Page 59 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 59

RECENT                        bummer. However, one can't quarrel
                                          depends on being polished is a
                                         too much with the fact that this is a
           LONDON                        famous work, even if certainly not a
                                         major one, and that it 'fills a gap' in
                                         the collection. When a collection
           SHOWS                         becomes wide enough for the notion
                                         of gaps to be relevant, then you're
                                         right into art history. I wish the
           Summer Show at the Marlborough,   Marlborough were more sensitive
           London, 16 June-7 September   towards their presentation of the
           The Marlborough Summer Shows are   history, for the pictures deserve it.
           so famous, and so regal in atmosphere,   The purchase for £3.50 of the
           that one feels a faint obligation to   catalogue will help you keep the
           curtsey. Every year the newspaper   wolf from getting out. In reality it is a
           critics (fools) dutifully do so, and say   souvenir. Every work is reproduced in
           that the experience is like being   colour but the cataloguing is
           in the Tate. They mean this as an   desultory in the extreme. I don't
           accolade. But that's just what the   suppose they care. But by terrorism
           trouble is. As with some sales, these   if necessary, the Enemies of
           summer events force upon one the   Inscrutability must prevail. I laugh
           reflection that we are bedevilled by   when I read in the papers of certain
           the loose idea of 'museum quality' in   Marlborough works as being of 'more   Fernand Leger L'Aviateur 1920
           the kind of individual pictures one   than mere art-historical interest'.
           gets at the Marlborough. The phrase   Nature of laughter : mirthless. This
           is unacceptable either as a median   year's Signac of the Port of St Tropez   Studio) is not Matisse at his utmost   Magritte's oeuvre in that it contains no
           (what would 'above museum     might not quite attain that ineffable   best during the years in Nice, but is a   enigma or pun. Beneath a tree full of
           quality' mean ?) or as an ideal. It is a   category. It is an attempt to combine   marvellously complicated work. The   birds a young woman devours one
           function of museums to buy relatively   neo-impressionism with a good   lower third is a table, with an urgently   she has just caught. It has hardly
           bad paintings (the Tate's poverty has   old-fashioned luminism. It's from   striped cloth on it, the striations   stopped fluttering, blood is
           made them all too skilful at this), and   1898, and Signac was still suffering   going in different planar directions :   everywhere. It is a painting that
           there are, in this exhibition, paintings   from a craze for Ruskin and Turner at   on that is the still life ; above and   would grace the home of a certain
           which are no good but will doubtless   that time. The foreground props are   behind are two wallpaper patterns, a   British artist known for his peculiar
           go to institutions : the Munch, for   more Turnerian than Claudeian, and   carpet pattern, a gramophone, a   eating habits. I can think of no other
           instance. What is needling in these   so is the attempt at a rush of pink-to-  windowscape, a curtain, and a mirror   use for it, though perhaps it shows
           exhibitions is the way in which they   madder cirrus. I called for madder   in which can be seen the reflection of   that the young Magritte felt that his
           dramatize what a gap there is between   cirrus, stronger wine. A central pool   the artist above a bunch of flowers.   art had to be asserted by extreme
           the superlative, like this year's   of light like this is extremely rare in   It's a cornucopia of Matisseisms,   rather than paradoxical subject matter,
           Cezanne, and the merely expensive.   neo-impressionist seascape and   brilliant and thrilling, but perhaps too   and that the surrealist climate
           Since the Marlborough has no   landscape, and perhaps was not   much a cornucopia. The riviera is not   encouraged this.
           aesthetic intention apart from that   workable in terms of the style, which   what it was, and when it was it wasn't
           determined by the market one finds   would need to be careful of a   then either. This thought is prompted   Max Ernst's painting  Pieta ou la
           here a peculiar mixture of quality, of   centralized iridescence. The ground   by the provenance of the huge Picasso   Revolution /a Nuit has more of
           art-historical curiosity, and rubbish.   in neo-impressionist seascapes is   of 1918, Homme Accoudé sur un   the signs of an artist who had been
                                         usually inserted from the side in an   Table, which belonged to Madame   painting independently for some
           The Tate has bought Brancusi's   off-balanced way. Little wonder that   Errazuriz : she was the woman who   fifteen years and who, pictorially and
           Maiastra from this year's exhibition.   Signac so appreciated Luxe, Calme   introduced Picasso to the high life of   culturally, was always more clever
           It is a quite rivetingly unappealing   et Volupté, which Matisse began when   Biarritz just after the Kaiser's war. One   and inventive with his clichés. Behind
           piece when you come to look at it.   staying with him at St Tropez three   would like to have seen this work in   the picture may be Philippe Ernst's
           It's often been made to appear better   years later. But if Matisse saw this   Dr Golding's Leger and Purism   Portrait of his Son Max as the Christ
           by low-angled photography which   picture then, he would have felt how   exhibition ; it's a high point of late   Child (1896), since in Ernst the
           stresses spurious reasons for   it was mistaken. The 1924 Matisse at   synthetic cubism. It's hardly readable   mock-religious is generally doubled
           appreciating it : all the soaring and   the Marlborough (catalogued without   as figurative, and feels more like a   with his own parental/filial hang-ups.
           aspirational connotations. It is of   a provenance and with a different   still-life made grand by engineering.   There were good things by Bonnard.
           course one of the deep and immutable   title from the one we are used to from   In subsequent years, I fancy,   Braque, Gris and Schwitters ;
           laws of art that any sculpture which    Barr's monograph, Still Life in the    Picasso was in trouble with still-lifes   pleasant things by Boudin, Klee,
                                                                       because he could not, as Leger could,   Berthe, Morisot and Nicolson ; and
                                                                       make an olympian and classical art   bad things by Bacon, Chagall,
                                                                       without recourse to the ennoblement   Giacometti, Kitaj, Munch, Picasso,
                                                                       of the human figure. One of the   Rouault, Sutherland, Utrillo. It is
                                                                       colossal maternities of those years is   distressing for the visitor, and one
                                                                       catalogued but was not in the show   trusts embarrassing for the artist, to
                                                                       shortly after the opening. Leger   hang certain works by living British
                                                                       appears well, with a significant version   members of the Marlborough stable
                                                                       of  L'Aviateur and a good big still-life   on the same walls as the Cezanne and
                                                                       of 1937 whose components are not   the Monet. Their only recourse — in
                                                                       particularisable, though they are   itself a constant component of the
                                                                       recognized as coming from the sea.   Marlborough's vulgarity — is to plump
                                                                       That starfish shape is a good one for   out into a plushy grandeur. The
                                                                       shape historians: it's here, it's in one   gallery is altogether too bland in
                                                                       of the preliminary drawings for   mixing a taste for pomp with real
                                                                       Guernica, and it's in Gottleib, Baziotes,   quality. One suspects that they feel
                                                                       Pollock. It's odd how much art got   they are putting the art before the
                                                                       from Europe to America in a submarine.   coarse, and that's that, while
                                                                                                      potential purchasers are a different
                                                                       Two surrealist pictures are of interest.   matter. I can see that this is a fact of
                                                                        Margritte's  Le Plaisir is of 1926, thus   commercial life, but it doesn't make
                                                                       a very early painting, before his first   for a good exhibition. Good
                                                                       exhibition in Brussels (but was it   paintings are facts of a quite different
                                                                       shown there, cataloguer?), before he   type of life.  q
           Paul Signac, Le Port de St Tropez 1901                      visited Paris. It is exceptional in    TIM HILTON
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