Page 32 - Studio International - March 1973
P. 32
`all the best texts are in English'. No wonder the novelty' dear to all consumer societies, which Six pages
repercussions of last year's '72—'72 show are still masks the truth by deflecting progressive
very much alive. The expo-Pompidou has found politics with progressive aesthetics. A French by Paris artists
its place in an historic line of causes célèbres, a artist is in the same bind that threatens any
point of orientation in polemics for years to artist in the West who is prepared to look around The six artists whose work is illustrated on
come. The question of whether a certain painter him — but for him, the threat is more naked, the following pages were each asked to
was invited and then refused, hung and then more exposed. No wonder one senses anger, submit for publication a specially-designed
un-hung himself, or hung and didn't un-hang bitter rivalry, resentment, and a concern with page. They were also asked for biographical
himself was given far more weight than anything the ethical pros and cons of exposure that notes.
that could be said about the work in itself. amounts to an obsession. For him to face the
Context is the work. question of his public stance must be hardly less
In his introduction to the elephantine nerve-racking than for a sapper to have to go
catalogue of the show Francois Mathey out into a mine-field.
commented that much of the row had to do with
André Caderé: Born in Poland in 1936. His work by-
passes the normal exhibition structure so this
contribution to Studio International is, he considers,
his first exhibition of an official character.
artists who wanted to 'refuse the privileged (Above and previous page) Jean Le Gac : Né en 1936. Vit a Paris. Quant aux
status traditionally allowed them but who Daniel Buren expositions auxquelles j'ai participé, pour l'essentiel
Location shots 1972 je les ai faites figurer en notes pour étayer le texte que
meanwhile remain the prisoners of the system je vous ai déjà envoyé.
under which they live . . .' It is stating the (Below)
obvious. In the manifesto put out by FAP At Documenta 5 1972 Christian Boltanski: 6 Septembre 1944; 1970
Political posters mounted on Daniel Buren's
`exposing' the aims of the exhibition the point Peinture Affichée. Striped paper, Galerie Daniel Templon —Paris ; Musée d'Art
Moderne — Paris ; 1971 Galerie Sonnabend — Paris ;
was made that one was to 'reinforce the idea of white on white 530 x 25o cm Galerie Thelen — Kan ; 1972 Galerie Sonnabend a
the autonomy of the artist . . . the myth of Photo: Maria Gilissen, Brussels Paris; Musée d'Art — Lucerne ; Musee du Costume
spontaneity . . . (and) the sanctifications of stars.' Militaire— Fontainebleau ; Documenta 5 — Kassel ;
Galerie Skulima — Berlin ;1973 Modern Art Agency —
Another was to reinforce 'the principle of
Naple ; Kunsthalle— Baden-Baden ; Entre 1969 et
1973 realisation de 7 petits lines et de 5 films. Voici
ma biographie.
Sarkis Zabunyan: Son of Garabet and Diruhi and
brother of Torkom Zabunyan was born on
26 September in Istanbul.
In 1945 Sarkis thought that 'Hintli' and 'Hitler'
were the same. 'Hintli', in Turkish, means 'indian'
and is synonymous with redskins (Apache,
Sioux ...) ... At that time his father became a
butcher ... He worked incredibly much, went to bed
at 11 :00 pm and got up at 3 :00 am ... This idea of
work has been important to Sarkis since 1960 ...
He loved Indian painting (from India) from the cave
at Ajanta ... He himself was drawing women with
four or five breasts, barking ...After his marriage ...
the paintings from the Ajanta cave disappear. And
almost a year later the First World War begins : June
1964. When they come to Paris on 18 September,
1964, he brings with him 60 paintings from the
Ajanta period and 40 from the First World War. And
the war never leaves him. The Second World War
starts in 1965. Whether he works with water colour,
paper or collage the concept of a fixed war is always
present ... (From the'Operation Organ'.)
Francois Guinochet: Je suis né en décembre 1948
a Lyons. Mais pour ce qui est d'une biographie
complete je ne vols pas en quoi cela aiderai a une
meilleure comprehension de mon travail, c'est done
pourquoi je ne vous envoys rien d'autre a ce sujet.
Par contre, j'aimerai si cela est encore possible que
la phrase 'case passe ailleurs' (it's happening
elsewhere) soit changée par 'JE REVIENS DE
SUITE' (I'LL BE RIGHT BACK) et cela présenté de
la même facon que ma premiere proposition.