Page 35 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 35

pitchforks in one room, and bales of straw piled   discovered excellent material in the red and   (Top left)
                                                                                             Zorka Ságlová
         about in the other. It seemed to me a fine thing   blue enamelled metal of old battered pots and   Hay/Straw Environment 1969
         to see such everyday reality in a place where one   pans, and pieces of scrap iron that came to hand.   Photo: Jan Sagl
         expects to find esoteric works of modern art.   Recently, she has begun to make 'angels'. One of   (Bottom left)
         But why the scandal ? I didn't understand then   them, An Angel for Vitik, is once again made of   Vera Janousková
         and I still don't. Perhaps it was because Zorka   scraps of enamelled metal enhanced by the   Angel for Vitik
                                                                                             Sculpture assemblage
         Ságlová, like Vera Janousková before her,   addition of old advertising plaques. The statue
         completely ignored the established aesthetic   began to take shape during Vitik's serious   Alena Kucerová
         norms, not even taking issue with them. And   illness, and it was not completed until after his   Bathing 1971
         thus quite simple and undoubtedly very    death. And yet it is not an angel of death, but   Tinned plate (matrix for printing)
         feminine expressions, deriving from a joyful   rather one of inexhaustible life. Perhaps its   6o x 5o cm.
                                                                                             Photo: Jan Svoboda
         relationship with the world and whose only   mission was to inspire the dying Vitik with a bit
         purpose was to reawaken this joy in the viewer,   of joy and faith in the world in his last days, and
         were interpreted as shocking insults.     now it carries the message still beyond his death.
           Since that time, Vera Janousková has done   That angel is not simply gaiety. It might be
         much new work, while essentially remaining   more accurate to say that here we are on levels
         true to the same approach. Her starting point is   beyond joy and sadness, and nearer to something
         most frequently found objects. Back in 1962,   more primitive. With her sculpture, Vera
         she constructed those jolly models mainly from   Janousková confronted death, just as Adriena
         old ceramic forms and iron rods. Later she    Simotová did to an even greater extent with her
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