Page 23 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 23

means, all one needs to do is to look at a few   Art education                      Comment No. 2
        films by Godard, Robbe-Grillet, Dwoskin,                                              . . children are children are children and
        Makavejev, even Douglas Sirk, Nicholas Ray   and immigrant                           rapidly integrate and adopt the culture of their
        and some films of John Ford.              children                                   environment. . . . art may be an important
          Together with Annette Michelson's                                                 "thing" in its own right; in school it must be
        introduction and the Brakhage-Frampton                                              subservient to the children.'
        interview, the issue of Artforum also contained                                       These seem to indicate strong assimilationist
        detailed descriptions of sequences of                                               views, with implications that all children in art
        Brakhage's films and discussions of some                                            classes should be treated entirely alike, whether
        aspects of Eisenstein's montage techniques.                                         Pakistani, English, or Chinese. Yet the value of
          One must, however, give Artforum credit for                                       attempting to produce hybrid Pakistani-
        printing a translation of Roland Barthes's essay                                    Englishmen or Chinese-Englishmen in schools
        on a few framestills of Eisenstein's films (first                                   seems ill-defined.
        published in Cahiers du Cinema, No. 222, 1970).                                       While assimilation may be generally
        The essay deals with what Barthes calls 'the                                        acceptable as a policy, it is questionable
        third meaning', the indescribable extra beyond                                      whether it should be interpreted in such a global
        the informational and symbolic level of the                                         way as to affect all aspects of school practice,
        image. The third meaning depends for its                                            and questionable whether art programmes
        appearance on the interruption of the diegetic                                      conducted along totally assimilationist lines can
        timeflow. It only seems to appear in stills, but                                    fully exploit the talents and experiences of
        in fact it depends on our knowledge or                                              immigrant children. If there is the possibility
        awareness of 'a diegetic horizon, the possibility                                   that, through a consideration of the culture
        of configuration' in a sequence. In this                                            and art forms of immigrant children, the
        connection it is unclear why he denies (or at                                       experiences of all the children in an art class can
        least fails to mention) the possibility of a third                                  be widened, then it would seem plausible to
        sense in news photographs. However, some of                                         adopt a flexible policy of cultural pluralism.
        the areas designated as carriers of this third   A recent Community Relations Commission   This would also suggest acceptance of the fact
        meaning, such as make-up, skin texture, details   statement on the role of art education in   that immigrants are immigrants, and that they
        in facial expression, etc., could be systematized   multi-racial schools indicated that:   may have something of their own to offer to a
        and treated as filmic-non-cinematic codes of   `all pupils should have an opportunity to   learning situation.
        expression, to use Metz's terminology. The real   encounter the African and Indian    After all, it would be a strange teacher who
        trouble begins when Barthes emphasizes that   contributions to the world's art. Mode 3 CSE   would not accept that often the knowledge and
        those signifiers of the third sense cannot be   will be employed where pupils wish to offer   experience which children bring to the
        described. All one can do is designate their   (for example) Indian art history instead of the   classroom make a vital contribution to any
        location and perhaps their function: to ensure   conventional course.'              educative process within the classroom.
        the impression of reality, to ensure the    The statement appeared to offer a possible   The Indian, Pakistani, or West Indian pupil
        filmicness of the filmtext, etc. Perhaps one could   guide to art teacher thinking on the   who brings his own kind of perception and his
        go further and call on another analysis of a   programming of art activities for immigrant   own kind of experiences to the school art
        filmstill by Barthes : the face of Garbo (in   schoolchildren. But art teachers are a strange   lesson, may contribute intrinsically valuable
        Mythologies, 1957) where the third sense - if I   crowd at the best of times; consequently,   material to the art education programme of the
        read Barthes correctly - is identified as   what the CRC suggested should happen in   school. For the immigrant child the value of
        `representing the fragile moment where the   schools and what actually occurred tended to   an art education programme might lie in its
        cinema is about to extract an existential beauty   become two very separate things.   inherent potential for providing some form of
        from an essential beauty'. Couldn't the same   During a recent survey on 'Art and the   self-recognition, or self-identity. Through a
        kind of analysis be applied to the framestills   Immigrant Child' art teachers in a number of   properly constituted programme, art activities
        from Eisenstein's films ? Perhaps the third   West Riding schools were asked a series of   may provide the immigrant child with the
        meaning is not as mysterious as all that: a   questions. Two of the questions were: (1) to   encouragement and opportunities for using
        further analysis could easily reveal that these   what extent do you feel a school art programme   forms and symbols derived from his cultural
        signifiers without signifieds (i.e. objects) are in   should utilize the previous art experiences and   origins, and, by having their intrinsic worth
        fact no more than redundant re-affirmations of   activities of immigrant children ? and (2) do   recognized and accepted, contribute to feelings
        signifieds which already exist elsewhere in the   you feel that an art programme for immigrant   of pride and self-identity.
        film on the symbolic level, in other words, as   children should seek to promote in the   For the second generation immigrant child,
        guarantors of the impression of reality, similar   children's work the retention of more   who may be in the marginal and, perhaps,
        to the elements which Barthes described as   characteristics indicative of his cultural   ambiguous position of not being fully aware of
        `superfluous details' in literature, a notion he   background ?                     the cultural worth of his origins, but who is
        developed in his essay `L'Effet de Reel' in   The response was extraordinary; thorough   nevertheless interested enough to enquire, art
        Communications, No. I I,1968. This might be   sorting produced a total of twenty-two   education may provide opportunities for the
        the reason why they become apparent only in   relevant comments which fell into a number of   study and appreciation of the art forms of his
        stills : they could be mere fragments of a   main categories. The following examples are   country of origin.
        discontinuous series of signs whose function it is   representative of the most commonly expressed
        to establish or reinforce some specific   points of view.                           Comment No. 3
        connotation. Whichever way one looks at it,                                         `Many of the children in this school were born
       Barthes's essay definitely does present the   Comment No.                            in England, and therefore cultural influences
       reader with a number of important and      `I do not feel that immigrant children should   from the mother-country are often lacking . . .
       challenging problems which have to be      have a special course because they are    for this reason I feel that a retention of the
       investigated in detail.  D                 immigrant. - Each child develops individually   child's natural instincts (related to his cultural
       PAUL WILLEMEN                              as a person.'                             background), is a good idea and should be

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