Page 26 - Studio International - May 1973
P. 26

Ateliers 63:                              is continued in the housing accommodation run   lot of time collecting materials for him, giving
                                               by a subsidiary foundation.                phone calls, searching addresses and names,
     international                               Many of the participants come from outside   helping him in every way to make, for instance,
                                               Holland, and this year there are two British   the article by Pierre Gaudibert possible.
     working centre for                        students, Carl Johnson, who received his    The result is, I may say, quite unexpected.
                                               DipAD from Newport College of Art, sees    The only artists Mr Forge seems to have spoken
     artists                                   `Ateliers 63' as a logical sequel to the work   to and taken in consideration are Caderé — and
                                               he was doing before, and finds it an ideal   of course! — Buren, i.e. two colourful figures of
                                               structure in which to develop further. Beverly   the small Saint Germain des Pres area, who
                                               Parke, who did a diploma course and one year of   both have probably a little importance on the
     `Ateliers 63', in the ten years since its   post-graduate work at the Belfast College of Art,   Parisian scene, but who are far from being
     foundation, has questioned the nature of art   considers that the difference between 'Ateliers   representative of what's happening in France.
     education and developed a totally new approach   63' and the usual art college structure lies in the   As for the one French critic allowed to express
     to it. In thirty individual studios, supplemented   fact that responsibility rests completely with   his ideas in your magazine, he is the one no
     by welding, woodwork, photography and     oneself, whereas the art college provides an   continental art reviews would probably
     graphic workshops, an equal number of young   umbrella which tends to relieve students of   accept to publish because of his too well known
     `participants' work for two years with a group of   this burden.                     insincerity. Indeed, Mr Claura's article is but a
     important Dutch 'instructing' artists. The   The working methods of 'Ateliers 63' have   bunch of petty parisianisms, gossips and
     Institute has been organized in such a way that   made it possible for a number of Dutch artists   personal attacks — on myself among others
     the development of the artistic personality of   of different artistic viewpoints to meet and   (probably as a reward for my helping you!).
     each participant is the basis of its activities. This   recognize a common attitude which is not only   Mr Claura: columnist or calumnist ?
     is reflected not only in the individual studios in   relevant to the aims of 'Ateliers 63' but also   I won't waste my time to refute his
     which the participants work, but also in the fact   extends further into ideas which indirectly   assertions. Just a few points :
     that the responsibility for the artistic   relate to their own work. They include Wessel   Point 4. L'Art Vivant is indeed supported by
     management lies solely with the 'instructing'   Couzijn, Jan Dibbets, Ger van Elk, Edgar   the Maeght Gallery. Would Mr Claura clearly
     artists and not with the board of the foundation   Fernhout, R. H. Fuchs, Reinier Lucassen, Jan   define how the content of  l'Art Vivant is
     or the Ministry. The consequence is a totally   Roeland, Paul Schotel (managing director),   influenced by this patronage ? Another question:
     independent position with regard to art   Carel Visser and Marcel Vos. They have no   of which Parisian gallery is Mr Claura, a
     education, absence of a fixed curriculum, and   permanent appointment and receive fees as   supporter of Mr Buren, the regular critic ?
     flexibility in allowing for a wide range of   opposed to a salary. This implies that their   Point 5. Too bad! Baratella's painting was not
     artistic approaches, which is mirrored by the   teaching does not become a profession and   destroyed by court order. This success over
     artistic diversity of the 'instructing' artists.   enables them to function fully as artists or (in   censorship was largely due to a press campaign
     `Ateliers 63' has rejected the notion of art   the case of Fuchs and Vos) as writers. q   where l'Art Vivant played a determinative role
     education with its emphasis on technical   TOON VERHOEF                             by publishing a petition. As far as I know, Mr
     know-how, and concentrates instead on the                                            Claura did not sign it. Mr Claura plays the
     artist in each individual participant. Jan                                           revolutionary game but Mr Claura is not so far
     Dibbets, who has been an instructing artist                                         a revolutionary critic.
     since 1969, formulates this as follows : 'The                                        Point 7. What would Diane Waldmann, Curator
     participant has his own studio. In there he is   Correspondence                      at the Guggenheim Museum, who organized the
     autonomous and has everything for the asking.                                        French show and selected the eight artists,
     He may discard the opinions of those who come   Milan Knizak imprisoned              think of Mr Claura's assertions ? Ask her,
     into his studio'. Unlike Dutch art schools,   The well-known Czech avant-garde artist   please. Another question: which artists from
     `Ateliers 63' is not financed by the Ministry of   Milan Knizak was sentenced to two years in   Düsseldorf and Amsterdam refused to take part
     Education but by the Ministry of Culture,   prison for publishing a book 'Ceremonies'   in the show ? Mr Claura as an art critic, is
     which recognizes it as an artistic 'event', and   (Zeremonien 1971, Vice-Versand,   definitely ill-informed!
     only stipulates the formulation of the artistic   D-Remscheid, Postfach 100343, West   Point 9. How can Mr Claura criticize a book he
     principles which guide it and the organizational   Germany), and for texts and documentations of   probably did not read ?
     structure to carry them out.              his actions and events which he gave to the   Enough skipped the issue: the whole is but a
       The participants are selected on the basis of   collector Hans Sohm and which were confiscated   bit of tendentious rubbish.
     their work. The instructing artists in the   while he was crossing the Czech border.   JEAN CLAIR, Paris
     institute have a common interest in the process of   Milan Knizak was sentenced without a single
     artistic activity rather than in the results shown   piece of evidence against him. He is completely
     by those candidates who are selected. (The work   innocent and if he goes to prison all artistic   A Note from the Editor
     submitted should reflect the candidate's   freedom in Czechoslovakia will go with him.   The material on Agnes Martin which appeared
     development over two or three years.) There are   Therefore we ask you to do your utmost to   in our February issue was from the Agnes
     no specific requirements for previous formal   protest against what has happened. Both in the   Martin catalogue published by the Institute of
     training so that self-taught candidates may also   press and in personal protests sent to the   Contemporary Art, University of Philadelphia,
     be considered for admission. 'Selection also   president of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.   on the occasion of the first comprehensive
     continues to play a role during their work in   Milan Knízák must be cleared of these charges.   exhibition of the art of Agnes Martin
     "Ateliers 63". This is the consequence of our   Thanks.                              (January 23-March I, 1973). The title of
     view that it has to remain a living institute and                                    Lawrence Alloway's essay should have read
     has to be recognized by the participants. They   Correcting Claura                   `Agnes Martin'; Ann Wilson's role in
     must justify every moment of their stay.' (Edgar   The recent issue of Studio International about   assembling 'The Untroubled Mind', a
     Fernhout, instructing artist since 1966.) The   art in France today, was a great disappointment.   compilation of statements by Agnes Martin,
     artists pay weekly visits to the participants'   Even more: it made me angry.        was not made sufficiently clear. We regret that
     studios, on a free basis. Contact between   When Andrew Forge came to Paris to prepare   the material on Agnes Martin was printed
     participants is an equally important factor, and    it, I agreed to welcome and help him. I spent a    without final editorial and footnote corrections.

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