Page 40 - Studio International - February 1974
P. 40

(Left above) Untitled 1960
                                                Tracing paper collage with oil, gouache, pencil, tape
                                                                                               10 x 10 in.
                                                (Left below) Untitled 1970 	 Adelphi 1967
                                                Oil on fibreglass with paper frame
                                                                                          Oil on linen with wax-paper frame
                                                                                               102x 102  5 5/8 x 5 5/8 in. 	in.

      the five 1966 circular drawings titled    in his work for thirteen years — accentuating   Adelphi, of course, is one of six similar-sized
      according to the pencils used on each:    (by contrast) the opaque physicality of paint. In.   paintings of white painted linen stapled
      Koh-I-Noor 7H (No. 1), Eagle Turquoise 7H   those lovely few collages of 1959 and 196o the   directly to the wall of Heiner Friedrich's
      (No. 4), and 6H (No. 2), Venus 7H (No. 1), and   main field and surface is simply a single sheet   Munich Gallery in 1967: a 'set' which explored
      Castell 9H, (No. 1). The papers' tissue of fine   of tracing paper — that thin, smooth-surfaced,   six different 'frames' as relations between the
      machine-made ribbing has subtle           matte paper which browns and crispens so   unstretched canvases and the supportive wall
      irregularities (although Ryman told me he   beautifully with age. In the collage reproduced   while physically different from either. And
      bought boxes and boxes of sheets to find even   here, its enhanced translucency is not just due   although the wax paper works similarly in
      about twelve without 'imperfections') which   to its contrast with the glossy impasto of the   Adelphi and Untitled 197o as a 'frame' whose
      counter the rigidly straight parallel lines or   white (and sienna-orangish) paint and grainy   transparency connects the painting with the
      grids made by the pencils — an ironic inversion   line of graphite on its surface or with its opaque   surrounding wall in an embracing openness,
      of the usual contrast between machine-    paper backing : it is also due to the doubling of   in Adelphi its material integrity is more
      regularity and hand-made personality. These   layers of tracing paper — both in the upper   accentuated by its separateness from painted
      textural irregularities are not just of the surface :   right 'square' (counterpointed by the similar-  linen, small dark tapes, and itself in
      the whole diaphanous material is embossed   hued rippled opacity of the 'natural' masking-  overlapping strips. In Untitled 1970, the wax
      into ridges and crevices whose chiaroscuro is   tape square in the lower left corner) and in one   paper reads more as an extension of (and
      almost as pronounced as its contrast with the   of the applied 'supports' for differently coloured   tape-held support for) the central square of
      pencil marks. For the pencils chosen have fine,   signatures. The whole piece could be read as a   more roughly textured and semi-opaque
      hard graphite — leaving thin lines barely visible   sort of obligato on relative transparencies of and   fibreglass under and between the dominating
      as a sharp shimmer against the paper's matte   to the tracing-paper itself, for the repetition   glossily impastoed strokes of white paint: a
      translucency. Delicacy met by delicacy: an   and balancing of everything else is scaled and   role less conceptually related to the 'painting'
      obvious particular example of what I meant by   positioned as subordinate to its parameters and   and more softly integrated with its more
      Ryman's sense of compatibility of discrete   surface. This kind of visual physical dominance   visually seductive and dramatic personality on
      materials.                                is not the case with the wax paper Ryman used   the wall.
        I spoke of 'translucency'. This is not the   in the 1967 Adelphi or the 197o Untitled. In   Transparent and translucent materials
      most obvious quality for which paper is known.   both these works, the paper — more shiny and   `look light' (in weight) and usually are.
      But it is a quality of material which obviously   transparent than tracing paper — is present more   Highly light-reflective surfaces and thin flat
      interests Ryman very much, for translucent or   as a frame for the central painting : a frame   planes usually 'read' as light-weight, too: but if
      almost transparent materials have cropped up   punctuated and held by bits of masking-tape.   they are solid metal they are not. This irony is
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