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difference 20 years has made. In 1946 even the   Feedback                           volumes of the Collected Works. The collected
         artists had seen no new visual art for more than                                    works are in fact 'versions', 'variants' or
         half a decade and knew even less of the lives of                                    `reconstructions' of many of Rot's scarce original
         their fellow artists abroad. As for the general                                     works; they cost between £2.00 and £4.00 each.
         public, the vast majority of people were quite                                        It may seem paradoxical that so much effort is
         unconscious of any of the major 20th-century   (Items for review in the 'Feedback', 'Graphics'   going into the recording and remaking of Rot's
         art movements which today many would take   and 'Vision' columns should be sent to Clive   output when the original books and prints are
         quite for granted. To satisfy this very real   Phillpot, Bud Shark and Malcolm Le Grice   often put together without much regard for
         hunger of the few and to enlighten others, some   respectively, all c/o Studio International,   posterity. In a way though, he is being
         pioneer galleries started up, of which Gimpels   37 Museum Street, Londom WC1.)     consistent, multiplication processes obviously
         was to become perhaps the most famous. Here,                                        fascinate him, and his remaking of past works
         contrary to the prevailing tradition of English                                     is simply a way of increasing the chances of
         provincialism, there were shows of Cubism,                                          communicating his original concept; at least one
         Duchamp, Modigliani and Kandinsky. Of     The catalogue of Dieter Rot's travelling   of the original books is made to a 'recipe'. Rot is
         younger artists, the French and English were   exhibition, which has been seen in The Hague,   not concerned with standardization however;
         particularly well represented; among others   Basle, Zurich, Baden-Baden and London, is   many of his editions consist of items which are
         Bissier, Soulages, Lanyon and Armitage, all had   actually volume 20 of his Collected Works and is   individualized because his conception of the
         early shows, and Robyn Denny and Bernard   entitled books and graphics (part 1): from 1947   work allows for chance factors or variation in
         Cohen their debuts. Pre-Columbian and Eskimo   until 1971  (published in January 1972 by   input. For example volume 5 of the Collected
         art were also a special concern. Latterly the   Hansjorg Mayer at £3.6o). There are parallel   Works entitled bok 3a, is composed of sections
         Gallery itself expanded to open branches in   German and English texts throughout. The   cut from Icelandic newspapers, but the
         Zurich and New York. Charles Gimpel will be   book starts with an introduction which states   contents of each copy of this volume are
         missed above all for the gentle and painstaking   that 'this book contains pictures and   different because of the variations in the
        attention he brought to all his dealings with   descriptions of all books and graphics by   position of the extracted sections. Volume 20 is
        artists, were they students or celebrities, and for   d. rot made between 1947 and summer 1971   certainly a good introduction to major aspects
         helping to reestablish modern art in London at a   (some of them in collaboration with richard   of Rot's work, and is a splendidly produced
         time when so few had the courage even to   hamilton or stefan wewerka)'; it also contains   book; all you miss is the feel of a row of real Rots.
         entertain such an idea.                   definitions of terms such as graphics, pressings,
                                                   squashings, etc. This is followed by the    Schmuck number I dated March 1972 (3op, no
         Government support for the Arts.          complete list of books (56 of them). Not only is   copyright) includes an introduction from its
         Continued support of the arts was announced   each book catalogued precisely — number of   coordinator David Mayor in which he suggests
         by Lord Eccles, Paymaster-General with    pages, process(es) materials, binding,    that it might develop 'if not as an open forum
         Responsibility for the Arts, in a Written Answer   measurements, size of edition, maker/printer,   for discussion of some of the problems relating
         in the House of Lords on 3o January. The   publisher, date — but each is also illustrated by a   to art, at least as a vehicle for artists to present
         Minister said:                            photograph of the front cover of the book, of a   their ideas, as well as their art'. The
         The Arts Council will receive, within the   page opening, and, where relevant, of the special   contributions to this number are primarily
         resources announced in the White Paper on   cover which accompanied limited numbers of   verbal and include 'Notes on Concept Art' by
         public expenditure (Cmd. 5178) and subject to   an edition. Since these photographs are one-  Ken Friedman, which is as much about Fluxus
         Parliamentary approval, £17.388m in the next   sixth reductions of the actual sizes of the books,   as concept art; other contributors include
         financial year compared with £13.67m in the   it will be apparent that the first of the   Marc Chaimowicz, Hammond Guthrie, Barry
         current year. Corresponding figures for the   microbooks, which is the daily mirror book of   McCallion and many more. There are notes on
         British Film Institute are Li .36m as against   1961, which only measures 2 cm square, looks   contributors and 'Feedback from the humming
         £0.94m. It is also proposed that the crafts   rather small in reproduction. The fact that it is   wires of global art activity' (synchronicity-
         should receive £332,00o as against £200,000.   still reproduced is just one more indication of   honest). Schmuck is published at Beau Geste
           Within the grants for the arts Lim has been   the extreme thoroughness with which these   Press, Langford Court South, Cullompton,
         provided in 1973/74 for the further       sometimes superficially ephemeral publications   Devon, UK, which is 'a community of
         encouragement of the arts in the regions and in   have been documented.             duplicators, printers, and artisans'. Don't give
         Scotland and Wales, with special reference to   The section devoted to the complete   your prejudices against duplicated publications
         the assisted areas. A similar sum will be   graphics, which are reproduced in colour also   free reign on account of Schmuck i because
         provided for 1974/75.                     one-sixth actual size, succeeds the section on   Schmuck 2, dated July 1972 (35p), is well
                                                   books. (Since graphics are initially defined as   bound in a striking cover and should by
         Corrections:  In John Elderfield's article on Caro   being 'not thicker than 2 centimetres', the   contrast immediately make converts to the work
         in the February issue of Studio International, in   literature sausage, for example, will be found   of the Press. This issue is devoted to four
         the last column of page 73, for `... the sense of   in the book section.) The 223 graphics are also   Icelandic artists. Kristjan Gudmundsson
         potential desirability this section possesses ...'   minutely documented: process, origins,   presents us with photos and descriptions of
         read `... the sense of potential separability this   materials, measurements etc. The range of   works and performances, and some
         section possesses ...' In the same article the   materials which Rot draws upon is already   mimeomultiples as well. Sigurdur
         captions on page 74 should be reversed.   notorious, but his use of domestic substances   Gudmundsson has a photostrip which reveals
           In the article on Jackson Pollock by David   brings with it further problems of   how his philosophy 'became a part of human
         Freke, December issue of Studio International,   documentation (not to mention conservation).   beings and their surroundings', plus several
        we failed to print the following           For example in 1973 a comparison of the photo   other photographs of assemblies of objects and
        acknowledgement: The article draws on      published in 1972 of big cloud of 1971 with the   people, wind sculpture and wind drawings, and
         research carried out for the author's MA   original reveals that the lava-like mould on the   an arresting photographic record captioned
        report at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London.   mayonnaise is steadily altering the diligently   `Hommage a Grieg . .. While I listened to
        He wishes to thank his supervisor Dr John   recorded appearance of the work. Volume 20 is   music by Edvard Grieg I shot ten arrows into
        Golding, whose work was a stimulus for this   concluded with a detailed biography, list of   the sky.' q
        research, for his help and encouragement.   exhibitions, and an index to the first twenty    CLIVE PHILLPOT

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