Page 25 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 25

Correspondence                            Spectator at the games                    rather than clarifying 'systemic behaviour'.
                                                 It is interesting to observe how contemporary   By the way, I don't recall the word
                                                 art-history is invented, not so much by a   `systemic' in Games Theory literature; but, as I
                                                 deliberate conspiracy — if conspiracy there is, it   write in the absence of the small collection of
                                                 is one of silence or negligence — but rather by   books and papers I had then amassed, somehow
                                                 an easy and untroubling acceptance of a   mislaid by the group, and in England far from
                                                 convenient shorthand notation that as time   my later acquisitions which are in Italy, I might
                                                 goes by becomes taken at face value for the   be wrong. Though I think Alloway's
                                                 whole truth. This is particularly true of the way   appropriation of the word for a particular type
                                                 the Independent Group at the ICA has been   of art perfectly justified and a useful addition to
       Beware                                    treated. Its importance has been exaggerated,   the art critic's vocabulary.
       Just a few lines in order to correct a letter   and that, too, of Lawrence Alloway; and a   As to the present chances of further
       printed in your May issue, signed by Jean Clair.   recent example of this is Robert Kudielka's   investigating both Information Theory and the
       I. I never wished to write and never wrote in   catalogue essay for Robyn Denny's Tate   Theory of Games in an application to aesthetics,
       l'Art Vivant but, contrary to what Jean Clair   exhibition. This does not detract from the   there are a number of very complicated
       pretends l'Art Vivant is not the only existing   value of that essay in other respects, nor does   problems to be sorted out. It is by no means
       art review on the Continent.              it imply any criticism of Robyn Denny. Still   certain that art is merely communication, and
       2. The content of l'Art Vivant is influenced by   less is it intended to diminish Alloway's   that, in so far as it is communication, it
       Maeght Gallery when the editor of the     undoubted gifts and achievements. Simply, he   approximates to language in any technical
       magazine refuses to publish the 'Agreement   was not always the first to pick up an idea or a   sense, with rules of structure or grammar, a
       of Original Transfer of Work of Art' (see   topic, though frequently he was the first to   repertoire of units in any semantic or syntagmic
       Studio International, April 1971), arguing   launch it with a particular currency.   sense. A semiology of the visual arts including
       that in doing so he would act against Maeght's   Even a small section of Michael Compton's   film and TV has still to be created. In the
       interests. However, in my article, I simply   piece on Denny in the March issue of Studio   Meantime the grammar of form, the language of
       talked about magazines 'which are straight   International seems to contribute to that same   vision and the vocabulary of art, remain
       publicity organs for a Gallery' : each issue of   view. I feel therefore some obligation to correct   colourful metaphors of extremely limited use;
        Art Vivant contains an average of five pages   what appears to be distortion by contraction. It   and the Theory of Games is as useful as an
       on the activities and/or the artists of Maeght   is natural that this should concern my own role,   electric drill in a power cut.
       Gallery or Maeght Foundation.             not that my motivation should be interpreted   TONI DEL RENZIO, London
       3. I publish two or three articles a year. I   merely as self-justification or self-aggrandise-
       never published any article in any magazine   ment. It is just a case, then, of was there and   Once more unto the teach ...
       on any gallery. I don't know what Jean Clair   I'll tell it like it was'.           To judge from their opening sentences (Studio
       means when he calls me a 'regular critic'.   As far as I recall, I was the first to raise the   International, February 1973), it would seem
       4. When I wrote the article printed in    question of the Theory of Games as an     that Barbara Freeman and David Brett, a.
       Studio International in March, the first   alternative way of thinking about art as play to   disapproved of the language of 'Remarks On Art
       judgement had ordered the destruction of   that proposed much earlier by Huizinga and to   Education' and b. that their disapproval
       Baratella's painting. Since then, the appeal   that by Roger Caillois. I came to it by way of   emanates from some position of authority, from
       court has revoked the first judgement.    Norbert Wiener's reference to a paper of   which standpoint the Remarks were accessible.
       5. I never pretended to 'play the revolutionary   Bernard Mandelbrot which proposed seeing   The inaccuracy of the following purported
       game' because it is not a game. The Fascist game   a communications process as a collaborative   translation into their 'ordinary language' should
       is not a game either.                     game between two players against a third and   disprove this : axiology is absent from the
       6. Ask Diane Waldman who selected the     malevolent player — God, the Devil, Entropy,   Remarks' prescriptions — it occupies a central
      artists in Paris. Was not it Blaise Gauthier,   call him what you will. I was also, I think, the   position in their 'translation' ('no good art
       director of the Governmental institution   only one in the group sufficiently acquainted   education can exist without a coherent and
       called CNAC ?                             with the sophisticated mathematic or, rather,   communicable theory; if we want good
       7. The artists who refused the show 'Paris—   mathematical thinking, to be able to come to   education we must sort out our theory'). While
       Amsterdam—Düsseldorf ' were: in Amsterdam,   terms with Mandelbrot's idea, with Von   it would be naive to maintain that axiology is
       Jan Dibbets, Ger Van Elk; in Dusseldorf,   Neuman's concept of strategy, and with,   absent at every level in the decisions underlying
       Ruthenbeck, Palermo, Knoebel, Richter;    particularly, the non-zero sum game.      logico-epistemic prescribing, an inspection of
       in Paris, none.                             An application to art was represented by a   the text will show that it was not an object of the
      Any more questions, Jean Clair ?           brief sketch published in Georges Mathieu's   prescriptions.
      MICHEL CLAURA, Paris                       United States Lines Paris Review in 1957,   The inaccuracy of their 'translation', and
                                                 while some reference to it had appeared much   what can be inferred from it — an inadequate
      Fit for the brush off                      earlier as conclusion to my lecture at the ICA, a   theoretical base from which to proceed — renders
      M. Maurice Druon, Minister of Cultural     couple ( ?) of years earlier, on action painting,   their succeeding thesis the more easily open to
      Affairs, has declared that violent convulsions   a typescript of which was in circulation. In   correction. If their 'translation' had been
      come over him whenever he hears talk about   1957, too, I think, I lectured to the Cambridge   prefaced by an understanding of the content as
      anti-culture. (Le Monde, 4 May 1973.)      University Arts Society on this same theme.   it stood, their chicken-and-egg arguments over
      When Jean Clair, Parisian art critic, hears a   At that time, Alloway, Coleman and McHale,   the recipients of education would never have got
      reference to an unexpected artist whose work   especially, were using the word 'continuum' in   under way. The point is that fine-art studies are
      has nothing to do with him, he is disappointed   a very loose way, and it is extremely difficult to   not up for clarification at the hands of another
      and angry. (Studio International, May 1973.)   understand the Theory of Games if one cannot,   domain's practitioners. Paragraph three of our
      This situation can be defined by the French   among other things, distinguish between an   Remarks can be transposed with Freeman and
      proverb 'Tel maitre tel valet' or 'As the master   ordered and and a non-ordered set. In fact, what   Brett's 'The redefinition of fine-art studies is
      so the servant.'                           I feared came to be, and Games Theory followed   philosophical activity' in order to call into
      CADERE                                     Information Theory as one more metaphor at   question the nature and scope of their
      Paris                                      best, and at worst a source of jargon, confusing   'understanding'. We didn't license such

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