Page 45 - Studio International - February 1974
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like to present his work should   Stockholm 27, Sweden.      consumer society from the 'age of the   postponed until a later date.
       contact him soon at :114 West   Though all the audiences I   jumping jive' including Coca-Cola   Barbara Reise writes : there are
       29th St., NYC 10001. Provided   encountered understood the   and Walt Disney products, travel   some factual errors in my article on
       information reaches  Studio   intention of the work I showed, it was   'antiques', Judy Garland dolls,   Robert Ryman. The corrugated
       International before 10 April, we will   only in the provincial town of   comics, ceramics, furnishings,   cardboard paintings reproduced on
       announce the time and place of any   Karlstad that I met anybody who was   autographs ... are all presented as   page 77 were made and exhibited in
       show which he does during     trying to work in a similar area. There   'collectibles'. Mebane is the editor of   1969, not 1968.  Adelphi (reproduced
       May-June.                     I met three students who had begun to   the  Antiques Journal and has   and discussed on page 78) was done
                                      work with 8mm, and whose interest   written several other books on   in 1968, not 1967, and so was its
       Experimental film in Sweden    in film had been stimulated by a visit   collecting. The lesson of this book is   exhibition at Heiner Friedrich's.
       In December I made a quick tour with   from the West-Coast film-maker   clear : throw nothing away. for   Standard, when exhibited at the
       some new English films in Sweden.   Gunver Nelson to her home in the   tomorrow avaricious collectors and   Bianchini Gallery, consisted of
       Excellently organized by Christina   Wermlands province, close to   museums will be grabbing it even   thirteen panels, not twelve ; although
       Glaeser of the Humanistiska    Karlstad.                     before you have finished using it !   it was subsequently divided into a
       Foreningen, I had a little time to                           3ohn Walker                   twelve-panel painting and a one-
       collect some information on the   limura in London                                         panel painting. But each panel is nine
       Swedish experimental film situation.   In November 'Vision', I reviewed                    square feet (not eight) smaller than
       My general impression was that there   some of Taka I imura's films, shown   News & Notes   those of the cardboard paintings
       is no equivalent to the current avant-  during the London Avant-garde Film                 (page 79).
                                                                    Phillip King will be having a show   The Floods in Egypt, the latest in a
       garde film movement which has   Festival. I did not discuss his
                                                                    of recent work at the Kröller-Müller   series of display exhibitions to be
       developed from the Underground,   installation, also presented at the
                                                                    Museum, Otterlo during April. The   shown at The Gallery, 65a Lisson St.,
       though there is certainly a large   festival, nor did I mention that he has
                                                                    exhibition, which is sponsored by the   London NW1, opens at the end of this
       number of film-makers who consider   also worked with video. He was in
                                                                    British Council, will then go to   month. The exhibition is based on
       themselves 'experimental' and who   London from 1 to 14 February.
                                                                    Düsseldorf and Berne.         information recently collected in
        formed the basis of the Arbets   The London Film Coop, 13a Prince
                                                                    Patrick Heron's Vertical Light   North Africa, and reveals an aspect of
        Gruppen Far Film. This 'union' (aims   of Wales Crescent, London NW1,
        much in common with the Film   regularly shows films on Wednesdays   1957/8, oil on canvas, 110 x 60 in.,   a country inundated by war.
                                                                    is illustrated below at special request
        Co-operative's) was begun in 1950   at 8.00pm. Time Out has details in                     The Richard Demarco Gallery
        and existed until 1967 when it became   the 'Film Clubs' column. On 27
        a foundation known as Filmform. The   February will be shown  Structural
        foundation supports experimental   Precursors, the films of Kurt Kren and
        film-makers, providing film-stock and   Peter Kubelka.
        equipment for 8mm 'pilot studies',   Malcolm Le Grice
        and, where the results are interesting,
        assisting the film-maker in raising
        finance for 16mm production. For   Books
        their twentieth anniversary in 1970,
        together with the Swedish Film   Four decades: the Canadian Group of
        Institute, they produced a catalogue   painters and their contemporaries
        of about eighty films, the best known   1930-1970  by Paul Duval. 191pp,
        work being by Peter Weiss,    197 illustrations 128 in colour.
        Mihail Livada, Arne Lindgren and   Toronto, Clarke Irwin Er Co, 1972.
        Lennart Johanson, the last three of   $24. 95.              of the artist. See pp. 65-75, this issue.   have sold their premises at Melville
        these comprising the present board of   The Canadian Group was a   Garage Arts, 52 Earlham St.,   Crescent in Edinburgh and are
        Filmform. In 1956 Peter Weiss   society of artists founded in the early   London WC2, are planning a series of   planning to move to a building at the
        produced a book 'Avant-garde film' ; I   1930s and its shows have featured   evening performances, beginning in   University of Edinburgh in Forest Hill.
        have never seen a copy of it here, but it   almost every major artist in Canada.   early spring. Future shows planned   Over the years the gallery has
        is certainly more informative about the   The art critic Paul Duval provides an   include Stephanie Bergman, Fred   accumulated a financial deficit, the
        early film movement than any book   informal, factual history but this   Pollock, Stephen Buckley and   sale has paid off this and leaves
        available in England until the mid-  large size book is primarily valuable   Margaret Priest.   money to spare for special events.
        sixties. I have seen very little Swedish   for its many coloured illustrations;   The Inner London Education   Art Net is a non-profit-making
        experimental film, but my assumption   they show that most Canadian   Authority,  contrary to what was   organization devoted to the
        that they have no equivalent to   painters are of only local interest but   reported in the December issue, will   development of selected projects.
        structuralism, formalism and   those of international stature include   not be implementing the Pooling   It has been founded to promote
        conceptualism is supported by my   Colville, Rippelle, Borduas, Bush   Committee's recommendations on   architectural, visual and literary works
        discussions with the film-makers   and Molinari.            staff/student ratios in its art schools.   that are of merit beyond the
        there. The work which I have seen has                       A subcommittee of the ILEA     commercial context. Each project will
        either been experimental animation   Poiret by Palmer White. 192pp,   expressed misgivings about the lack   be separately funded and organized.
        (not abstract, no one seems to have   fully illustrated, many in colour,   of depth and figures in the report.   It is anticipated that artists will be
        taken up from Viking Eggelling) or the   bibliography. Studio Vista, 1973.   They wrote to the Pooling Committee   working with Art Net acting as both
        kind of surrealist psycho-drama form,   £6.95.              to say that without this backing   a production agency and as creative
        which seems always to be the earliest   It is a welcome development that   information they could not implement   partners. Artists will be included by
        development in avant-garde    an increasing number of publications   the recommendations but they would   invitation only. As a production
        movements. However, I am applying   are being devoted to the work of   see what economies could be made in   agency, Art Net will have access to
        'progressive-international-aesthetic-  individual designers. This book is a   staffing. Most Local Education   exhibition space, publishing
        criteria' and it is probable that the   tribute to Paul Poiret 'Le Magnifique'   Authorities are reported to have   facilities, and video equipment.
        parochial qualities of the work are   (1879-1944), French couturier,   rejected the committee's   Although based in London, Art Net
        those which are ultimately most   fashion designer, fabric designer,   recommendations.    will operate in other places as well.
        interesting. Of the films I have seen,   art collector ... who was extremely   The 1974 Power Lecture,  sixth in   Art Net is currently working with
        the one which appealed most was the   influential during the heyday of Art   the series, will be given by Dr John   Lucy Milton in organizing the
        most primitive, Anima Mundi; it is   Deco. The author received first-hand   Golding. The first five lectures will be   'Basically White' show at the ICA,
        fifteen minutes long, and was   information on Poiret's career from   published later this year by the Oxford   London, which opens on 12 March.
        completed in 1967 after five years   his friends and Madame Poiret.   University Press.    and also with a programme of several
        work by Erling Johansson. Entirely                          Joe Tilson's  retrospective will be at   projects on Suburb Art — a series of
        imagist, it explores some crude split-  Collecting nostalgia: the first guide   the Royal Museum of Fine Art,   publications and video material which
        screen techniques, but it is always   to the antiques of the 30s and 40s   Antwerp, from 9 February until   will culminate in an exhibition. It is
        difficult to grasp or dismiss. All-in-all   by John Mebane. 367pp, illustrated,   5 March.   hoped that in a year or two Art Net
        it would be interesting if the N FT   bibliography. New Rochelle (NY),   The Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing   material will be put together for a
        or the Arts Council could run a couple   Arlington House, 1972. £5.40.   scheduled as part of the first phase of   roadshow to Europe. Peter Cook, Art
        of shows of work from Filmform. The   The trivia, souvenirs, gadgets of   the Tate Gallery's display of recently   Net's director, describes their aims as
        address is Box 27034, 102 51    American mass production/    acquired 'conceptual art' has been    being both a studio situation and an
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