Page 54 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 54

Artists' Market,  organized by                               However, the sculptor's       his feelings about the role of Nature
            Vera Lindsay with Norman      NEW                            determination to prevent such   in 20th-century architecturally-
            Rosenthal, will take place at the                            physical notions of possession or   orientated public works. In any case
            Warehouse Gallery, 44-48 Earlham                             recreation comes across very clearly.   the brass inlays spaced throughout
            Street, Covent Garden, London, from   WORK                   Again, the colour plays an essential   Otera suggest floating leaves and in
            18 September through November.                               role as it channels the observer's   one place a puddle. The use of such
                                           On view at the Liverpool exhibition   mind into an Oriental wavelength.   delicate subsidiary themes helps to
            Rumours that the conceptual art   'Magic and Strong Medicine' is   One thinks of the Zen state of mind   articulate the larger, somewhat
            exhibition at ICA's 'Summer Studio'   Hubert Dalwood's solution to the   which comfortably spreads kinship   mundane forms, and to sustain one's
            was a hoax have been vehemently   selector's request for a sculpture   to unlike forms.    visual curiosity.
            denied by impresario Nicholas   which would fill the room. Dalwood's
            Wegner :'My artists produce serious   matte-red edifice is a commanding   Although it is true that Dalwood has   What the sculpture requires is a
            works independent of parody. They   structure. Apart from the startling   used before such unorthodox   proper context. For its size and
            bridled at being described as   colour the piece itself has great bulk   appendages as the cloth ties and   magnificence the piece should be
            "Wegner's stable".'            and contrast, beginning with the   organic matter seen in Otera, lately   outdoors or in a large courtyard. Yet
                                          knee-high platform measuring 32 x 24   he seems totally ready to formulate   it would be hard for a democratic
            The Arts Council of Great     feet upon which stand cylindrical   a personal iconography with   public to accept or identify with one
            Britain has set aside £5,000 in the   columns over 15 feet tall. These   heterogeneous media. Perhaps the   person's definition of a monument,
            current financial year for enterprising   uprights support an equally massive   opportunity to see Japanese gardens   religious or otherwise.
            commercial galleries.         beam balanced horizontally which   and temples last summer reinforced    CATHERINE LAMPERT
                                          in turn sprouts a large drapery at the
            Prospect 73 runs from September   rounded tip. In the interior a stepped
            28-October 7 at the Kunsthalle,   rectangular block has been sliced in
            Düsseldorf.                   two parts on a diagonal and the gap
                                          filled with luscious sod and moss.
            Audio Arts,  the first tape cassette
            art magazine, will issue its first edition   The work, titled appropriately Otera
            in October. Editions will be quarterly   (Buddhist for temple) hasn't merely
            (60 minutes long approx.) and backed   the Gargantuan proportions to
            by supplements. UK : Sub. cost £6.50   impress a mass audience, but in
            pa incl. Outside UK: £8.00 incl. Air   addition a sealed, smooth surface
            Mail. Cost per single cassette £2.00   which seems to radiate messages
            (plus 15p postage UK, 50p outside   like a long-emptied ancient tomb.
            UK). Address : Audio Arts,    The strong aura, resonant even
            136 Gordon Road, London, W.13.   soporific, derives from the inward
                                          pull of the quarter-rounded edges
            Prix de Portrait Paul-Louis   and the clever absence of
             Willer 1974  for sculptors. Closing   constructional clues. No nuts, bolts,
            date for information and entry forms,   or anchoring mechanisms are visible.
            December 1, 1973. Address :
            Secretariat de ('Academie des   The work's impregnability tempts
            Beaux-Arts, 23 Quai de Conti,    the spectator to have an exploratory
            75270 Paris Ce dex 06.        ramble. One feels a psychological
                                          need to sound out the beams for
            Europe Prize for Painting     hollowness, strength and scale.
            (Ostend) 1973. Gold Medal
            winners: Arnoldi (Denmark), Oswald
            (Belgium), Ado (Japan/Paris),
            Kennedy (Australian/London).
            Rhonda Whitehead (Silver) and
            Stephen Buckley (Bronze) were two
            British winners.
            Peter Townsend  was recently
            elected chairman of the Greater
            London Arts Association.
            Catherine Lampert is the new
            Exhibition Organizer at the Arts
            Council of Great Britain.
             Robert Smithson, the artist, was
            killed in a plane crash on 20 July. He
            was thirty-five.
             Robert Hyde, director of the
            environmental/media course at the
            RCA, London, died in July.
            Apology: In the article 'Nouns,
            gerunds and participial adjectives'
             (July/August issue p.4) the
            author's name should have
            been spelt Mitch Tuchman.

             Frameworks Journal No. 2 is
            now available, price £1, post
            free from Frameworks Press, 185
            Archway Road, London N6. Articles
             by Baldwin, Stezaker, Bird etc.
             COMPILED BY JOHN CAUMAN       Hubert Dalwood Otera 1973
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