Page 33 - Studio International - November 1973
P. 33
Change 1972-73 who has worried about changing style. The
[Change consists of 200 great thing about art movements is that they
consecutive images
concerned with the come and go and leave behind them a certain
notion of change: permissibility to include in the visual vocabul.
change of pace, face, something that wasn't used before. For instance
alteration, variation,
transformation, the idea of throwing paint on the canvas during
modulation, Abstract Expressionism brought about a kind
permutation, shift, of release in the way you apply paint. Pop art
merging — or difference
at different times.] left behind the ability to use anything as subject
The piece includes matter. This is art's useful tradition. There are
photography, xerox, some bad things about it too, but movements
drawing and painting.
The rectangles vary in leave behind a sort of legacy.
size from 152 x 108 mm I've always worked on the idea that if
to 209 x 152 nun.
something comes along in the art world and I
see it, well I'm not going to say I won't touch
that because it looks like plagiarizing. Instead, I
purpose, but is a vehicle or more serious structural. In Change you start atone end and go think, well, it's happening, it's something that
things. through. Your pace is controlled in a certain one has learnt, it is free information. I find
For the same reason there are links with other way. People notice sensations of detail or do a personally that I couldn't go back to painting.
media, particularly television and film. But I double take. In terms of what is going on, what one sees in
didn't want everything to have an entirely There are purposeful references built in which everyday life, and the way one is assaulted by
familiar face. That is where the drawing came mean something to certain people. Five squares images, it is not possible.
in. For me there is no significance in producing in Change are blank except for the wording Take the cover I plan to do for Studio. For the
a kind of art that is just about making patterns '4/2000 S.N.L.'1, at the left and signed 'A. last two or three years I've been collecting
or producing colour arrangements. I wanted to Artist'. So there are allusions to the art world. images all about the way in which society sees
do something with devices and visual sensations The progression of images which led to the artists. Although at first sight it's a cheery
which people could relate to everyday Barnett Newman drawing just happened to cover, very funny, in fact it is sad and that is the
situations. Hopefully people watch television; result in an art image but it doesn't have to be trouble. q
and if they then see something happening read that way.
No. 4 in an edition of 2000, signed numbered,
within the context of a television screen it might I've found that all along the line I've always Limited.
be more meaningful. The idea is rather like stopped when I feel I begin to know how to do
going back to still-life objects. it. Maybe the work has suffered because it hasn't (` Derek Boshier, Documentation and Work
For the sound track of the film Reel I reached a standard; but for me it has always 1959-72' was held at the Whitechapel Art
recorded bits and pieces and then collaged them been the idea that's been important. I think that Gallery, London from 26 September-21
together. I was manipulating the film in the same art is about ideas really. The only question you October. It was mounted as a travelling
way as in Change. But were purposefully done in have to ask yourself is what medium will best exhibition starting in July 1972 at Portsmouth
a linear form so that in a way they are also carry out your ideas. I've never been a person City Museum and Gallery.)