Page 32 - Studio International - June 1973
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Cleve Gray, op. cit., p. 51: 'Oh, he was angry, really   quoted in John Rewald, Gauguin, New York, 1938,
     mad, and he painted a picture, Search for a Symbol,   p. 22.
     just to show how disciplined he was. He brought   "Quoted in Selden Rodman, op. cit., p. 80.
     the wet painting to the gallery where he was meeting   32From an imagined dialogue between the painter
     Jim Sweeney and said, "I want you to see a really   and the critic, Claude Roger-Marx, 'Les Nymphéas
     disciplined painting". However, Pollock wrote a   de M. Claude Monet', Gazette des beaux-arts,
     note to Sweeney, Nov. 3, 1943, "Dear Sweeney — I   Series IV, Vol. 1, June 1909, p. 529, cited (in
     have read your foreword to the catalogue, and I am   slightly different translation) in W. C. Seitz, Claude
     excited. I am happy — The self-discipline you speak   Monet, Seasons and Moments, New York, Museum
     of will come, I think, as a natural growth of a   of Modern Art, 1960, p. 45. See also G. Geffroy,
     deeper, more integrated, experience. Many thanks,   who quotes and explicates Roger-Marx's imagined
     — he will fulfill that promise — Sincerely Pollock".'   dialogue in his Claude Monet, sa vie, son oeuvre,
     Quoted in B. H. Friedman,  Jackson Pollock: Energy   Paris, 1924, vol. 2, pp. 145-146.
     Made Visible, New York, 1972, p. 6o.      "In an interview with Jackson and Lee Pollock
    "See photographs (as in Marlborough-Gerson,   published in the NewYorker, August 5, 1950,
     op. cit.) of Pollock's studio walls on which are hung   Jackson said, 'There was a reviewer a while back
     large sections of canvas with several individual   who wrote that my pictures didn't have any
     pictures painted on them. Most often the separate   beginning or any end. He didn't mean it as a
      pictures were cut singly, but occasionally as a   compliment, but it was. It was a fine compliment'.
      polyptych.                                Quoted in O'Connor, op. cit., p. 51.
    "Conversation with the author, October 22,   34'An Interview with Jackson Pollock', taped by
      1971.                                     William Wright, 1950, quoted in O'Connor,
    "Van Gogh, Letter 542, to Theo, The Complete   op. cit., p. 81.
      Letters of Vincent van Gogh, Greenwich,   "Greenberg, 'The Present Prospects of American
      Connecticut, 1958, vol. 3, p. 55.         Painting and Sculpture', Horizon (London),
    "Quoted by Lee Krasner Pollock in Marlborough-  Octobet 1 947, quoted in O'Connor, op. cit., p. 4r.
      Gerson, op. cit., p. 10.                 "John Russell (London), Sunday Times, November 9,
    "From letter CLXIX, to Emile Bernard, May 26,   1958, quoted in O'Connor, op. cit., p. 77.
      1904, in John Rewald, ed., Paul Cezanne Letters,   "Pollock (answers to a questionnaire), Arts and
      Oxford, 1946, p. 237.                     Architecture, Vol. 61, No. 29, February 1944, p. 14.
      28'An Interview with Jackson Pollock', taped by   "Lee Krasner Pollock interview, Marlborough-
      William Wright, 1950, quoted in O'Connor,   Gerson, op. cit., p. 8.
      op. cit., p. 80.                         "Anthony Smith interviewed by Francine du   (Above) The Deep 1953
    "Quoted in Friedman, op. cit., p. 228.      Plessix and Cleve Gray, op. cit., p. 54.   Oil and enamel on canvas, 86 3/4 x 59 1/8 in.
    "About his The Spirit of the Dead Watching,   "Alfonso Ossorio, ibid., p.58.         Fourcade, Droll Inc. N.Y. Photo: G. Clements N.Y.
      Gauguin wrote 'general harmony, sombre, sad,   "Conversation with the author, October 22, 1971.   (Below) No. r (Lavender Mist) 1950
      frightening, sounding to the eye like a death-knell,   "Pollock in the New Yorker interview, quoted in   Oil, enamel and aluminium paint on canvas, 87 x 118in.
     the violet, the dark blue and the orange yellow',    O'Connor, op. cit., p. 51.     Coll : Alfonso A. Ossorio and E. F. Dragon, New York

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