Page 62 - Studio International - May 1973
P. 62
Art information
Institute, its sponsor, will begin gutting the USA Canada
building in October to make way for its own Brice Marden is showing new paintings at An attempt to document the exhibitions of all
expanded library services. The current Bykert Gallery in New York and paintings and living Canadian artists on a regular basis is
exhibition, a cross-section of the art world in prints at Jack Glenn Gallery in California. being initiated by the Roundstone Council for
Düsseldorf and its environs, has been Marlborough Gallery has mounted a very the Arts. This Toronto organization with
organized by the artists themselves and large collection of Kurt Schwitters collages. assistance from national, provincial, and local
financed independently by the city of It is a very complete and timely exhibition for a agencies, will publish a comprehensive annual
Düsseldorf. 'Some 26o Miles from Here: Art public whose appetites had been well whetted catalogue. It will be arranged alphabetically,
from the Rhein-Ruhr, Germany, 1973' is by a very small show at MOMA last year. contain brief biographies in French and English,
being presented in three parts : part one (now Joel Perlman, a sculptor who at one time installation shots where appropriate and/or
until 20 May) includes paintings, drawings, studied and lectured at London's Central photographs of specific works, a list of works,
photography, 'informational art' and School of Art, had his first one-man show at brief descriptions and any other relevant
`documentational art'; part two (29 May until André Emmerich Gallery. The rust-coloured information.
17 June) will include sculptures, environments, welded steel sculptures were small and of
mixed media, 'actions' and 'participation work'; unusual scale. The Canada Council has announced its new
part three (22 June until I July) will include Two Joseph Beuys shows, one at Ronald `Explorations' programme which unlike other
film and video. Feldman Gallery and one at the New John existing programmes is not directed exclusively
Readers who want Gallery House to survive Gibson Gallery, have failed to generate the towards specialists and professional artists.
can write to Dr Klaus Schulz, Director, The excitement many thought they would. The Projects must concern Canadian situations or
German Institute, 51 Princes Gate, London Feldman show consisted of drawings and video subjects or have implications for Canada,
SW7. Offers of space or financial assistance can tapes and the one at Gibson was made up beyond that they might be exploring 'new forms
be addressed to Sigi Krauss or Rosetta Brooks, mainly of earlier felt and butter pieces. The of expression, participation, communication and
Gallery House, 5o Princes Gate. lack of interest in both shows may indicate that diffusion', involve 'multidisciplinary research
New York will remember this artist only and experimentation related to both the arts and
Jorge Glusberg was in London for a few days through other artists like Robert Morris, whose sciences' prompt investigation of 'the field of
in March. Director of CAYC (The Centre of work reflects his influence. popular culture' or work 'in any medium on
Art and Communication), his show 'Art Painters' Painting, Emile De Antonio's film Canada's historical or cultural heritage.'
Systems II' was the cause of a political storm in of the New York art scene, includes blips and
Buenos Aires last September. The show was in blurbs of talk from Helen Frankenthaler, `Artefacts for a Future Atlantis — i I Czech
three locations — the Museum of Modern Art, Frank Stella, Jasper Johns, Robert Scull, Artists', an exhibition of 120 slides with taped
CAYC, and a park in the centre of the city. It Leo Castelli, Larry Poons and Robert music by the Plastic People of the Universe, is
was only the work in the park — films, puppet Rauschenberg, among others. part of an artist-to-artist exchange programme
theatres, events etc. — that galvanized the Some other things worth noting; Walter between the Niagara Artists Co-op of
Secretary of Culture for the city. The Hopps, former director of Washington's St Catherines, Ontario, and the Crusaders'
exhibition had been running two days before Corcoran Gallery, has been appointed Visiting School of Humour Without Joke of Prague. A
CAYC were informed that the area was to be Curator at the National Collection of Fine Arts previous attempt to arrange an exchange show
cleared within the hour because of the in Washington. William Miller, former director of this kind through 'official' channels failed for
subversive nature of the work. Glusberg of the Bronx Museum, has been appointed as various 'official' reasons. The Czech artists were
immediately made attempts to get as much of the Director of Education at the Philadelphia selected by Ivan Jirous, the young Prague art
the show moved as was possible, but at the end Art Museum. Sebastian Adler, former director historian and critic. In return, slides
of the allotted time 200 policemen appeared, of the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston, documenting the work of the Co-op artists and
arrested 4 removal men, and documented all the Texas, is now the Director of the La Jolla their Storefront will be seen in Czechoslovakia.'
remaining exhibits, which were subsequently Museum of Contemporary Art. The National
taken to Police Headquarters. Glusberg had Endowment for the Arts has given out Women and Film: International Festival 1973,
meanwhile evaded arrest by vacating all his $1,972,624 in grants to museums for international event comprising film and video
known haunts. The removal men were released exhibitions which focus on the nation's showings, seminars, workshops and exhibits,
after a few days, but Glusberg had to keep clear cultural heritage: The Museum of Modern Art opens at the St Lawrence Centre, Toronto,
of his home and office for the next 45. The story to present a Duchamp exhibition, The Studio June 8-17 and is then scheduled to travel across
was not on TV but there was extensive Museum in Harlem for 'Shago in Art and Canada. The emphasis will be on women
coverage in the Press and the support of Ritual : A Worldwide View', The Asia House for directors, but any production to which a woman
intellectuals both inside the Argentine and `The Arts of Isfahan — 1587-1629', The has made a major contribution will be eligible.
abroad. Finally Glusberg emerged to give Whitney Museum of American Art for Pop Art,
evidence before the Court of Justice. His The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum for a Other exhibitions: Sound Sculpture at the
explanation of the artistic nature of the work and Dubuffet exhibition and the Jewish Museum for Vancouver Art Gallery, a group exhibition with
the lack of direct political content was perhaps `The Jewish Experience in the Art of the loth work by Gyorgy Kepes, David Jacobs, Stephan
with some relief fully accepted. The case has Century'. Huene, Bernard and Francois Baschet and
now been transferred to a different court and Reinhold Marxhausen. The Electric Show, now
the charge altered to one of damaging a wall and In California : Womanspace has opened in circulating to galleries in the Maritime
• tearing some branches off one or two municipal Los Angeles. It will be a place devoted to the art Provinces with assistance from the Canada
trees. The work is still impounded and may be and activities of women artists in southern Council, work by Canadian and American
for some time because the change in government California. The Pasadena Art Museum has artists with the Electric Gallery in Toronto.
and the consequent confusion of new changed is name to the Pasadena Museum of Useless tools is how this work in plastic, neon,
appointments makes future developments even Modern Art. motors, light bulbs, etc., is described.q