Page 23 - Studio International - May 1973
P. 23

definitely stay in Otterlo, and not be transferred   Emerging from the               year and to have all students undergo the same
        to the new museum. In the early sixties a garden                                     kind of introductory experiences (though this
        of approximately 3o acres designed and    valley of the                              has not been carried through uniformly in all
        landscaped for sculpture was added to the                                            the schools). This proved necessary because the
        museum. The outside sculpture collection   shadow of art                             quantity and quality of plastic and visual
        includes work by Rodin, Maillol, Lipchitz,                                           experience provided by secondary education is
        Moore, Hepworth, Caro, King, Rickey and   education into . . . ?                     almost universally negligible: students often
        Snelson. In the garden there is a pavilion                                           enter the art schools without any clear idea about
        designed by the De Stijl architect Gerrit                                            the type of existence awaiting them. The final
        Rietveld.                                                                            year tends to become a transitional stage
          After the last war the Van Abbe City Museum                                        between the art school and the professional
        in Eindhoven became known for its lively                                             world.
        programme of international exhibitions and for                                         The range of subjects taught comprises
        its fast growing collection of modern art, now                                       painting and drawing, print making, sculpture,
        one of the best in the country. The collection                                       plastic art connected with architecture,
        includes works by Picasso, Braque, Léger,                                            ceramics, metal work and similar crafts, interior
        Delaunay, Mondrian, van Doesburg, Miro,                                              design, advertising and visual communication,
        Ecole de Paris, Zero, Beuys, Stella, Morris, and                                     fashion design, and art teaching in secondary
        other young Americans. A large group of works                                        schools (industrial design is mostly taught in
        by El Lissitsky is one of the museum's    If the saying holds that the true artist gets   separate institutions). The first four can be
        specialities.                             himself kicked out of school before it is too late,   studied practically everywhere, whereas some
          The buildings of the museums in Otterlo,   artists in Holland never have to look far for an   of the others are to be found in one or two
        The Hague, Rotterdam and Eindhoven have a   opportunity to prove their authenticity. Some   institutions only. The varying number and
        curiously related history. They were all   fifteen institutions offer to do the kicking;   combinations of departments is one source of
        constructed during the thirties; before the   ejection may take place among stone scrolls   diversity among the art schools. The one at
        First World War Mrs Kröller-Müller started   saying Natura Artis Magistra or through glass   Tilburg, for instance, specializes almost entirely
        plans to build a private museum for her   doors according to preference. The number of   in the training of art teachers. Furthermore,
        collection. She worked with the German    those who take the chance varies from 6o to   developments within the general framework
        architects Peter Behrens and Mies van der Rohe,   over 35o per school, but the total population of   of the art schools depend very much on
        later with the Dutch architect Berlage and   the art schools in this country is between 3000   the abilities and interests of individual teachers,
        finally with the Belgian architect Henry van de   and 35 00.                        whose presence in one institution or
        Velde, who designed the present building in   Many of these institutions were born out of   another is largely a matter of chance. If any
        Otterlo. Berlage's museum in The Hague is   private enterprise — some originating in   art school was ever founded with a clear picture
        based on his earlier plans made for Mrs Kröner,   artists' societies, some founded, like many   of art education in mind which might have
        and the Boymans in Rotterdam by the Dutch   museums, by associations of art-loving citizens.   determined the initial selection of teachers,
        architect Van der Steur shows the influence   In several cases, descendants of the latter are   they have all been in existence too long
        of Berlage's plans for The Hague. The Dutch   still the nominal owners of the schools which are,   now for the original pattern to have been
        architect Kropholler, who designed the Van   however, financed almost entirely by the local   preserved. Teaching is usually a part-time job,
        Abbe museum, also worked for Mrs. Kröller in   and national government. Art education is   which means that many institutions need from
        the same period.                          incorporated into the national education system,   thirty to fifty people to cover even a moderate
          All five museums are active in organizing   but this does not necessarily signify true   range of subjects. With such numbers,
        exhibitions and each has its specialities in the   integration. There is, for instance, no connection   concerted effort towards a well-defined common
        field of modern art: well prepared one man shows   at all between the art schools and the   goal becomes almost impossible; even the
        of Dutch artists in The Hague, sculpture in   universities. Legislation draws a sharp   ability to envisage such a goal varies strongly
        Otterlo, surrealist painting in Rotterdam, all   distinction between professional training and   from one individual to the other.
        aspects of art now in Amsterdam as well as in   preparation for the pursuit of science, and art   This situation is reflected in the patchwork
        Eindhoven, where there is also a developing   education is relegated to the former. This means   structure of the teaching programmes. Until
        interest in the social role of the visual arts.   courses of fixed duration (usually four or five   fairly recently, students had to take a variety of
          The demand from artists and interested   years), divided by examinations at fixed   subjects, some traditional, some new ones added
        public alike is for openness, for a museum of   intervals, obligatory attendance, and a rather   in a haphazard fashion, taught by people of
        modern art that has a real function in modern   strict organizational pattern in general. During   widely varying abilities and opinions. This
        society. Many questions are raised: who owns   recent years, the art schools have been evolving   is not peculiar to art education alone, the lack of
        the museum, who should run it, who should   towards greater freedom, whereas government   harmony between subjects is now universally
        decide and how, who chooses ? The artists have   control over the universities has tended to   felt, and attempts at unification have been made
        told the museums that their task is to propagate   increase. None the less, the general atmosphere   during recent years — with varying success;
        and activate the creative process. The museums   differs widely in the two kinds of institution,   rather than improving the schools programme
        feel that to choose is to clarify and they see   if only because of the level of preliminary   as a whole, they often result in a concentration
        that as their first task. Pressure from many sides   education required for admission to the one or   of forces within a single department.
        is beginning to produce a change of attitude   the other. Only a minority of the art schools   At opposite extremes beyond the range of the
        from the Ministry of Culture. A change of   is situated in a city where there is also a   average art school are Ateliers 63 (Haarlem),
        policies is very slowly under way. The Dutch   university.                          which does not consider itself an art school, and
        government is still in crisis; much depends on   As would be expected in a group of   the Free Academy (Psychopolis) (The Hague),
        the policies of a new cabinet and a new Minister   institutions all sponsored by the same   which does not consider itself an art school.
        of Culture. All this could sound better than it   government, curricula everywhere conform   The former, which offers studio space and
        actually is, but in comparison with many other   more or less to the same general plan. Over the   informal tuition to young artists, is described
        countries we should not be too unsatisfied. q   last decade there has been a tendency to   elsewhere in this issue (p. 208). The Free
                                                  disregard future specialization during the first    Academy was founded twenty-five years ago
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