Page 58 - Studio International - September 1973
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GERMANY                       the famous Domnick Collection.   largest exhibition limited to Italian
                                                                                                      The Rome Quadriennale, the
                                                                        American art from 1960 to 1970 —
                                                                        Hard Edge and Pop Art— was    art only, in May opened a final third
                                          The lively current art scene in   represented by works from the   section dedicated to the experimental
                                          Southern Germany, is dominated by   collection of the Ulm publisher Kurt   avant garde. The other two sections,
                                          the 'Grosse Muncher           Fried. No less than 15 Dieter Rot   shown from December 1972 to
                                          Kunstausstellung', held every   originals came from a doctor's   April 1973, were concerned with a
                                          summer at Hitler's Haus der Kunst.   private collection. There were some   reassessment of the between-wars
                                          Three exhibitions held recently   particularly good examples of   period and of the post-war
                                          remain particularly notable, two of   Nouveau Realisme, thanks to the   movements, covering the various
                                          them concerned with the more   splendid collection of the master   trends — figurative, abstract
                                          distant past. Darer's quincentenary   restorer Siegfried Cremer. English   geometric and so on. The city's
                                          was celebrated two years ago with   art was represented only by Phillips,   private galleries put on De Chirico
                                          due pomp, while Cranach received   Denny and Plumb, the Italians by   (Ca d'Oro), R. Savinio (II Gabbiano)
                                          rather less attention last year, and   Manzoni, Fontana and Dorazio.   and Fausto Melotti (Marlborough),
                                          the city of Augsburg is giving due   Since this exhibition did not by any   this latter an ageing master whose
                                          honour this year to Hans Burgmair   means draw on all the known   sculpture is finally enjoying a total
                                          who was born here in 1473. At the   collections, one can conclude that   success after more than thirty years
                                          municipal art gallery an excellent   Württemberg is highly receptive to   of waiting.
                                          display, due to go on to Stuttgart,   modern art. No wonder, therefore,
            Installation shot. Work by    has been mounted of the graphic   that the strange show of work by   In Milan it seems to be the moment
            (left) Buren, (right) Tononi.   masterpieces of this German artist   Robin Page at Stuttgart's Galerie   for graphics with works by
            Photo: E. Kossakowski, Paris   of the Renaissance. The names of   Muller was well-frequented. The   Capogrossi (Bon à Tirer), Consagra
                                          Darer and Burgmair are inseparably   State Gallery has bought an   (L'Annunciata), and Bodini
            variations. Ryman and Marden are   linked with the development of the   important work by this artist who   (Rusconi) dominating, and some
            obviously serious artists. They deal   woodcut, Burgmair being one of the   spent many years in England and now   younger artists like Gentili
            competently with the inherited issues,   pioneers of chiaroscuro and colour   lives in Düsseldorf with his Fluxus   (Struktura) and Paolacci (II
            but their work demonstrates only a   woodcuts. Augsburg has assembled   friends.          Diagramma).
            moderate development; it's    his best work from all over Europe.
            conventional and tame. The inclusion                        The Kunsthalle in Baden-Baden   Pozzati had a deliberately
            of Charlton's concentric rectangles   In Stuttgart the German Gymnastics   was host to eleven artists from Great   controversial show at Bologna (De
            and squares was inexplicable. A   Festival inspired a look at the human   Britain, whose exhibition is going   Foscherari) with the title
            cursory comparison would show his   form in art. The exhibition at the   on to Bremen and Brussels. The 365   'Restoration', and Battaglia
            work to be far less than its sources.   Württembergische Kunstverein,   drawings selected by the British   exhibited at Prato (Nova). Of special
            He's invented nothing — the paintings   entitled 'The human form in foreign   Council were not, according to   note is the retrospective open-air
            are derivative rather than influenced.   cultures', showed many hundred   Timothy Hilton, meant to prove   showing given to Colla at Pesaro;
            Griffa nailed up three unstretched   African and South Sea sculptures   anything in particular. What they do   he is perhaps the most significant
            canvases. Ellipsoid stains in muted   and masks. Research and display   show is how varied the approach to   contemporary Italian sculptor, in a
            colours were distributed in horizontal   were undertaken by the Stuttgart   the medium of drawing, to the paper   vein between 'bricolage' and found
            or diagonal rows across an arbitrary   Lindenmuseum which owns one of   itself, can be. The generous selection   objects, to furnish a completely
            grid made by folds in the canvas. The   Europe's largest collections of   has its strong tensions but also   different image of contemporary
            paintings were unexceptional. Lohaus   native art. The skilfully displayed   includes some banalities, such as   reality.
            leaned five vertical 6 by 5 canvases   material was tremendously   the postcards by David Tremlett.
            against the wall. There were two pairs.   impressive, largely dominated by the   Blake, Hockney, Craig-Martin,   The most important shows of foreign
            The fifth painting typically displayed   principle of deformation which has   Gilbert and George provided the   artists are those of Rauschenberg
            crude brushstrokes down the left- and   religious and magical meanings, and   highlights. I was particularly   (Spazio) and Baumgarten
            right-hand sides of the painting, one   which has exerted a strong influence   impressed with the drawings of   (Sperone- Fischer) in Rome, while
            white, one black, both continuing   on modern art — as seen, for example,   Colin Self which span the full range   in Milan there can be seen works by
            on to the floor and wall. Palermo,   in the work of Picasso and the   from the harmless and ordinary to   the Polish avant-garde artist Berman
            Toroni, and Buren have been doing   German Expressionists.   the evil of the gardens of madness.   (Schwarz) with collages and
            pretty much the same thing for six or                       One further point : these artists tend   photomontages from 1930 till today,
            seven years now, without much   Two concurrent events in Stuttgart   to be technically conservative but   Alan Davie (L'Uomo e L'Arte S.p.A.)
            invention. Palermo had a small, black   were of particular interest to the   still achieve individual expression,   and Christo (Rotonda della Besana)
            cube on the wall of a corridor, and a   collector. The State Gallery, which   both quiet and intellectual, like   In Verona there is a selection of
            wooden triangular plaque, painted   recently acquired a painting by Wols   Barker.        graphic works by Robyn Denny (La
            blue, over a doorway. Toroni showed   for DM 330,000 exhibited privately   GUNTHER WIRTH   Città).
            two rolls of vinyl, one draped on to a   owned examples of Classical
            mantelpiece, the other onto the floor,   Modernism, while the Kunstverein                 In the field of the art of the past,
            containing staggered rows of orange   devoted itself to private collections               Milan's Palazzo Reale is showing
            squares. A similar small painting had   of contemporary art. The exhibits,                from June to November a definitive
            four alternate rows of four and three   gathered from the homes and villas   ITALY        collection of paintings of the
            mauve squares. Buren used his   of the Swabians, who have a                               the Lombard Seicento with
            customary cotton sheeting in vertical   reputation for keeping their treasures   There have been a number of   Caravaggio as the central figure.
            blue and white stripes. The two outer   hidden, were quite astonishing in   exhibitions, due to the initiative of   The paintings are backed up by a
            white stripes were painted white on   their number and quality. It was   public bodies, which have been   panoramic showing of drawings and
            both sides. One piece, around fifteen   easy to predict that the   aimed at a deepening of the   prints at the Ambrosiana. Rome, in
            feet high and ten feet wide, was   expressionists would be   understanding of twentieth-century   the rooms of the Palazzo Venezia, is
            draped over a large academic   magnificently represented at the   Italian painting. They have been, in   exhibiting a nearly complete
            painting — evidently a permanent   State Gallery, but the presence of   effect, on-going studies free of all   collection of the works of Cavaliere
            fixture in the apartment — and   nine methodically collected works   bias and avoiding national   d'Arpino. In Bologna the more
            extended onto the floor.      by Leger and eight by Max Ernst   glorification and myth-making. The   recent past is recalled in a show
            Another piece, a narrow strip of the   was hardly to be expected. Oskar   great retrospective show of Sironi   dedicated to the nineteenth-century
            same material, extended through   Schlemmer stole the show with 18   in Milan closed recently, and Rome's   master, Silvestro Lega. Undoubtedly
            several rooms.                examples, including six masks never   Gallery of Modern Art has a choice   the most extraordinary exhibition,
                                          shown before : a recital mask from   selection of Morandi. Over and   from every point of view, is
            European artists seem to have a lot of   the 'Figurale Kabinett' and others   above the similar collections that   Vicenza's celebration of Palladio,
            problems ; their proffered solutions   from the 'Triadische Ballett'.   were shown in London and in Paris,   with a huge collection of documents
            are not encouraging. The work tends                         this includes two hitherto unseen   and material in the famous Basilica
            to be provincial, somewhat    The Kunstverein favoured art after   landscapes of 1911-12, both of   Palladiana. The show will be open
            ingratiating, and a little too obvious.   1945. 'L'art informel' was   capital importance in this artist's   until mid-November.
            P. A. ROSENBLOOM              documented with paintings from    evolution.                ALESSANDRO MOZZAMBANI
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