Page 31 - Studio International - February 1973
P. 31

solitude and independence for a free mind.   We die                                 We seem to be winning and losing, but in reality there
        Nothing that happens in your life makes inspiration   We can see the process and recognize suffering as the             is no
        When your eyes are open                                                    defeat of   losing
        You see beauty in anything                ego by the process of destiny             the wiggle of a worm as important as the assassination
        Blake's right about there's no difference between the   We can relinquish pride, conquest, remorse and           of a president
                                      whole thing                                 resolution   I want to talk to you about 'The work', art work
        and one thing                             inevitably as destiny unfolds             I will speak of inspiration, the studio viewing art work,
        freedom from suffering                    cradled on the mountain I can rest                                          friends
        suffering is necessary for freedom from suffering   Solitude and freedom are the same   of art and artists' temperament.
        first you have to find out about what you're suffering   under every fallen leaf.   But your interest and mind is really 'the work' —
                                           from.   Others do not really exist in solitude. I do not exist                  works of art
        My painting is about impotence            not thinking of others when they are there; no   Art work is very important in the way that I will try to
        We are ineffectual by ourselves                                         interruption   show when I speak about inspiration.
        In a big picture a blade of grass amounts to not very   a mystic and a solitary person are the same   I have sometimes put myself ahead of my work in my
                                          much    night, shelterless, wandering                                             mind and
        worries fall off you when you can believe that   I, like the deer, looked           have suffered in consequence.
        pride is in abeyance when you think that.   finding less and less                   I thought me, me; and I suffered
        One thing I've got a good grip on is remorse   living is grazing                    I thought I was important. I was taught to think that.
        The whole wave                            memory is chewing cud                                                        I was
        It applies to life the wave               wandering away from everything            taught 'You are important; people are important
        As it was in the beginning, to where there was no   giving up everything                                   beyond anything else.'
                                         division   not me anymore, any of it               But thinking that I suffered very much
        and no separation                         retired ego, wandering                    I thought that I was big and 'the work' was small. It is
        don't look at the stars. Then your mind goes freely —   on the mountain; nor more                                        not
                                        way, way   conquests; no longer an enemy to anyone   possible to go on that way (to think I am big is the
        beyond                                    ego retired, wandering                                                   work is big)
        look between the rain                     no longer a friend, master, slave; all the opposites   the position of pride is not possible either
        the drops are insular                                                       dead to   and to think I am small and the work is small, the
        try to remember before you were born      the world and himself unresponsible                                      position of
        this conqueror will fight with you        perhaps I can now really enjoy sailing    modesty, is not possible.
        If there's no one else around.            adventure in the dark                     I will go on to inspiration and perhaps you will see
        I am constantly tempted to think that I can help save   very exciting                                                 what is
                                          myself   beast seems to be stretched out dead.    possible.
        by looking into my mind I can see what's there   He is very mild.                   As I describe inspiration I do not want you to think
        by bringing thoughts to the surface of my mind I can   I will not be seeking adventure but it might happen I            I am
                                          watch                                    suppose   speaking of religion.
        them dissolve                             Inspired action is destiny                What takes us by surprise is moments of happiness.
        I can see my ego and see its intentions   our feet are in the paths of righteousness                               Inspiration
        I can see that it is the same as all nature   the paths that our feet take are marked   which is different from daily care.
        I can see that it is myself and impotent   As the river runs to the sea             Many people as adults are so startled by inspiration
        like all nature; impotent in the process of dissolution   and the plant grows to the sun                             which is
        of ego, of itself. I can see that its main intention is the   So do we flow and grow and exist   different from daily care that they think they are
        conquest and destruction of ego, of self; and can only   ecstasy playing with Sylphides angels                        unique
                                         go back   As long as I look in my mind and see nothing at all   in having had it. Nothing could be further from the
        and forth in constant battle with itself, repeating itself.   The Sylphides have the beast captured and are            truth
        It would be an endless battle if it were all up to ego                 grooming him   Inspiration is there all the time
        because it does not destroy and is not destroyed by   very pleasant sun, that is what destiny is like   for everyone whose mind is not clouded over with
                                           itself   It is like grooming                                                      thoughts
        It is like a wave                         The idea — the sudden realization of the destruction of   whether they realize it or not
       it makes itself up; it rushes forward getting nowhere                   innocence by   Most people have no realization whatever of the
                                          really   ego.                                                                   moments in
        It crashes, withdraws and makes itself up again   In solitude there is consolation   which they are inspired.
       pulls itself together with pride           thinking of others and myself, even plants, I am
       towers with pride                                              immediately apprehensive   Inspiration is pervasive but not a power
       rushes forward into imaginary conquest     because my solitude has been interrupted   It's a peaceful thing
       crashes in frustration                     solitude, inspiration                     It is a consolation even to plants and animals
       withdraws with remorse and repentance      down pride mountain                       Do not think that it is unique
       pulls itself together with new resolution   I am nothing absolutely                  If it were unique no one would be able to respond to
       individually and collectively the same     There is this other thing going on                                        your work
       children trained in pride and patriotism   the purification of reality               Do not think it is reserved for a few or anything like
       towering in national spirit                that is all that is happening                                                 that
       charging in conquest                       all that happens is that process;         It is an untroubled mind.
       Victory and defeat and frustration         not nature; the dissolution of nature     Of course we know that an untroubled state of mind
       withdrawing and repentance                 the error is in thinking we have          cannot last so we say that Inspiration comes and goes
       then once more pride                       a part to play in the process             but really it is there all the time waiting for us to be
       the wheel of life                          As long as we think we are in resistance   untroubled again. We can therefore say that it is
       pride                                      I can see that I have nothing to do with the process                      pervasive.
       conquest                                   It is very pleasant                       Young children are more untroubled than adults and
       Victory defeat frustration                 The all of all, reality, mind                                                have
       remorse repentance                         the process of destiny                    many more inspirations. All the moments of
       resolution                                 like the ocean full to the brim                                          inspiration
       pride                                      like a dignified journey with no trouble and no goal on   added together make what we call sensibility. The
       More people at an earlier age see the conqueror in                           and on                                development
                                      themselves   Solitude                                 of sensibility is the most important thing for children
       then see the way out in another process, the real   other than nature                and adults but is much more possible in children. In
                                        defeat of   smiling                                 adults it would be more accurate to say that the
       ego in which have no part                  Everyone is chosen and everyone knows it                                 awakening
       The dissolution of ego in reality as it was in the   including animals and plants    to their sensibility is the most important thing. Some
                                       beginning   There is only the all of the all         parents put the development of social mores ahead of
       as it was before we were separate and insular   everything is that                   aesthetic development. Small children are taken to the
       the process we call destiny                every infinitesimal thought and action is part and   park for social play; sent to nursery school and
       in which we are the material to be dissolved                               parcel of   headstart. But the little child sitting alone, perhaps
       We eat                                     a wonderful victory                       even neglected and forgotten, is the one open to
       We procreate                               `freedom on the mountain a glimpse of victory'    inspiration and the development of sensibility. q

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