Page 65 - Studio International - July August 1973
P. 65

configuration, the playful urge (evinced in   concerned about establishing an inventory ofthe   theories against a background of examples
           uninhibited scribblng or doodling), the   characteristics of schizophrenic art for   drawn fiom a wide range of sources — these
           decorative urge (desire to enrich one's   diagnostic purposes such as has more recently   two works constitute the great dual milestone
           surroundings through ornamentation), the   been drawn up by Helmut Rennert. Prinzhorn   on the modern road of inquiry into the
           ordering tendency (development of symmetry   rather seems to reject the utilitarian conception   disturbing and poignant art of the mentally
           and rhythm), the copying urge (mimetic    of what he is about, and in defining creativity as   ill.
           tendency), the need for symbols (intimation of   something foreign to social purpose, something   ROGER CARDINAL
           significance in forms), and so on.        almost metaphysical, he moves close to an
             The schema offers a basis on which Prinzhorn   aesthetic position, even gesturing towards
           can develop his notion of the processes of   criteria of value. Perfection in the work of art,   The thought of what America
           Gestaltung (shaping, configuration). Here, as   he tells us, is 'the highest degree of vitality given   Winslow Homer by John Wilmerding.
           James L. Foy points out in his useful     the most consummate expression'. At moments   Praeger. $3o.00.
           introduction to the English edition, Prinzhorn's   like this, Prinzhorn is revealed as the very   American Primitive Painting by Jean Lipman.
           approach is grounded in Gestalt psychology and   opposite of a dispassionate scientist inclined to   Dover and Constable. £2.00.
           in particular in the ideas of the art historian   scepticism; his is a vitalistic humanism that
           Conrad Fiedler, who anticipated the Gestaltists   instinctively rejects any mechanistic explanation   The thought of what America would be like
           in his contention that perception is essentially   of psychic processes. When he speaks of an   if the classics had a wide circulation troubles my
           an organizational process, a will-to-form that   `original configurative instinct intrinsic to all   sleep.
           finds its natural extension in the creative act.   men' and lets it be understood that the pictures   Winslow Homer, completely Yankee in both
           Prinzhorn also acknowledges a debt to the work   he is showing us cannot be dismissed as mere   senses, was born in utter Boston 24 February
           of the philosopher and psychologist Ludwig   scrawlings without significance for sane minds,   1836, and he died, so to speak, 29 September
           Klages, who had evolved a theory of expressive   we are bound to see him as an impressive   1910, a stone's throw in time, both at entrance
           gesture according to which direct expression of   precursor of more recent opponents ofthe   and exit, from the consummate American,
           psychic elements can be achieved at all levels   reactionary, segregationist view of insanity.   Mark Twain. Both artists considered as
           of activity, from blushing or moving a limb to   In his last section, Prinzhorn summarizes his   `quintessential Americans', begin to flourish
           drawing or writing. Klages had based his ideas   findings and, wisely, offers suggestions rather   about the Civil War, and both, on opposite
           on analysis of handwriting, though he had   than dogmatic conclusions. He points out the   sides, were changed by their experiences in that
           touched on drawing too. Prinzhorn takes up the   surprising coincidence of formal patterns —   funny struggle.
           enquiry by examining disordered scribblings   totemic stylizations of the human form in   Yet, on both sides of his family, Winslow
           done by mental patients that are barely more   particular — to be found in the art of the   Homer's forbears had been engaged in shipping,
           than the product of motor reflexes, and then   mentally ill, of children, of primitive peoples, of   trading or importing, the last of which was the
           progresses gradually to more deliberate and   folk artists, of mediumistic artists, and so on.   business of his father, Charles Savage Homer.
           more complex modes of configuration, such as   These correspondences are stressed by carefully   That was his own business, and New England's
           decorative designs and symbolic representations   chosen illustrations of comparative material,   long deep alliance with the sea was to inspire
           of external objects. A constant supply of   though the impact ofthis should not be allowed   the latter part of the painter's career. He spent,
           illustrations of items from the Collection   to swamp a measure of caution. For example,   we are told, a little while in Gotham (during his
           accompanies this impressive demonstration.   Brendel's carvings certainly do bear an uncanny   youth), travelled twice to experience in Europe,
             Prinzhorn tries a different tack in a long   resemblance to certain pieces produced by   and made regular trips to the Adirondack
           middle section that occupies almost half the   Polynesian artists: yet what does this   Mountains and to the Caribbean Isles.
           volume. Here he deals in detail with the work   resemblance really signify in respect of the   Nevertheless, Homer's strongest ties were to
           often creators whose work has obvious artistic   processes involved, given that the former is a   New England, and for the last three decades of
           interest. Summarizing the clinical case-history   European psychotic who worked in isolation   his life he hid in a place no one's heard of called
           of each, he goes on to discuss individual works   under the influence of personal desires and   Prout's Neck, Maine.
           in terms of their expressive form. Some of these   fantasies, while the latter work was carried out   Winslow Homer was a realist who fell
           have considerable power. It may be that the   according to strict rules dictated by a collective   between the last members of the Hudson River
           cryptic drawings and self-engrossed notations   sense of what is appropriate to a work of art and   School and, chronologically, of course, such
           of Heinrich Welz and August Klotz are too   what is not ? Formal correspondences may not   romantic cases as Albert Ryder, who painted
           secretive, *oo conceptual for average tastes   after all reflect a common intention or a common   with chairs and hot glass and fond old hearts.
           (though readers of Studio International may well   process (unless we are prepared to accept that   He, Homer, began as a lithographer's assistant
           respond to the suggestion that they are less   the analogy between the schizophrenic and the   at the age of nineteen. He held on to this until,
           interested in drawing than in elaborating   primitive mentality is more than just a   two years later, the boss kicked his ass out.
           systems), but the wooden carvings of Karl   metaphor).                              During these two years, however, he produced
           Brendel, with their aggressive sexuality, and   All in all, this is a remarkably stimulating   some fine examples of early Victorian
           the fantastic water-colours of Franz Pohl are   book which, fifty years on, still engages   philosophical art, such as a music-sheet cover
           undoubtedly works of potentially wide appeal.   admiration for its sensitive sounding of   entitled The Ratcatcher's Daughter; another
             Does Prinzhorn in fact consider these works   problems that remain very much open, despite   'dept Katy Darling, depicting a man clutching
           to be 'Art' ? Throughout his book he is careful   the excellent work done since the last war by   a gravestone, Katy's; and a pencil and
           to stick to neutral terms like Bildnerei, which   such specialists as Kris, Plokker, Bader and   watercolour work quaintly hicht Setting a
           literally means 'image-making', and in the   Navratil. What is now called for is an English   Squirrel Trap. Anyhow, the man kicked his
           German does not have the connotation of skill   version of that other classic early work on art   ass out, so he set up his own studio.
           of the English word 'artistry'. Prinzhorn clearly   and madness, Walter Morgenthaler's   This is not a biography of police and Winslow
           sought to be objective and impartial, and to   monograph on Adolf Wölfli, which appeared   Homer. The painter went to Paris, of course,
           maintain a phenomenological rather than an   under the title Ein Geisteskranker als Künstier   and copied the photographic effects of strong
           evaluative stance. But though he may attempt   (A Madman as Artist) in 1921, a year before   gargoyles at Notre Dame. Earlier, however, he
           to be clinical, he often appears to resist drawing   Prinzhorn's book. Taken in conjunction — the   made a trip, in the autumn (the fall) of 861,
           up the balanced conclusion that one should   one book moving from a specific case to posit   to the front of the Civil War. The front was at
           expect of a scientist. For instance, he is not very    general principles, the other developing general    this time nowhere at all, the Union soldiers all

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