Page 52 - Studio International - February 1974
P. 52

Bookroom' by Eleanor Farjeon, of a
                                                                                                    very small girl in a casual and
                                                                                                    spacious library, absorbed in her
                                                                                                    private world. She probably feels like
                                                                                                    a fairy princess of books and so,
                                                                                                    I imagine, will the little girl who
                                                                                                    identifies herself in the figure.
                                                                                                      By positioning himself well clear
                                                                                                    of any connection with mainstream
                                                                                                    art, Ardizzone both insulates his work
                                                                                                    from technological or contemporary
                                                                      Edward Ardizzone illustration from 'The Little   imagery and isolates it from modernist
                                                                      Bookroom' by Eleanor Farjeon, Oxford   criticism. His consciousness is pure
                                                                      University Press, 1955
                                                                                                    and pleasant, about a hundred years
                                                                      his serious side. It is perhaps the   out of date. On such a charge he could
                                                                      great quality of sympathy in these   be dismissed as retardataire. Yet it is
                                                                      images which exempts them from the   precisely the artist's prerogative to do
                                                                      embarrassing descriptions of   as he pleases that Ardizzone has
                                                                      overstated humanism they might   taken advantage of, and if that
                                                                      have been.                    inclination is whimsical or old-
                                                                        On a lighter note, Ardizzone is   fashioned, it is also natural. There is no
                                                                      excellent at portraying and    great formal thoughtfulness in his
                                                                      caricaturing the English following their   work, nor enlarging dialectic, but
          Dan Flavin Untitled  1973.10 alternating cool   and several other Flavins that I   pastimes : fishermen who drawl along   there is also no question but that his
          white/warm white circular fluorescent lights
                                        remember— were similar in design   piers, smoking thoughtfully; hearty   sensibility is genuine; his extensive
                                        and implication to aspects of   drinkers forming expressive   notebooks reveal such pleasure and
                                        Fitz Hugh Lane's paintings—   collectives in pubs. Conveyed in   interest in the surfaces of life.
                                        particularly those produced around   the latter is that quality of   Ardizzone is not a modern artist but
                                        1863. (Lane's drawings and studies   claustrophobic enclosure so alarming   then not everyone is meant to be ;
                                        are especially close in spirit to Flavin's   to the outsider in an English bar, the   one need only remember the growing
                                        own diagrams.) A connection   lack of physical space in which to   numbers of practitioners who ignore
                                        between Flavin's art and American   move, that yet seems to promote   the personal aspect of their talents to
                                        luminist painting of the 19th century
                                        is pretty obvious to make, though : a
                                        corresponding light, omnipresent and
                                        explicit; isolative incident within a
                                        tacit continuity; spare, matter-of-fact
                                        organization ; and a conspicuous
                                        scepticism about general ideas.
                                        R. J. Rees
                                        Edward Ardizzone at the Victoria
                                        and Albert Museum, London,
                                        15 December-13 January.
                                        Edward Ardizzone recently
                                        featured in a retrospective exhibition
                                        at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
                                        The catalogue essay obliquely
                                        informs us that he is a typically
                                        English artist in a tone of slight
                                        apology and one wonders if they
                                        don't mean that actually he's rather
                                        gauche. Even when it's very good,
                                        English painting often tends to look a
                                        little out of focus, as if the image were
                                        based on a mental construct instead   Edward Ardizzone The Delicate Nose 1954   imitate 'successful' modern styles to
                                                                      Pen and water-colour, lent by the Mayor
                                        of a visual one. This observation                           be refreshed by simplicity which is
                                        certainly applies to Ardizzone, a                           not a stance. Further, to make
                                        prolific illustrator who specialized   conviviality and conversation. Only   something lively for children in this
                                        in genre scenes. His line and colour   occasionally does a dose of irony add   tough and mechanical world is a
                                        are blunt and undistinguished, but   a modern flavour to the work.  The   generous impulse. As an artist
                                        this seems in keeping with the style   Bar at the Contemporary Art Society   Ardizzone is anything but brilliant, but
                                        of the subject matter. Ardizzone's   soirée of 1950 is such an example,   as an Englishman he has an engaging
                                        special knack is an ability to suggest   where gentlemen tailored for   gift for describing his own kind.
          Dan Flavin Untitled  1973. 6 alternating cool
          white/warm white fluorescent lights   a milieu, just the character of   evening make a unified slant toward   Cara Montgomery
                                        atmosphere that might be found   release.
          manifests itself as a continuous and   if one were on the spot.   Perhaps the most charming things   Mola Art at the Bards Gallery,
          luminous line, and this provided a   The body of works falls into several   in Ardizzone's oeuvre are his   London, 1-24 December 1973.
          subtle mediation with the effulgent   distinct categories. Ardizzone was an   illustrations for children's books.   Consciously and unconsciously we
          glow.                         official War Artist in 1940 and, like   No qualifying reserve about style is   transvalue applied and high art, the
           The fourth exhibit dated in   many good genre painters, has the   necessary to enjoy these completely.   functional and the non-functional.
          conception from 1967. Two warm   facility to convey pathos in a way that   That which is pleasing to children,   Confronting the anomaly and
          white tubes— one a five-footer, the   makes it genuine but not hokey.   imagination and gaiety, pleases in a   anonymity of mass production Sonia
          other nearly six foot— were coupled   Photography has largely replaced   timeless way. The illustrations and   Delaunay transmuted Orphism into
          and placed horizontally on the wall   this function if only because a totally   those texts he has written have none   cloth and clothes; Raoul Dufy wove
          of a diminutive room. The smaller   realistic image desentimentalizes its   of that instructive pedantry so   the Fauve into cotton. Placing the
         tube was set equidistantly on top of   subject so completely; Ardizzone   offensive in children's literature.   functional in the non-functional art/
         the larger. The lamps imparted a   belongs to an older and more   They are stories of children who are   gallery context turns the meanest mug
         steady unmitigated glare : accentuated   emotional climate. Townspeople   adventurous and clever. The   into a priceless Picasso. The market
         by the confined space. This piece and   making a house to house dash - under   catalogue includes a charming   place/auction room interpretation of
         the two circular light arrangements—   shell fire of 1944 is epigrammatic of   illustration from 'The Little    history makes plebeian Sung into
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