Page 37 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 37

construction. The surface of the pictures is, for
        Batik, a 'force field', and thus the artistic
        metaphor of the universe and everything in it :
        the picture is born of oscillating and uncertain
        strokes which are organized into more ot less
        geometrical structures and which have been
        reduced, in the most recent pictures, to
        generalized luminous and coloured signs.
        Batik remains one of the most important artists
        now living in Bohemia. Unfortunately, even
        now the necessity of earning a living by other
        means interferes with his work.
          Three members of the group UB 12,
        Alena Kucerová, Václav Batík, along with the
        sculptor Stanislav Kolíbal, appeared together in
        1968 in the last exhibition of the neo-
        constructivist group Krizovatka (Crossroads).
        In the catalogue their theoretician proclaims                                       Stanislav Kolibal
        `a departure from organic nature' and                                                Demarcation plan two
                                                                                            Mixed media, 213 x 120 X 211  cm.
        `the discovery of a new nature, expressed by
        modern man and his civilization.' But that was                                      (Above)
        misunderstanding — for man cannot escape                                            Václav Bostik
                                                                                             A Field 1970
        from 'civilization' to 'organic nature' nor from                                    Oil, 723 x 123 cm.
        `organic nature' to 'civilization', and this is
        especially impossible for artists. Baffles
        foundation and his certainty is an intuitive   unlikely to have the opportunity.    declaring that by doing so she was carrying out
        `unity of reason and emotion, of the senses and   There is more to Czechoslovakia than Prague.   A Celebration of the Sun, Viliam Jakubík bought
        the will', as he once said in an interview, and   There is also Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, the   and sent out tickets to the Bratislava Zoo, and
        Alena Kucerová could say the same thing of   easternmost part of the country. The difference   organized A Firemen's Afternoon, a simple,
        herself. On the other hand, Kolíbal's almost   between the Czech regions and Slovakia may   popular exhibition of Bratislava firemen during
        unchanging subject is the tension between them.   escape the distant observer. Czech and Slovak   which he and his friends gave out prizes. I have
        His sculptures are controlled by a pure   are, it is true, two separate literary languages,   already written about The Betrothal of Spring
        geometrical order, but at the same time this   but linguistically they are two neighbouring   which Jana Zelibská held in the spring of 1972;
        order is collapsing, disintegrating and   dialects, and the material culture of the two   it is a shame that sudden illness has prevented
        disappearing, overcome by the forces of chaos.   regions has no strikingly distinct features, even   her from realizing her 'concert' Aequinoctium,
        At first sight, Kolíbal might appear to be a   though Slovakia is obviously more agrarian than   which was to have been a counterpart to
        classicist, although altered by a tragic sense of   Bohemia and Moravia. But the history of the   Betrothal and which she prepared with a
        transience. But what gives his sculptures their   two areas is different, and so is the mental   musician, Jiri Laxman, for the fall equinox to
        personal accent is the fact that this chaos is for   atmosphere: art in Bratislava is not the same as   celebrate the grape harvest. Here, of course, that
        him not simply negative, but rather accepted as   art in Prague.                    lifting of everyday activity into new spheres was
        an essential dimension of existence, as part of   One of the distinguishing features of   a direct attempt to create new ceremonies and
        the very order it destroys. It is even more   Slovakia is a certain broadmindedness and   celebrations.
        probable that Kolíbal's work emanates from   even an ostentation which is quite       Alex Mlynárcik's latest work, Eva's Wedding,
        this very feeling of transience, whipped by a   incomprehensible to many Czechs. The work of   represents an identical attempt. The artist,
        frenetic need for a complete and final form.   Alex Mlynárcik and his friends is a   however, remained faithful to his conception of
        In the catalogue for his last exhibition five   particularly expressive example of this.   the ready-made. In this case, the ready-made
        years ago, Kolíbal wrote that he wished to   I mentioned this group in my letter of June,   was a real wedding. The bride and groom, a
        `express being', that is, 'that special mixture of a   1971, when I gave a report of the Festival of   hairdresser and an electrical technician
        certain perfection and insufficiency.' The result   Snow which they held in the High Tatra   respectively, were both from the town of
        is sculptures which remain in a kind of   mountains during the world ski championships   Zilina, and do not belong to artistic circles.
        unbalanced state of balance, a fragile    that year. Mlynárcik began activities of this   Mlynárcik himself, along with his collaborators,
        equilibrium.                              kind back in 1965, with a very clear idea of what   presented this ready-made at his own expense.
          One of Kolíbal's latest works is a white   he wanted. They might be called ready-mades,   It might be called a 'ready-made rectifié'
        construction made of laths, forming the outer   except that these ready-mades were not objects,   (and in any case, all of Duchamp's ready-mades
        limits of a big rectangular parallelepiped which,   but rather everyday events which were to be   are 'modified') : he transformed a wedding into a
        however, is not complete, but interrupted in   isolated, lifted into a new sphere and made   grand celebration. After the marriage ceremony
        several places. This time the viewer does not   significant in a way which would provoke novel   in the town hall, a helicopter flew over the
        stand before the sculpture, but rather enters   reactions to them. There is no space here to   square and dropped leaflets congratulating the
        into it, into a space which is very disturbing. It is   describe the long list of events, in many cases   bride. Then followed the wedding procession
        a space in which certainty and uncertainty   very complex and expensive, which      through the town. In keeping with an old
        intersect: for this space must admit an   Mlynárcik carried out during those years.   tradition, the wedding guests sat in painted and
        irrational disturbance into its geometrical   Recently, their number has been increased by   gilded hay-wagons drawn by beribboned
        regularity to exist at all, and this organic   the actions of his young friends who have   horses and during the long journey there was
        disturbance must continually correct its   carried the principle of the ready-made event   ample opportunity to observe a number of old
        rational order. Rather than limiting himself to   through to some of its logical consequences.   wedding customs which, in Slovak villages,
        sculptures, Kolíbal should perhaps try    When Jana Zelibská went away last summer to   have survived since ancient times. There were
        architecture next — but unfortunately he is   the Bulgarian coast, she sent out announcements   amateurs from local folklore societies present to
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