Page 38 - Studio International - November 1973
P. 38

the decorative and the odd amputation or two   place are more important than formal   been narrowed rather than enlarged. Two of the
       and you have some idea of the new Chicago art.   principles. John Canaday is reflecting the   youngest painters going to Sao Paulo — Ramberg
       It was cruel, gritty, crass, nostalgic and   spirit of this regionalism when he says that   and Hanson — are almost exclusively concerned
       somehow fulfilled the image of Chicago as   NCFA should tailor its overseas exhibits to   with slightly out of date, midwest taste. The acid
       immortalized by Nelson Algren, Al Capone and   suit the locale. The Chicago artists are   sentimentality of Hanson's Country Club
       Mayor Daley. To the surprise of 'The Hairy   regionalist in their indifference to the   Dance and Yellow Lily suggests that he has
       Who' Chicago patrons liked it !            Brazilian political situation. And in the art   fallen into the trap of using Dubuffet's invitation
         Following on the heels of the success of the   world, the new Chicago school is only the   to annex hostile worlds as an excuse to play
      `Hairy Who' other groups with similar interests   most recently launched and currently most   taste games.
       showed at the Art Centre. While none had the   visible assault on the assumptions of the New   There is no question that as a strategy and
       verve and chutzpah of the trail blazers each   York mainstream. For example, California   state of mind, the brand of regionalism fostered
       exhibition contained a few artists who attracted   artists living in and around Mill Valley and   by the Hyde Park Art Centre in the late 1960s
       gallery and critical attention. Paschke and Flood   Sacramento share with the Chicago group a   was successful in giving Chicago artists increased
       from the 'Nonplussed Some'; Brown, Hanson   determination to mine local resources and   confidence and a sense of identity. But as a
       and Ramberg from 'The False Image' and    reflect local colour; and a profound distaste   style and a school of the 1970s it suffers from
       Barbara Rossi from 'Marriage Chicago Style'.   for the elitist intellectual atmosphere of the   the exodus of the strongest artists from the city.
       Gradually the fame of the Hyde Park Art   New York art world. (Interestingly enough   H. C. Westermann has long since settled in
       Centre and the kind of art it was sponsoring   James Nutt, Gladys Nilsson and Karl Wirsum   Connecticut. Nutt, Nilsson and Wirsum have
       began to attract national attention. Besides the   all moved to Sacramento a few years back).   moved to Sacramento, and one can see
       `Famous Artists' show in 1969 a show of the   No doubt other groups with similar ideas are to   they are moving steadily away from using local
       `Hairy Who' was mounted in the Corcoran   be found in Texas, in Minneapolis, in St Louis.   references. What remains of their gutsy spirit in
       Gallery of Art in Washington and the artists   The regionalist state of mind in Chicago,   Chicago are memories of the heyday of the
      appeared en masse in 'The Spirit of the Comics'   however, has resulted in a very particular   Hyde Park Art Centre and a tradition that is in
       exhibition in Philadelphia.               product with its own particular strengths and   danger of becoming a strait-jacket for younger
        The i973 NCFA choice for the São Paulo   weaknesses. At best it is strong, crackling and   artists. Of the artists who remain, only Ed
       Bienal would seem to indicate that the new   gutsy with a fine decorative feel for materials   Paschke, badly represented in the São Paulo
       Chicago art has definitively arrived. But where ?   and colour, and a grass roots quality which is   Bienal, shows a steady independent
       The new regionalism is not a style but a   appealing. In 'Made in Chicago' Nutt's    development. It is perhaps, in his pungent
       pervasive state of mind that can accommodate   Nose Jam; Paschke's Heavy Shoes; Nilsson's   explorations of life and counterfeit, of façade and
      many styles. In its broadest sense it is a world   Very Worldly and Reclyning Blakveenus Rabbit   reality that a future for imagist Chicago art
       phenomenon as well as an American         and almost all of the Westermann have these   'It is 'unofficial' only in the sense that the State
       phenomenon, born of disillusionment with the   qualities. But at its worst Chicago art is   Department is not officially sponsoring the
                                                                                            exhibition as a competitive US entry to the Bienal.
      search for universal values and a profound   precious, campy, ingrown, and suffers from a   The Brazilians regard it as the US entry and the
       distrust of missionary zeal. It is a 'do your own   myopic and defensive view of art. The irony of   works will be eligible for prizes. The State Department
      thing' and 'dig in your own garden' state of   Dubuffet's influence is that with each   for its part regards the show as part of its regular
                                                                                            touring programme and will send it to other South
      mind which says that immediate time and    succeeding generation, the area of conquest has    and Central American cities after it closes in Brazil.

                                                                      (Left)                                       (Above)
                                                                      James Nutt                                   Philip Hanson
                                                                      Nose lam 1971                                Yellow Lily 1972
                                                                      Lent by Mr and Mrs H. M. Buchbinder, Chicago    Acrylic on masonite
                                                                                                                   48.8 x 46.5 cm
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