Page 24 - Studio-International-January-1974
P. 24

No doubt the introduction of this sort of   generated from mathematical equations or read
    technique for drawing curves into 'computer   in from cards, they have tended to become the
    art' owes much to the mathematics-oriented   stock-in-trade of 'computer art'. Indeed, it
    programmer, who would tend to view a curve   would be difficult to see how any computer
    essentially as the graph of a mathematical   animation involving drawn images could
    function. But not all curves can be handled in   proceed without such transformations.
    this somewhat simplistic way, and artists wishing   For our purposes, however, the question to be
    to handle more complex curves have been   asked is whether the notion of a picture
    obliged mostly to use an entirely different   processor, operating upon some previously
    approach, if anything even more simplistic.   generated image, corresponds in any useful way   Figure 10
    Since it is possible to describe any point by its   to what we know of human art-making
    HOZ-VERT pair, it follows that any drawing   behaviour. I think the answer has to be that it   factors controlling the current phase are
    can be approximated by a set of points, each   does not. To achieve that correspondance, the   immediately reset and a new full phase is
    of which can be treated in the same way, so that   machine would need to generate the image, not   initiated, starting off in the opposite direction.
    the whole drawing can be described in purely   merely to process it.                It should be noted also that the line has some
    numerical terms. Imagine then that you have   Intuitively, it seems obvious that the human   definite destination and corrects continuously
    already done a drawing, that you have reduced   process involves characteristics which are quite   in order to get to it. The programme would
    it to a string of points, and that you have typed   absent from these procedures, and in particular   look something like this :
    the HOZ and VERT values of each point     I think we associate with it an elaborate feed-
    together with its PEN code, on a series of   back system between the work and the artist;
    punched cards (or, of course, any other   and dependent upon this system are equally
    storage medium for which the computer     elaborate decision-making procedures for
    has the appropriate peripheral). A programme   determining subsequent 'moves' in the work.
    like this                                 Our enquiry might reasonably proceed by
                                              examining whether the machine is capable of
                                              simulating these characteristics.
                                                Before going on, I must explain that the
                                              computer possesses one significant ability which
                                              was implied by the earlier examples but never
                                              explicitly stated. It is able to compare two
                                              things, and on the basis of whether some
                                              particular relationship holds between them or
                                              not, to proceed to one of two different parts of
    would then simply read the first card to find   the programme. In practice this primitive
    the first point in the drawing (PEN       decision-making device can be built into
    would presumably be o until it gets here),   logical structures of great complexity, with the
    move the pen to that point, read the next   alternative paths involving large blocks of
    card for the next point, and so on until it   programme, each containing many such
    has done all the points. The machine has   conditional statements, or 'branches'.
    duplicated your drawing from your numerical   It would be quite difficult to demonstrate a
    description.                              complex example here in any detail. The
                                              drawing on the cover of this issue of
                                              Studio International was generated by a
                                              programme of about 500 statements, of which
                                              over 5o were concatenated from these simple
                                              conditionals, equivalent to about 85 branches.
                                              We might look at one part of that programme,
                                              however, about 5o statements in all, which
                                              generates the individual 'freehand' lines in the
                                              drawing. Obviously the flow-chart is a much-
                                              simplified representation.
                                                The argument behind the sub-programme   this structure does evidently possess a feed
                                              runs like this : in any 'sub-phase' of a line's   back system not unlike the kind we employ in
    Figure 9                                  growth it will be swinging to the left or to the   driving a car. There is an overall plan — to reach
                                              right of its main direction (`straight on' if given   a destination — which breaks down into a
      It may not be clear why anyone would want to   by swing= o). This swing may be constant,   succession of sub-plans, which are in turn
    use such elaborate means to reproduce a drawing   accelerating or decelerating, and both the rate of   responsible for generating a series of single
    he has already made. The answer is that quite a   swing and the rate of change of swing may be   movements. But if an 'emergency' is signalled,
    lot of things can be done to the drawing by   either slow or rapid. Overall, the line must not   the current sub-plan is abandoned, and a new
    suitable programmes. Not only can it be reduced,   swing beyond a certain pre-set angle from its   one set up.
    enlarged, shifted, rotated, squashed up, pulled   main direction. A single full phase will consist of   The quality of the line is directly related to
    out (Fig. 9): it can also be transformed as if   two sub-phases normally swinging in opposite   the way in which the factors for each new sub-
    it were drawn on a sheet of rubber which was   directions. Both of these, and the phase itself,   phase are reset: if the length of each sub-phase
    then stretched in various irregular ways. None   may vary in length, and normally the starting   varies enormously, or if the rate of change of
    of these operations, or transformations as they   direction for each full phase does not depend on   swing varies greatly from one to the next, the
    are called, is difficult to programme, and since   that of the previous one. If the line swings   line will tend to be quite erratic. If the angular
    they can be applied to any set of points whether    beyond its angular limit, however, all the   limits are set quite small — by the over-all plan —

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