Page 41 - Studio International - January 1973
P. 41

Aspects of art education 3

       'See 'Semantics for Propositional Attitudes' from   `structure' allows.             experience on the first year of our DipAD
        op cit.                                    Rather than reverting to the standard practice   course, a compulsory course in biological
       'For an interpretation of 'metaphysical paradigm'
        see Margaret Masterman's paper 'The Nature of a   of identifying the core values of the system   genetics. Obviously in this case, and many
        Paradigm' from Criticism and the Growth of   within an historical context and attempting to   more, the view that 'non-studio activities'
        Knowledge (ed.) Lakatos & Musgrave. Popper's   rearrange these in the light of a polemical stance   should 'complement' the study of art has now
        terms such as 'normal' and 'crisis-ridden' may be
        ideological, yet ideology in the philosophy of science   on the nature of art education we propose to   gained general currency. To limit oneself
        can be given a strong and respectable dressing with   view the situation in a slightly different and we   here to a discussion of the nature of
        our conditions of sets. This respectability of ideology   believe more pertinent way, viz. that certain   `complementary' in this context would be
        enables us to treat such criticisms as 'an ordinary   values held at present within the system are
        scientist is badly trained' (Popper) as if we were                                 to miss the whole core of the art educational
        dealing with a particular epistemic context.   untenable and that it is these values that have to   argument. To gain a fuller picture of it we
         4Ryle, The Concept of Mind (Hutchinson) 1949.   be rearranged to reconcile educational practice to   must begin to examine the functioning of the
        See also C. V. Borvst (ed.) The Mind' Brain   even the most basic workable theory of Fine-Art
        Identity Theory, 1970.                                                              post-romantic expressionistic syndrome and its
       'This refers to Harrison's examples in his 'Educating   education.                  extensions that contradict and render untenable
        Artists', Studio International, May 1972.   Within the studio the paramount importance   the basic ethos, even within its own terms.
       'Important contributions to the branch of Modal
        Logic that's called Epistemic Logic are : Hintikka,   of the emotions in the 'creation' of art works is   What is of concern is that expressionistic
        op cit., and Knowledge and Belief (Cornell) 1962;   directly related to the emphasis laid on the   theorists (e.g. Tolstoy, Collingwood) have all
        Risto Hilpinen, Knowing that one knows and the   `self'1; that is to say implicit in this ideology is   maintained that the salient features of a work
        Classical Definition of Knowledge, Synthese (1970).
       "I shall argue that the intellectualist legend is false   the notion of art arising from the artist turning   of art, its defining characteristic, is that it is
        and that when we describe a performance as   into himself (away from social reality) and into   expressive of mental or emotional states; further,
        intelligent this does not entail the double operation   himself in a particular manner; the focus of art is   that the work offers up to the 'initiate' an
        of considering and executing.' Ryle p. 31.
       "The point being that Hobbes's model was overtly   the emotional self. It is not surprising that such   account of these expressive qualities. The fact
        sociopolitical and not psychological. (See 'Aspects   a thesis carries in its train a paradigm of the   that this implicit value system has developed
        of Authorities', K. Lole, P. Pilkington and   artist which is anti-rational, anti-ideational, if   alongside and/or within an increasingly
        D. Rushton, Art Language, Vol 2 No 1).   not anti-intellectual. The belief (act of faith)
       °A. N. Prior Objects of Thought (Oxford), 1971.                                     specialized, fragmented and esoteric attitude
       '°D. Rushton, 'On Asserting', Analytical Art, No 1.   that the exposure to techniques (the physicality   towards Fine Art only confirms the centrality of
       "What follows here is derived from Leo Apostel   of the media) will result in the production of art,   the individualistic, and privatist emphasis, on
        `Assertion Logic and Theory of Argumentation',   especially if the charismatic tutors' restrictive
        Philosophy and Rhetoric (1971). Assertion logic is                                 occasion under the misinterpreted and limited
        attributed to N. Rescher, Topics in Philosophical   code' imports and/or supports values   interpretation of professionalism.
        Logic (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1968). Argumentation   questionably available within the product, is   It has been maintained3   that this belief is an
        theory is attributed to Ch. Perelman Traité de   based on the belief that the mysteries of art will
        l'argumentation (Paris, Presses Universitaires de                                  untenable conception of the nature of art, as it
        France, 1958).                           be implanted in the individual by some form of   lacks reference to the importance, for want of a
       "Index at Hayward Gallery, London, August 1972,   osmosis, especially when the apparent success of   better word, of the medium, the fact that art is
        and Index at Documenta 5, Kassel, West Germany,   this process is actively supported by the
        July—October, 1972, Art Language, etc.                                             expressed in/through (in the widest sense) some
                                                 institution.                               medium or other. A work that is offered to us as
                                                   The DipAD has nurtured these ideologies.   a piece of art is not made simply by the process
                                                 The Coldstream Committee recognized the    of coming to awareness, but is something
                                                 difference between education and training,   worked by the artist within conventional
                                                 but they still thought that the artist should be   (literally convention governed) ways of doing
                                                 trained.                                  and acting. What is forgotten by all expressionist
                                                   This accounts for the excessively vocational   theorists is that art is a Lebensform and like other
                                                 nature of the Fine-Art course at present. As a   forms of life has conventions, rules, and ways of
                                                 tool to gain degree equivalence they saw fit to   going about things which separate it from other
                                                 tack education onto the new training kit as a   forms of life that human beings engage in. To
       Towards an                                peripheral activity, although, as Dick Field   make art in any of its manifestations is not
                                                 points out, they did seem also to have some   simply a case of having certain kinds of
       education in art                          genuine concern for 'broadening' the course.2    experiences, it is to engage in a practice, or
                                                 The word can mean many things, and it was   practices, which have a certain framework of
                                                 interpreted in the light of English 'liberal   concepts, modes of representation, systems of
                                                 education' resulting in the introduction of what   relevance, sets of procedures etc. tied to them.
       It is surely the responsibility of educators   is known as Complementary Studies. The   To engage in making art is to take these on as
       (tutors) in Fine-Art departments to know clearly   Committee's statement about these, intended to   structures for one's activity, and it is only within
       and articulate why it is that they determine the   be open, has proved itself disastrously vague,   such structures that one's activity constitutes
       structure of opportunities in particular ways, and   `Any non-studio activities, in addition to the   making art. Art educationalists must take the
       to have a system of evaluation that is available to   History of Art, which may strengthen or give   stance that the primary aim of art education is
       meaningful criticism. This article presents a   breadth to a student's training . . . . genuinely   not the production of artists (although this is a
       critique of the present system of Fine-Art   complementary to the main object: the study of   necessary element of any workable model) but
       education, in which we propose to itemize some   art'. Although this statement carries the   that it is an education, viz. that the student
       of the inherent contradictions within the present   implication that the studies 'relate' to the study   acquires a knowledge of the body of tradition,
       system, with a view to proposing certain   of art, this was not made explicit, although the   its concerns and the extension of the concept of
       properties that a structure should contain to be   word complementary implies it: lacking more   art, that is, he has at least to learn the rules of
      theoretically/practicably tenable, coherent and   precise guidance, colleges have picked up the   the activity before he can begin to make any
      explicit, while encompassing a more        words 'non-studio activities' and have    contribution to the body of knowledge that
      comprehensive range of values than the present    interpreted them to include, as in our particular    constitutes that particular activity.
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