Page 35 - Studio International - January 1973
P. 35

The West London Social Resource Project

        The West London Social Resource Project set   social environment, and construct models of it   was the West London Re-Modelling Book. In
        up a framework or structure that enabled   as it existed. The West London Manual was   many ways this was similar to the Manual, being
        participants from selected social groups to   designed to make this possible, using techniques   made up of duplicate sheets with carbon paper,
        remodel their environment in a way they felt   similar to those used in social surveys such as   and using in part a questionnaire-type format.
        that they determined themselves, which also   questionnaires, though its object was quite   But its aim was fundamentally different in that it
        related to their individual and group needs, this   different. Instead of using a social survey format   set up the conditions for the development of
        being the goal of the project.            to give the organizers of the project data to feed   alternative social models.
          Participants in the West London Social   a hunch, as with most social scientists, it was   The Re-Modelling Book had a number of
        Resource Project came from four typical social   aimed at the participants gaining   component parts which were roughly as follows :
        groups in West London, the outcome of the   information/insight about themselves. The   the first part was concerned with the
        project being entirely determined by them. The   Manual had at the back of it a series of pages of   construction of social models, the next part with
        selection of participant areas was done by   visual cues selected from the project areas, these   feeding the participants with actual problems
        finding four geographical locations whose   being preceded by Information Sheets. The   about their social environment, which they
        inhabitants typified the four social groupings   Information Sheets were in duplicate with a   attempted to solve through model construction.
        integral to the project. The four participant   sheet of carbon paper to put between the pages   The next part of the Re-Modelling Book
        groups were geographically, economically,   supplied in the Manual, and were made up of   involved developing new models in order
        socially separate from each other, and saw   questions relating to the Visual Cue Sheets.   to relate their fantasy projections to the actual
        themselves as such, the models they had of each   All the visual cues used in the Manual were   state of the participants' social environment.
        other being tied down to their own social   drawn from the project areas in order to make   The last section, which was perhaps the most
        environment rule structure. The four areas   them more meaningful to the participants and   important, involved the production of social
        selected after reconnaissance trips in West   thus to motivate response. Though they were   models which they considered related to their
        London were as follows : Area one, Greenford   important they were really only a lead-in to the   own and other project areas, actual needs, etc.
        (Working Class Group); Area two, Osterley   Day Sheets. There were seven of these, one for   Taking the various models they had developed
        Park (Middle Class Group); Area three,    each day of the week, the participant being given   for the project areas, the participants finalized
        Hanwell (Lower Middle Class Group); Area   two tasks per day, these requiring more response   them into one model that related to the four
        four, Harrow (Upper Middle Class Group); the   than the visual cue sheets; the reproduced   social groups in the project. The duplicate
        project taking a few compact streets in each area.   copies of the Information and Day Sheets were   sheets were then collected from the
        In all eighty-five households took part in the   collected after they had the manual for three   Re-Modelling Book and displayed on the Public
        project.                                  weeks.                                    Register Boards in the same way as the results
          In order for the fabrication of the project to be   The participants retained their Manual,   from the Manual except that next to each board
        meaningful to the participant groups, and its   which showed how they, as individuals, had   was a ballot box.
        language and coding to be orientated,     responded; the collected sheets were displayed   The introduction of the ballot box was to
        understood and accepted with the minimum   on Public Register Boards. There were four   allow participants to decide on what they
        of conflict, there seemed two courses of   Public Register Boards, one for each project   considered the best displayed models to be, at
        action to adopt. These were either that they   area, and located in those areas. The collected   this point again having had their response
        learnt/acquired our language/coding and its   Information and Day Sheets from each project   registered in the retained Re-Modelling Book;
        frame of reference, or we adopted theirs, making   area were divided into four, and displayed on the   their response and that of the other groups
        use of their existing routines of behaviour, the   four Public Register Boards. The participants at   displayed on the boards. The Public Decision
        latter course being adopted as the course with   this point could see how they had responded   Slips were used to provide the final models
        the least inherent noise.                 to the questions in the Manual by their retained   which were collectively developed by
          A group of people were gathered together to   copy, how their project area group had   participants. They did this by filling in its two
        form the structure of the project, being   responded by the returns put on the Public   parts, the first of which was simply concerned
        specialists in disciplines necessary for its   Register Board under their area section, and   with their choice of model. The second
        operation, such as a photographer, sociologist,   how the other groups had responded by their   provided an opportunity to alter or comment on
        cybernetician, etc., and a team of girls called the   displayed returns.            it. The final models were determined as far as
        West London Super Girls. The participant—   A group of specialists who were working on   possible by a straight count of the Public
        gathering procedure used a door-to-door   the project analysed and synthesized all the   Decision Slip returns. These were published
        interview strategy, the interviewers (The West   returns displayed on the Public Register Boards.   together with comments from the panel of
        London Super Girls) cutting back on door-step   The results of this then went into the Rule Book,   experts, and sent to all the participants so that
        inhibition as far as possible by adopting the   which was made up of statistical returns from all   they could enter them into their Re-Modelling
        speech and body packaging of the different   the project areas, plus the results of the   Books. This reinforced the collectively
        social groups from the project areas.     specialists' synthesis on the significance of the   developed models.
          If the interviewees agreed to participate, they   results.                          It is speculation to say at this stage whether
        were given a leaflet explaining the project and a   Though individual participants had formed   relationships established between participants
        window poster. An especially important    their own synthesis from the Public Register   during the running of the project will endure
        function for the window poster was its use in   Board displays, the Rule Book provided them   when it has finished, but what can be predicted
        creating project identification, retaining   with additional criteria for the operation of the   is that it will alter considerably the social
        interest while other participants were being   next stages of the project, these being concerned   cognition of themselves and the other
        gathered.                                 with the re-modelling of their own and other   participant groups, perhaps causing actual
          In the initial stages the project was concerned   project areas' social environments in order to   restructuring of aspects of their social
        with setting up conditions for participants to   relate them to their actual needs, both social and   environment. q
        articulate their existing perceptions of their    physical. Central to the participants' remodelling    STEPHEN WILLATS

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