Page 47 - Studio International - February 1974
P. 47

represented by major works, which   vague, however, and no proof of it   large Frank Stella shoved-up through   reasons for staying away are fairly
       is unfortunately not the case.)   was to be discovered in the drawings.   the sprinkler/lights system as it was   well known. Robert Ryman withdrew,
       According to the logic of the series,   In the Museum and the Kunstverein   too tall for the architecture. It was lit   having had intimations of comedy.
       the Pre- Raphaelites would have been   at Ulm works by more than seventy of   on opening night by two small   He doesn't own the work they wanted
       succeeded at Baden-Baden by the   the city's artists have recently been on   spotlights. We thought they might   to show, but the idea that anyone in
       Nazarener, those German painters   show for the first time. The frankly   edit a bit out of the middle. The other   this context is (standardly) alienated
       who formed themselves into a quasi-  cheerless result reflects a situation   items weren't very visible either : a   from his production is entirely
       religious 'Brotherhood of St Luke' and   that is internationally relevant. In the   very long Dibbetts had one angle-  simplistic. John Weber called Achille
       in 1810 settled in a deserted   1950s an attempt was made at the   lamp spotlight at the end, and every   Bonito Oliva to inform him of Ryman's
       monastery near Rome to try and   Hochschule für Gestaltung to   time the architect (N.B.) tried to   wishes, and Oliva conceded his
       achieve a new national art, looking to   continue and transpose the   increase the lighting on it, we (in the   accord therewith. The former speaks
       Gothic art and stressing a higher   perceptions of the Bauhaus, and   far vicinity) were blacked-out. This   Italian, but to make sure everyone was
       calling. That Ruskin and William   initially Max Bill, Josef Albers and   happened every ten minutes or so all   in phase he got a French visitor to go
       Morris took up the demands of the   Vordemberge-Gildewart worked as   round the show. There were some   over the whole thing again :
       Nazarener, that the artist must become   teachers in Ulm. This had a   Reinhardts, but you could only comb   again, agreement was protested.
       a craftsman once more if art is to   widespread effect, but the closure of   your hair in the glass; that corner was   Ryman was officially in the show.
       rediscover its high vocation, is rightly   the Hochschule, long after the   one of the darkest. And Louis Cane's   Joseph Kosuth didn't want his blow-
       pointed out in the admirable   departure of the famous teachers, has,   (work) was (physically) among the   ups, and we didn't want any vieux
       catalogue of the current exhibition.   in artistic terms, put Ulm back into   conventionally major paintings but   travaux included, but there they were.
       On the other hand, the fact that   the sticks.               better lit. (The concatenation was so   We turned ours round — someone
       William Morris had a powerful   Günther Wirth                bizarre that Bryce Marden's proximity   turned them round again — we were
       influence on the Munich variety of   Translated from the German by   to Reinhardt looked scholarly by   forced to scrawl prohibitions all over
                                      John Wheelwright              comparison.) Still I'd rather know a   the backs.
       art nouveau is not stressed — it
       becomes evident pictorially in the                           Reinhardt was there than see a Louis   We did want three microfilm
       exhibition itself.                                           Cane ; in fact I'd rather not see a   readers : in October an official of
         The Pre-Raphaelite exhibition at   Contemporanea           Louis Cane— but his promoter was   I ncontri Internazionale called me in
       Baden-Baden is both strange and                              working well and hard ; a dinner or   Florence with the news that these
       charming to the German public. If, as   Compendium art shows and art   two may not be that much of a social   were available. On the day of the
       is now clear, it is not going to attract   magazines have one or two things in   fulcrum.   opening — no reader — or at most one
       large numbers of visitors, this is to do   common that seem a bit worse than   The automotive ambience was   reader—was available in Rome/Italy/
       with the fact that it is not the major   life.               much enhanced olfactronically by the   the world ; one reader would arrive at
        works but the preparatory sketches   The main thing is that non-  floor cleaning material—gasoline and   3.00, 3.30, 5.00, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00,
        for them that are on show. The British   malevolent organizers function as   sawdust. This, unabated by the   7.30... It arrived at 7.45 (the
        museums have not co-operated, being   second-place members in pressure   inadequate ventilation and   opening was at 8.00). Our contribution
        weary of lending. Thus the strange   chains, the markovianness of which is   exacerbated as a result of the   required three readers—one was
        situation arises that for the   virtually impenetrable. In other words,   underground location, gave most   useless. We did nothing. Two more
        'revolutionary' early pictures, which   organizers (etc.) get caught up in the   people headaches. No-one was too   were promised Monday (three days
        could have illustrated for German   viciousness and subtlety of pain-in-  concerned when some of the floor   later) and Nicholas Logsdail said he'd
        observers the vitality and attack of the   the-neck-arrivists ... and they don't   cleaning material got inadvertently   install the material if the machines
        movement's beginnings, only an   know where they are ... lose track of   brushed over the lower half of what   arrived on Monday (he was staying
        incomplete substitute is provided by   their jobs ... they become (oddly)   looked in the gloom like a Kelly.   till Tuesday). He came home with
        Burne-Jones's  Perseus cycle, which   what an old aesthetician called   Anyway, it was turned round the other   our microfilms. We got two readers
        was bought by the Stuttgart   'careless songsters'. Perhaps the   way, so no-one will notice.   (machines) and a technician with
        Staatsgalerie from an American   relation between pilatic negligence   Other items got damaged : the   four days notice on another occasion
        collection in 1971. (As everyone in   and culpability is jurisprudentially   Plexiglas bubble over a Klein blue   in Turin; explicit arrangements had
        England probably knows, this was   uncontroversial ; it's a different   figure was chipped and split; four   been made with Contemporanea for
        only painted in 1875, more than   question where such negligence is   elements of a hundred element   at least three months.
        twenty-five years after the   evidence of corruption, or is prima   Andre were lost (Andre doesn't   Forty-odd American artists
        Brotherhood's founding in London   facie misprision of corruption.   re-order the bits, so presumably it's   appeared in the show — no more than
        and long after Ruskin's theory about   Rumour in Rome had it that the   all over now) ; some information   fifteen Europeans were included as
        'artless things' had been overtaken.)   architect who designed the Watergate   attached to a Sol LeWitt drawing was   far as I am aware ... can anyone get to
        There remain the marvellous   also designed the site of     so wrinkled as to be illegible ... and   this sort of overweight selection
        drawings by the other artists. Among   Contemporanea —the car-park of the   many things got frayed in one way or   without extreme official cultural
        those by Fort Madox Brown is   Villa Borghese. An important   another.                    sycophancy?
        The Last of England, proclaimed as a   difference between the two buildings,   Damage can occur in various ways :   The opening was a mess ; many
        'complete draft sketch'. This gripping   however, is that the latter would have   the Italian-made Morris sculptures   visitors looked in vain for what they
        image of emigration is well   required no acoustical plumbing as   looked very Italian, as did the Judds —   thought they'd be able to see. There
        understood in Germany. Finally,   the roof module domes transform the   prizes in consumer games.   were important looking road signs
        Dante Gabriel Rossetti outshines all   sneakiest whisper into a stentorian   Meanwhile, people were still   all over the city pointing the way.
        the others with his portrait drawings   row. There was also a lot of   hanging around in the (unheated)   Hordes turned up to the 	car-park
        of Elizabeth Siddal and Jane Morris.   exhibition architecture— which didn't   office trying to get someone to get   —a Buren was protected by the
        Some of these are really fascinating.   do much except make the road signs   the telephone to work, and a well-  locking of an emergency exit. The
         A very remarkable juxtaposition of   look artistic or incongruous—  dressed man was arranging a   bookstore was heavily stocked with
        two artists was on view at the end of   depending on whether you're a pre-  hundred or so sub-tropical plants in   expensive art books. I don't know
        last year at the new Kunsthalle in   dip teacher or not. There were a lot   the foyer. The lights went in the   what sort of trade they did in //
        Tubingen, which has hitherto gone in   of Weldmesh screen walls and   lavatories; one could see what he was   Territorio Magico.
        for conceptual art. Drawings dating   tunnels (presumably designed to   doing by striking matches.   What worried us most about the
        from 1794 to 1836 by the German   make everyone circulate the right   One exhibitor's contribution   whole thing was the feeling that it was
        Romantic artist Caspar David   way). The lights made them hard to   consisted of an old Cadillac   so much a function of the operations
        Friedrich were set against sheets from   see, so people kept getting lost or   surrounded by loaves and food and   and expedients of a coterie thrown
        the years 1947-64 by Joseph Beuys,   impaled ... 'the space, you see' ...   covered in pins (get it ?). Someone   open—just like that.
        who recently (in connection with a   And there were slight 'designed' gaps   ordered 3,000 too many loaves —the   Only snobs wouldn't balk at the
        large exhibition) crossed the Rhine at   that weren't really for people — thin   symbolism (which is suffering   idea of being cooked or suffocated in
        Düsseldorf in a dugout canoe hand-  ones could get through with a   anyway) perhaps suffers from the fit.   a disingenuous art maze.
        carved by his pupil Anatol. Two very   struggle, fat ones left Desperate Dan   The Fluxus/symbolical, cut-price-  There was sleet on the day of our
        different sensibilities met here, each   silhouettes.       angst (daft) section seemed to be   departure. On the plane, I sat next to a
        artist a great draughtsman in his   Real plumbers, real electricians and   better worked-out than the rest   lady who'd gone to Rome to pull
        own right. The link that was supposed   real firemen would perhaps have   however.        herself together; she'd felt worse, and
        to connect them, according to the   worried about the extra (art) lights   Some of us got fed-up   had stayed in bed for two of her five
        exhibition programme, was 'the   being clamped to the sprinkler   synchronically, and others got fed-up   days.
        Romantic'; this remained extremely    system with Terry clips. There was a    beforehand : Gian Enzo Sperone's    Michael Baldwin
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