Page 32 - Studio International - November 1973
P. 32
on his work
Derek Boshier's exhibition 'Documentation and to the recent piece Change, especially in the Stills from
Work 1959-72' at the Whitechapel Gallery was various levels of visual and literal cross- Reel 1973,
film, 16 mm, 6 minutes
divided roughly into three. It began with some references. His comments, which follow, refer
rarely shown paintings from his figurative period to both situations and to his film Reel, 1973. q certain creative experiences. These experiences
as a student and progressed to a number of CATHERINE LAMPERT ought to be made accessible to a far wider range
exercises in colour projection like Vista City, of people, to enable them to experience and
1964, shown in the Whitechapel exhibition This exhibition is a retrospective in that it goes participate themselves. Everyone has in them
`New Generation: 1964'. from one point in time up until the present. It is the ability to create. Excluding the artists of
Following an area of graphics and a documentation because it is selective and sets genius that history has produced, the artist
photographic collage, on the right-hand wall out to show the way somebody changes, since generally is not unique — he has just had the
there was a major essay called Change, 1972-73, I've been someone who does change. I also felt opportunity to find out his way of expressing
which extended laterally over 200 separate that since the exhibition would be a touring one, ideas and experience.
images. Included in this series were actual available to people who don't normally go to The thinking behind getting this exhibition
photographic sources, images undergoing galleries, it should include material they could together was along these lines: I wanted to do a
metamorphosis and a number of enigmatic start to comprehend. There is always talk about piece of art that was comprehensible on a
diagrams. For reasons Boshier explains below, the polarization of the artist and the public. certain level to somebody who just came into the
he grouped the earlier work with its relevant Really the artist has got a lot to answer for in the gallery from off the street, and yet also did not
documentation (newspaper clippings, last few years. The gallery system is to blame lose anything when being looked at in a kind of
installation shots, etc.). Taken as a whole the too; but I don't think the artist should get off. art world way. If people are drawn into Change
material which was selected for the The artist is in a privileged position : he has their reactions are very good to watch. They
retrospective came to reveal strong similarities had the opportunity to learn, practice and enjoy usually laugh. The humour was put in for that