Page 52 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 52

produced 'travelled through the   be over, but the plant for which the   in Landscape observation, continuing   William Raban and Anthea Hinds.
             mails ... strange paste-ups   Goethe Institute provided the frame   with time-lapse, and other specific   With kids' workshops, installations,
             bordering on the forbidden flew   is vigorous and it would be crass   systems of 'sampling'. Of the eight,   events and straight' multi-projection
             across the Atlantic, boxes that   irresponsibility to leave it to wither—  tight and accomplished films which   screenings from 11.00 am till 9.30 pm
             rattled and wheezed were delivered   if you care about its future make   he showed, the two which I liked   each day for the week, and work from
             by bewildered mailmen'. Some   your views known. Sigi Krauss must   most were Running Film and the two   over a dozen film-makers, it was an
             recent manifestations in this genre   have opportunity to continue their   screen Wind Vane Film. The former is a   eventful show. Mike Dunford's
             have found their way to 'Feedback'   venture, the need for which has been   simple, four minute film shot in   piece set the atmosphere. In it he
             without confusing the postmen too   amply demonstrated.     Kensington Gardens. The camera is   removed all his clothes and put them
             much, including a pack of surprises   CLIVE PHILLPOT        started as Wellsby runs directly away   back on again repeatedly, thus
             from The Bay Area Dadaist, c/o                              from it into the trees ahead for ten   emulating the complete repetition of a
             daddaland, 3199 Clay Street, San                            seconds, then the camera is switched   filmed loop.
             Francisco, California 94115 no. 9,                          off. The action is repeated until the   MALCOLM LE GRICE
             USA, attn. Bill Gaglione. The packet   VISION               film is used up. Wind Vane Film is the
             incorporated, among many other                              result of his search for a way in
             curiosities, a certificate conferring   Money for film making groups   which the events in the landscape can
             upon Bud Shark, Malcolm Le Grice   The British Film Institute Production   be used to determine the sampling   GRAPHICS
             and myself a third share each in the   Board has allocated £7,500 of this   system (as opposed to the application
             degree of Master of Finds Art,   year's budget to be used as the basis   of a mechanical, imposed strategy of   Editions Alecto have recently
             courtesy Fat City School of Finds   of a fund for assisting groups in   a different order). In this case there   published five monographs written by
             Art. As it happens the first art that I   establishing facilities and equipment.   are two cameras, 50 feet apart,   Charles Spencer, each monograph is
             finds after that is ECART, 6 rue   As yet the exact terms of reference for   on tripods with loose pan heads. The   concerned with one artist and the
             Plantamour, ch-1201, Geneva, i.e.   this fund have not been worked out,   cameras are free to swing side to side,   print or multiple he has done for the
             John M. Armleder and Patrick   though there is no reason why it   which they do in response to wind   Editions Alecto Collectors Club.
             Lucchini, who sent three packages.   should not go into action at once.   direction, each being equipped with   The artists included are Kenneth
             All I can say, apart from thank you,   More information as it becomes   large wind vanes. Each camera has a   Armitage, Tom Phillips, Colin
             is what I found in the most colourful   available.          microphone from a stereo recorder,   Langeley, Achilles Droungas, and
             package : seven small pieces of                             and this is replayed along with the   Ed Meneeley. The monographs are
             paper, including a green numbered   Film from Chelsea School of Art   two films from the cameras, side by   admittedly intended as drawing
             cloakroom ticket counterfoil ( ?), the   In spite of resistance from the   side.          cards for prospective members of the
             discarded leaf from a mini-calendar   Department of Education and Science,                club (and are given to members on
             for Lundi 6 Aoüt with a motto from   and some conservatism in the schools   Grants to London Film Makers   joining). They contain background
             J.-J. Rousseau, a piece bearing a   themselves Film and Video are slowly   Wellsby is one of a group of film-  information, selections of writings by
             thrice repeated image of a Bactrian   becoming established as normal   makers who have recently been   and about the artists, and
             camel, and a reproduction of a small   aspects of the Fine Art course. In   offered grants by the Arts Council.   reproductions of work. The
             child from a newspaper ad. ( ?) ; as   London there is the course which I   This is a further and welcome move   impression one gets when reading
             well as these a small cellophane pack   am involved with at St Martin's, the   in the inevitable direction of giving   the brochures, is strongly one that
             of alphabetti spaghetti (I'm still   film-making course at the Slade, and   grants to film-maker/artists, with no   these are justifications for the
             working on that), a scarlet spotted   Anne Rees- Mogg has firmly   subterfuge about their being artists in   artists having been selected and for
             pink bean, an almost black piece   established that film-making is a   other fields, 'just making a film'.   the prints or multiples they have
             from a jig-saw, a small round seed,   serious alternative to painting or   Amongst this group is Paul Botham   produced. The intention of the
             and a piece of string 12 centimetres   sculpture at Chelsea. This year she has   who earlier in the year put on one of   club is to serve as a patron in
             long. After reciting a list of images   tutored (under the umbrella of   the liveliest shows at the London   selecting artists to produce prints and
             Paul Nash once said 'In my art I   complementary studies) an   Co-op Cinema, including mime,   multiples for the members of the
             would solve such an equation', well,   exceptional group of students. All of   clowns, gags, improvised music,   club. The selection is to include
             here is another equation. I have a   them — Savva, David Pearce,   strip, food and drink. His own quite   artists from all over the world, but so
             feeling that it is its own solution.   Christiane Sasportas, Chris Monger   classic 'abstract' City Scape and   far the Greek, Australian and
                                           and Chris Wellsby—showed work   Eifel Trifel (classic in the sense of   American artists have all been
             Affidavit: idea — process — document,   which covered new ground.   being what the early film work of   London residents. The first artist to
             by six Israeli artists, the post-  Christiane Sasportas's The Android   Moholy Nagy, Man Ray or Leger,   actually come from overseas was
             exhibition document relating to the   Fish was the first animated film I have   might have been, if the culture had   Harald Becker from Germany who
             show at Gallery House London at the   enjoyed for some years, and Chris   developed enough) were a little   worked on his screenprint for the
             end of 1972 costs £0.75 from Gallery   Monger showed two narrative films,   swamped by the variety show.   club during the summer. The proof
             House London, 50 Princes Gate,   Narcissus and Cold Mountain which   However, I have some sympathy with   which I saw of Becker's print
             Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PG   make use of the limitations of   his attempt to break down the   showed him to be a facile artist but
             or certain bookshops, and is a spiral   producing a 'talkie' with no sync.   rarefied context of avant-garde   the print made little impression
             bound volume full of good offset   equipment. Both his films have an   film. Another of the recent grants goes   beyond that. Unfortunately most of
             reproductions, texts, and information   informal, poetic wit which make me   to Peter Gidal. In many respects,   the prints done for the club's members
             about the artists. It was not just the   feel he could have a new approach to   Gidal's extreme austerity is the   have all been rather polished but with
             dutiful exhibition of a gallery funded   a form which I tend to think of as a   opposite of what Botham aims for.   very little depth to them. Only
             largely from Germany for it contained   dead duck. However the films which   I consider Gidal's films, film writing,   Ed Meneeley in his screenprint
             some lively work; the artists were   were most 'complete', mature in the   and art criticism (see his Becket and   Louina's Dream seemed to
             Druks, Gershuni, Geva, Grünberg,   sense that they needed no   Structuralism article June Art and   understand and make use of the
             Kadishman and Neustein. The   concession on the basis of being   Artists) perhaps the most   printmaking process. For information
             liveliness of Avital Geva's bookish   student work, were those by Chris   fundamentally interesting, certainly   about the Editions Alecto Collectors
             culture was immediately obvious,   Wellsby. Most of his earliest work was   most uncompromising, around, but   Club contact them at 27 Kelso
            for this culture was derived from the   done jointly with William Raban, both   pressure on space in this column   Place, London, W.8.
            placing of discarded books in an iron   being involved in the use of time-  makes it difficult to review his work
            frame, allowing water to collect and   lapse as an observational method. The   fully, which is why I have preferred   In April I mentioned a then
            encouraging mushroom and mould   main film which they made together   not to mention him at all. The same   forthcoming publication called the
            to develop. His making of      using this form was the six-week   goes for other London film-makers,   Compact Gallery. It is now
            'cemeteries of very old books' (walls   time-lapsed marathon, River.  Yar.   among them Mike Dunford who has   available and on view at the Print
            of books and mortar) seems a rather   Since then Raban has developed in   received an Arts Council grant.   Workshop, 28 Charlotte Street,
            ambiguous answer to pollution by   some very different directions,                         London, WC1. It consists of a
            over-publication, but he describes   recording events in the projection   North of Watford   perspex box containing 10 prints by
            and illustrates other more socially   situation, and projecting these back,   Mike Dunford precipitated the   5 English and 5 Japanese artists.
            useful ideas, including one involving,   for example, as in Two Minutes   tension which was inevitable when   The set sells for £10.00.
            dare I say it, a librarian.   Forty-five, on the following evening   the Walker Gallery, Liverpool put on a   Unfortunately I have been unable to
                                           of a series of shows, again re-filming.   seven-day show of English avant-  see the prints yet so can't comment
             By the time you read this, Gallery   Wellsby, seems to have developed   garde film and film events under the   further.
            House's short flowering will probably    more closely to their original interest    title of Filmaktion', organized by    BUD SHARK
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