Wirklichkeit 1972, by Bengt Hochschule für Fotografie in Tamayo and Francisco Zuniga.
art prints by California artists such as Böckmann, edition 125, DM 300; Munich, each work signed by Mrs Currently publishing a suite of five
Ed Ruscha, Bruce Nauman, Joe Reise nach Agypten 1973, by Hattula Hug-Moholy-Nagy, each lithographs by Chang Dai Chien.
Goode, etc. Recently published Bernhard Jager, colour litho, edition portfolio bears an imprint with dates Editions de la Tortue
graphics include a set of 30, DM 300. and details of the original works. Also 56 rue Madame, 75006 Paris (Tel. 548
lithographs by Ed Moses, a screen DM Gallery editions by Knoebel, Baselitz, 38 25). Publishers and distributors of
print by Craig Kauffman, three Palermo. graphics by both internationally
lithographs by Tom Holland. 72 Fulham Road, London SW3 6HH Editions Alecto known and new artists : Abram, Bill,
(Tel. 01-589 7981). Gallery with a
Galeria Colibri changing stock of prints, graphics, 27 Kelso Place, London W8 5QG Carmi, Dugain, Pagava, Pearlstein,
Apartado 1734, San Juan, Puerto Rico multiples. It specializes in the (Tel. 01-937 6610. Publishers of Sovak, etc. They specialize in
00903 (Tel. 724 2840). Gallery Realist movements and holds varying graphics. Current publications include publishing very large engravings and
dealing in old and modern graphics. monthly exhibitions. December State of Change 1973 by David etchings (6o x 4o ins.), also silkscreens.
Publishers of graphics by Latin exhibition prints by Patrick Leverett, lithograph, edition 75; They publish 80-100 prints a year,
American artists. Caulfield. City under Siege by Achilles Droungas with editions usually below 50, and
Compendium Galleries Galerie Dorothea Leonhart 1973, etching/aquatint, edition 75; distribution is world wide. Recent
Shisen-do 1973 by Birgit Skiold,
2a Salisbury Road, Moseley, 8 Munchen, 22 Maximilianstrasse to embossed etching, edition 30; publications include Carre Rebelle
Birmingham B13 8JS (Tel. 021 449 (Tel. 22 3030). Publisher and gallery London Bridge 1973 by Patrick 1973 by Carmi; Nude by Pearlstein,
0284). Gallery dealing in graphics by dealing in graphics. Recently Procktor, etching/aquatint. edition 50; Malaise by C. Fossier,
Heinke Jenkins, Gordon Senior, Sam published : Das Landregen by Andre Editions Alecto Collector's original aquatint on one plate, edition
Williams, etc. Thomkins. 15.
Connoisseur's Gallery Club Edizioni del Cavallino
Embarcadero Centre, San Ebenezer Press 27 Kelso Place, London W8 5QG. 30124 Venezia, San Marco 1725, Italy
Francisco, California 94111 (Tel. 415 Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone, (Tel. o1-937 6611). A limited (Tel. 041 20528). Publishers of
989 6189). Old and modern master Kent (Tel. Maidstone 43938). Printer membership club. All members graphics by Saetti, Vasarely, Antes,
original prints. Specializing in and publisher of work by Graham receive two prints and two multiples Bill, etc. Recent publications include
Picasso and 19th-century Japanese Clarke. Limited edition books and during the course of the year. The a silkscreen by Max Bill and Cahier de
woodcuts. prints, small gallery, view by appoint- most recent prints include Man with Poche by Horst Antes.
Dog 1973 by Harald Becker, Untitled
Court Gallery ment only. 1973 by Igino Legnaghi, Dusk 1973 Edizioni Jabik Multipli
østergade 24, Copenhagen K. Ediciones Poligrafa S.A. by Norman Stevens, Mormurao 1973 Via Borgogna 2, Milano (Tel.
Publishers of graphics by Cobra Balmes 54, Barcelona 7. Gallery by Birgit Skiold. 795297). A publisher of multiples and
artists Balle, Rodskens, Brands, etc. dealing in graphics by Reyes, Joan Editions Denise Rene graphics, with a gallery and an
information centre. They specialize
Crossley Gallery Ponc, Luis Feito, Rufino Tamayo. 6 West 57 Street, New York, NY in large editions of 500-2100; their
2-3 Crossley Street, Melbourne, Edition Domberger 10019. Publishers of graphics by aim is to produce low priced multiples
Australia (Tel. 662 1271). Dealers 7026 Bonlanden bei Stuttgart (Tel. Vasarely, Herbin, Soto, Le Parc, etc. and graphics. Work by Arico,
exclusively in graphics, including 0711 771077). In America, Prints on Recent publications include Axo Rotella, Pasotti, Chiari, Pozzati, etc.
work produced by their print Prince St., 99 Prince Street, New York, and Axo Pal 1973 by Vasarely, Edizioni 0
workshop. NY 10012. Publishers of graphics. silkscreens, edition 250; Unite and
Crossley Print Workshop Edition Empreinte Tete 1973, silkscreens by Herbin, 20121 Milano, Via Manin 13 (Tel. 666
283). Publishers of graphics. Recent
2-3 Crossley Street, Melbourne, 157 Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris 6 edition size 150 and 100. Also at 196 publications include three portfolios
Australia (Tel. 662 1271). Printers of (Tel. 548 0014). Lithographs and Blvd. Saint Germain, Paris 7. of photographs of work by Moholy-
lithographs, etchings, silkscreens, original etchings by Antonini, Editions du Dragon Nagy, published in conjunction with
including The Aquarium by John Assadour, Ado, Ballif, Bayrle, Cesar, 18 rue du Dragon, Paris 6 (Tel. 548 Heiner Friedrich of Munich. Always
Olsen, 1973, colour litho, published Walker, etc. London agent Mirelle 5550). Publishers of lithographs and available are prints by Albers, Boshier,
by Rudy Komon Gallery, Sydney; Fine Art, 53 South Molton Street, etchings by Matta, Cremonini, del Pezzo, Donaldson, Goode, Ruscha,
Albert Tucker by John Olsen, 1973, London WI (Tel. 01-629 5685). Velickovic, Fahlstrom, Rosofsky, etc.
black and white litho, published by Editions Gilles Gheerbrant Petlin, Zanartu. Also distributors of
Rudy Komon. American contemporary prints. Eurographics
2130 Crescent, Montreal 107.
Curwen Gallery Publisher of graphics by Palumbo, Editions Graphiques Gallery 729 Spruce Street, Berkeley,
x Colville Place, Charlotte Street, Knowlton, Nake, Nees, Kawano, etc. 3 Clifford Street, London WI (Tel. California 94707 (Tel. 415 525 9089).
London WIP IHN (Tel. 01-472 01-734 3944). The gallery has a Specialists in major European
1466). Gallery showing limited Edition Hoffman permanent stock of over 2000 original graphics, old masters and modern.
editions produced by Curwen Studio. 6 Frankfurt, Untermainkai 30 (Tel. graphics dating from 1880 to the Galerie Eva Callejo
The publishing programme includes 61, 25 28 88). Graphics publisher, present, with a collection of Art 13 Avenue Bertrand, 1206 Geneva
two major groups of work a year. distributor and printer, specializing in Nouveau and Art Deco artists. Recent (Tel. 46 29 71). Publisher and gallery
the documentation of concrete, dealing in graphics.
constructive and systematic art. exhibitions have included Nigel
Lambourne, Frank Martin, Francis
Galerie Daniel Gervis Edition Howeg Kelly, Hans Bellmer, Felicien Rops, Fischer Fine Art Ltd
34 rue du Bac, 75007 Paris (Tel. 548 CH 834o, Hinwil/ZH, Switzerland Helleu, Steinlen, Van Dongen, Vertes 3o King Street, St James, London
20 59). Publisher of original (Tel. 051/78 16 27). Gallery dealing and Foujita. The gallery also publishes SW, (Tel. 01-839 3942). Graphics by
lithographs and etchings by Toledo, in graphics. about a dozen new graphics every year. Alex Colville, Henry Moore, Arthur
Sonderborg, Mansouroff, Blomstedt, Edition Hundertmark Editions Lahumiere Boyd, The Zebra Group, Ceri
Venot, Eterovic. D-1 Berlin-42, Kolonie Kleeblatt, 88 Blvd de Courcelles, Paris 17 (Tel. Richards, Karl Korab, Christo, etc.