Page 44 - Studio-International-January-1974
P. 44
Contributors further editions, and this annual modernism, and questions much of Books
doesn't become stranded in time, as
the abstract direction of modern art.
has Art in Britain 1969/70 for example Its concerns are simple and
Linda Cathcart is an American free - then perhaps it can be more fully an unexceptional- the filmic Poussin: The Holy family on the
lance writer, presently in London on a 'exhibition book', a condition to representation of light on surface. steps by Howard Hibbard.
Fulbright scholarship ... Fenella which it seems to aspire. If this were Gidal has frequently talked about the 11 7рр, I folded plate; 57
Crichton is the London correspondent so, and there were a change in the need for demystification and there is no illustrations, lin colour, bibliography,
for Art International... Charles 'associates' each year, and no mystery about how this film is made. historical table, Art in context series.
Harrison is a director of Art and repetition of artists already chosen, at But there is no describable content, Allen Lane, 1973. £2.25.
Language.. . Paul Keeler was a co- least for some years, a series of such andine watches with fascination the A detailed analysis of one of
founder of the former Signals Gallery annuals (or hi-annuals) would begin representation of the objective world Poussin's grand machines by an art
London ... Lucy Lippard is an art to add up to something. through the agency of light and its historian from Columbia University.
critic, historian ... Malcolm Le Grice is Dedications is another substantial absence. The simplicity of the film is The painting, in the collection of the
a film-maker and teaches at St paperback compilation that would deceptive and enjoyment of its National Gallery of Art, Washington
Martin's School of Art.. . Judy Marie have benefited from some plastic qualities depends greatly on DC, dates from 1648. It is a
i s a freelance art critic ... Cara organization. It is a collection of one what the film-maker is careful not to powerful but strange work : a
Montgomery is a Californian art hundred dedication pages 'chosen do. Many of Gidal's earlier films have biblical subject expressed in terms of
critic, presently living in London ... at random', from the holdings of the been unashamedly didactic or the Antique, Classicism and geometry.
Lynda Morris is a freelance writer and library at Nova Scotia College of Art genuinely experimental. Room is
art critic ... Clive Phillpot is Librarian and Design. Dedications was first much more evidently a 'work of art'. David Smith edited by Garnett
at Chelsea School of Art ... Tony published in 1971, but demand (?) Following early influence by McCoy. 231 pp, over 70 illustrations,
Rothon is an artist and writer living in led to a second edition in 1973, Andrew Noren's Kodak Ghost Poems 8 in colour, bibliography.
Madrid. . . Jerome Tarshis is ($5.00) this being a xerox copy of the Roger Hammond's first films were Documentary monographs in
Californian correspondent for Studio first. G. N. Kennedy was the dominantly autobiographical. He modern art series. Allen Lane, £4.
International... John Walker is an instigator and the Lithography later reacted against the formal A collection of formal writings,
artist, writer and art librarian. .. Gunter Workshop at Nova Scotia College looseness of these works to explore speeches, letters, interview statements
Wirth is a German art critic... . produced and published it. They did 'structural' problems. For the past and notes by the major American
a good job, but unfortunately a good year or so, his 'diarist' tendency has sculptor David Smith (1906-1965).
idea has not been carried far enough ; been expressed through a stream of Critical essays by W. R. Valentiner,
Feedback one cannot reach any conclusions
about the practice on this evidence,
or avoid a degree of boredom ;
A publication which just about however, there are one or two
comes within the orbit of this colourful dedications and the most
column is '73-74' an annual of puzzling of these is 'for Alvin Davis,
new art and artists published in New the telepath, the hoodl ums' friend.'
York, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Proposition by Bill Mitchell
Cologne, Milan, Paris, Copenhagen (which can be obtained from him
and London (UK price £2.50 for £0.50 from 50, Hilton Road,
paperback only) and edited by Newton Abbot, Devon) is a very
Willem Sandberg. Fifteen 'associates' different kind of publication.
(Ammann, Bekkers, Beliamy, Although it contains a minimal
Brownstone, Fischer, Groh, Hulten, content, this book is not really a
Koscevic, Oliva, Petersen, Reise, vehicle for information, it is more of
Schmeller, Stanislawski, Szeeman a tool. It is a spiral-bound horizontal-
and Torroella) have each chosen format booklet, consisting of a
between two and five artists from a collection of leaves which bear a
single country or region. Sandberg's series of rings of disc shaped marks
short preface bluntly informs us that which progressively diminish in
'the artists themselves will show/ size and number of elements as one A normal face (left) and a hollow replica. Both appear as normal. The probability of
hollow faces is so low that it is almost impossible to see the replica correctly.
what they have to say/nobody else is moves through the book, each page
going to explain/judge for yourself !' being transparent enough for the polaroid photographs. Some Friends and Clement Greenberg are also
So we are presented with a succession next one or two stages to show represents an exciting synthesis of reprinted. The texts are arranged
of pictures, sometimes captioned and through : if one reverses one's these two directions. At the simplest chronologically and have been
sometimes accompanied by a short activity the rings will of course be level, it is a film of some of his polaroid edited by an archivist employed by
statement by the artist. Each artist seen to increase in size. However, the 'portraits,' but filmed in a particular the Archives of American Art.
has either one or two double page point of the book is not to provide way. Hammond is concerned with Monographs in this series include
spreads, except for Benni Efrat who the 'viewer' with images which have establishing the viewer's expectancy Cage, Moholy-Nagy, Lichtenstein.
has three openings and whose an inherent significance, but to about the film's development and its
contribution is the only one that gives present a progression of attractive continuous modification. Illusion in nature and art edited by
the appearance of having been but undemanding images which Finally Time: Mike Dunford, one R. L. Gregory and E. H. Gombrich.
specifically conceived for this event. will occupy the viewer's conscious of the first film-makers in England to 288pp, over 200 monochrome
Having said this, however, it is only mind, facilitating an alternative experiment with multi-projection, at illustrations plus 22 colour plates.
fair to say that a great many of the response at a different level. least six years ago, has made a large Duckworth. 1973. £7.50, £3.25.
artists represented do not work in Clive Phillpot number of single-screen works since This volume, coincident with the
this way, in fact there is no then. He has now returned to a ICA exhibition, contains six essays
consistency in the kind of work combination of performance and examining the function of illusion
represented ; there are photographs unconventional projection with from the points of view of different
of sculpture, reproductions of Vision Time: Present/Past/Reflexive - specialities ; four are by scientists
paintings and drawings, as well as Present. Contained in the sound, and (Colin Blakemore- physiologist,
semi-typographical pieces, but the Selection for this review is a little providing something of a key to the J. B. Deregowski and R. L. Gregory-
largest category of work is that random, and based on work recently work's conception, was a reference to psychologists, I.E. Hinton-
which involves photographic screened at the London Film Co-op. the final story of the 'Thousand and zoologist) and two by art historians
documentation or requires Peter Gidal's new 50-minute Room One Nights', where the story-teller (E. H. Gombrich and Roland
photographic presentation. If there is not obviously avant garde. It is begins to relate the telling of the Penrose). No doubt 'visual research'
had been a clearer editorial policy certainly not a return to earlier earlier stories, thereby postulating a enthusiasts will welcome this book
this publication might have had cinematic forms, but it does affirm the recurrent spiral of narrative, and but those interested in the role of
some unity, as it is, it does not add up, continuing validity of artistic concerns revealing some of its paradoxical illusion in current art, eg in the work
it is not quite a book, an exhibition which are not specifically twentieth relationship to the present event of of Jan Dibbets or the photo-
catalogue, or a periodical, simply a century. It implies an enlargement of the telling. realists, will need to look elsewhere.
miscellaneous directory. If there are the historical conception of Malcolm Le Grice John Walker