Page 47 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 47

The life and                              costs. Prints are still cheap to produce — the   medals, usually in separate gold, silver and
                                                                                                bronze editions, was recently displayed in a
                                                      principal outlay is the artist's fee, but spread
            death of the                              over an edition of 75, let alone the 200 or more   charming exhibition at the Goldsmiths' Hall.
                                                                                                Commemorative objects, whether in precious
                                                      being printed by some of the newer agencies,
                                                                                                metals, cast metals or pottery and china are
            multiple                                  the cost per unit is low. So are the possible   increasingly offered to the public. A typical
                                                      liabilities — there are no costly tools or moulds
                                                      required, nor is it necessary to become   example is 'The Benjamin Britten Royal Derby
            Charles Spencer
                                                      involved in expensive industrial processes,   Service' to mark the composer's sixtieth
                                                      warehousing, or elaborate forms of packaging.   birthday on 22 November 1973 and promoted
                                                        Secondly the marketing of artists' prints   by the Aldeburgh Festival. The service
            If the multiples movement is not dying, it is   utilizes existing channels. Multiples, on the   consists of fourteen pieces, twelve nine-and-a-
            brilliantly enacting a Genet-like version of the   other hand, bound up with a desire to produce   half inch plates and two eleven-and-a-half inch
            last rites. Recalling the enthusiasm of dealers,   good art objects at a low price, require large   bowls, each bearing a design 'in colour and 24
            publishers and artists for a new industrialized   editions and a more commercial outlet. Once   carat gold representing one of Britten's operas
            art form, a new channel for the involvement of   art objects are produced in large numbers they   with, on the reverse, a musical quotation signed
            a wide public in art experience, it is difficult   fail to attract the normal art-buying public,   by Britten and a brief note signed by Peter
            to see what went wrong. We were provided,   and the margins, whilst possibly suitable for a   Pears'. The service costs £350.
            in many parts of the world, with large    large store, are commercially unattractive to a   This public, however, has not been
            assemblies of objects and designs destined to   Bond Street dealer. In other words, the   converted to any similar involvement with art
            give artists a new social role, and art an   multiples movement in Britain has failed for   multiples, i.e. objects which are not merely
            egalitarian link with society. After all, through   lack of investment and commercial outlet. The   decorative, functional or commemorative. The
            the popular media, especially television and   publishers or agencies which have tried to   efforts to do so have been half-hearted or
            the colour supplements, let alone radio,   promote multiples have lacked these facilities,   ludicrous. When the Tate Gallery celebrated its
            gramophone records, stereo and the cinema,   just as they have lacked the industrial know-  seventy-fifth anniversary last year it published
            almost all the other art forms have finally   how. Thus they and the artists have been at   three fabric kites designed by Gordon House,
            achieved freedom from aristocratic bondage of   the mercy of small workshop plants with no   Robyn Denny and Richard Smith — but only in
            patronage or property collectors. The     experience of art requirements. The artists,   editions of 50. Here, surely, was an opportunity
            attraction of the multiple idea to those of us   too, have failed to acquaint themselves with   for a multiple art object destined for the widest
            who wish to see art stripped of its elitist,   and express themselves in forms and processes   possible, unlimited, distribution, dependent on
            materialistic connotations, lay precisely in the   related to industrial manufacture.   demand. To move on to a more opportunist
            hope that as an expression of human         But curiously enough the failure of multiples,   example, there are the numerous efforts to
            experience or idealism, or even on a lesser,   certainly in Britain, is strongly at variance with   project Salvador Dali on to an unsuspecting
            simpler, entertainment level, it would be   the enormous successes of the manufacture and   public. Various prints come into this category;
            possible to make direct contact with the kind   publication of highly expensive, limited   more extraordinary is the offer by a firm called
            of audiences who enjoy the theatre, cinema,   editions of a variety of decorative domestic   Templeton, Rawlings and Davis Limited of
            music, ballet — on whatever level.        objects. I am not referring particularly to the   Regent Street, London, of a 'wholly original art
              The anxiety to relieve the creation and   art-toys and gadgets which proliferate in smart   medium' in the form of a sculptured frame in
            distribution of art of its commercial shackles,   stores, or even the more pretentious Italianate   `individually moulded and hand cast Century
            and inhibiting establishment image, can only be   baubels available in the decorators' shops of   Wood . . . Hand crafted with antique (sic) gold
            strengthened by the effects of economic   Sloane Street and the King's Road.        finish'. This multiple work of art, limited to a
            inflation, the hysteria of the investment   It is a fairly normal phenomenon, whatever   numbered edition of 600, was offered in the
            stakes, as witnessed in the growing importance   our education, incomes, taste, or domestic   United States for $585 — the present price in
            of the art-fairs and the new auctioneers'   circumstances, to surround ourselves with a   either dollars or sterling is not known.
            enterprise in the contemporary field. (Francis   variety of decorative-cum-functional objects.   It is significant that on requesting
            Bacon, it has long been rumoured, intends   Even people who might never hang a picture on   information on new multiples for the Studio
            abandoning exhibitions or dealers, merely   their walls will choose with some care, and   International directory a high percentage of the
            placing two works a year for sale at auction;   certainly according to their own tastes, a vase,   replies referred to print editions. Multiples Inc.
            after recent events Hockney and Hamilton and   a cigarette lighter, and numerous other objects   of New York, for instance, have almost entirely
            others may be persuaded to follow suit. We   with which they embellish their homes. Either   abandoned interest in three-dimensional objects.
            could end up with no dealers' exhibitions of   because of greater affluence, or as a possible   Among its recent publications the only partially
            living artists — the works going from studio to   investment, a growing number of people are   relevant edition is a new portfolio of
            collector, from auction room to art       prepared to spend relatively large sums of   Rauschenberg where alongside five silk-screens
            investment vaults.)                       money on objects which border on the      is a collage of magazine cutouts and a
              Multiple object publishing has virtually   connotation of art. The colour supplements of   brown paper bag. Multiples Inc., however,
            ceased in Britain; there is no London     the Sunday newspapers regularly offer such   occasionally holds exhibitions of foreign
            gallery which continues to regularly display   objects — I recently noted for instance an   multiples, largely the work of German editors
            new work, and no manufacturer or publisher   advertisement for a silver chess set, one set of   such as René Block (publisher of Joseph
           actively commissioning. This is in marked   chessmen plated 24 carat gold, all fitting into a   Beuys, etc.), Edition Staeck and Heiner
            contrast to the print boom, where not only   leather-bound case. The edition is limited to   Friedrich. Germany remains the most active
           are the older publishers producing new     65o sets, each numbered, only 30o available in   multiple field, but invariably the small editions,
           editions, and some galleries editing work by   the United Kingdom. The author or creator of   sometimes as low as 8 or 10 examples, imprison
           their own artists, but a variety of new agencies,   the chess set is given as Cy Endfield. The price   the objects in a traditional art connotation. In
           mostly without any print experience, are   of each set 50. Offers of this kind are   the United States Castelli has produced
           utilizing national advertising space and mail-  regularly found in advertising columns; there   interesting new editions by Robert Morris,
           order processes to reach a vast new public.   has, for instance, been a spate of fine   Artschwager and Lichtenstein; the latter with
           Why is this public not being offered multiples ?   reproductions of magnificent old clocks, always   John Chamberlain also contributes to Gemini's
              The fundamental reason is high investment    at steep prices. The revival in presentation    Dimensional Object Documentation. The

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