Page 48 - Studio-International-January-1974
P. 48

artist to be considered for commission                       talking to make a study of
         Germany                       in Australia.                 Spain                          handwriting. As a sculptor, he works
                                        Another West German artist, the                             simply and safely. Made, one
         In October it is Art Fairs and Art   internationally known wood-carver   Raphael Canogar  at the Juana   imagines, from black paint on cloth
         Markets, rather than exhibitions, that   Hap Grieshaber, is currently   Mordo Gallery, Madrid, 23 October-  and plaster over wire, the bound,
         determine the art scene, and, faced   expanding his market in East   17 November 1973.    gagged and blindfolded figure in one
         with art in such quantity, art criticism   Germany and the East European   I  read with fascination in one of the   work has got as far in his bid for
         adopts a priori an attitude of   states. Grieshaber was West   polite English newspapers, a light-  freedom as breaking through the
         scepticism. Whilst most of those   Germany's commissar at this year's   hearted, holiday-making journalist's   top right corner of a canvas, into
         participating in the  Kunstmarkt in   Rostock Biennale, which finished at   report from Spain, a country which   life-like three-dimensions.
         Cologne and the Internationaler   the end of September. He showed his   appeared to him to be far from   Similarly, in another, outstretched arms
         Markt für aktuellе  Kunst (International   great carving Die Sintflut (The Flood).   'groaning under a fiendish fascist   plead from the interior of a gallery
         Market for Present-day Art) in   The work has now gone on to   tyranny'. He saw, through his   plynth for mercy; an unseen
         Dusseldorf claimed to be optimistic   Denmark. As commissar, Grieshaber   sunglasses, a people who on the   truncheon is about to crack an unseen
         during the course of these functions, it   stubbornly overbore the resistance of   whole 'looked rather happier and   skull. La policia en accion fully
         now appears that the results in terms   his former pupils Horst Antes,   calmer than most of the people in   describes the swing of the club, the
         of the numbers of visitors and of sales   Schimansky and Josua Reichert, who   democratic England ... nor did they   pathetic inefficacy of hands as a
         concluded were less good than   are naturally felt in East Germany to be   seem to be going about in fear of the
         people had initially been willing to   avant garde or formalistic, although   police.. '
         admit. Some of the best-known   they are nothing of the kind. When
         German gallery-owners have    eventually there is a cultural
         since openly expressed their   agreement between West and East
         disappointment, and the foreigners   Germany, the general hope here is for
         who participated at Cologne and   better joint working and an expansion
         Dusseldorf were also unable to do the   of artistic interchange.
         business they had expected. Calls for   Among the current exhibitions, that
         change have consequently been   in Munich of Edvard Munch's
         made, and we shall wait to see what   classical Expressionism made a strong
         changes do come about. It is not to be   impression on me. There is also much
         expected, however, that the Cologne   pleasure to be had in Düsseldorf from
         and Dusseldorf Art Markets will   Stefan Wewerka's 'distorted world',
         merge (though that might be the most   though I find his objects, often
         sensible thing), but if both functions   grotesque in their effect, better than
         go ahead next year, as is likely, one   his pictures and graphics. The
         can be sure that fewer galleries will be   Baukunst-Galerie in Cologne is
         taking part than this year.   showing a retrospective of the
          The reason why the sales results   Hamburg painter and graphic artist
         were poor in patches is not on this   Paul Wunderlich. Refinement and
         occasion attributable to the material   mannerism often make this artist's
         on offer, which — in part at least — was   colour lithographs valuable pieces,   A work by Canoga
         excellent, but to limited receptivity   and, after twenty years' work,
         among buyers. The number of active   Wunderlich has secured himself a   authority.. .'    shield. Tiro alblanco (Target
         collectors is indeed known, but—  place as one of the leading graphic   Are we to take it, then, that a   practice) is a 3-D policeman firing
         since art dealers must always be   artists.                 persecution complex has led the   into a 2-D crowd. There's nothing
         optimistic — is constantly     In the Kunsthalle in Baden-Baden   Spanish sculptor/painter Raphael   very subtle about Canogar's humour,
         overestimated. Business in editions of   the first Pre-Raphaelite exhibition   Canogar to dedicate himself since   choice of subject or manner of
         graphics at the Frankfurt Book Fair   shown on the continent can be seen   1949 to the making of images of a   description .His message is
         was also unusually bad, and,   until the end of February : it opened at   shot-at, down-trodden, mindlessly   straightforward and is handled
         according to information publishers   the end of November, and I will be   law-abiding people, and that the   bluntly.  The word 'libertad' is
         gave me, the situation in the graphics   reporting on it. The two hundred or so   frequent appearance in his work of   scribbled throughout the city, in lifts,
         market in West Germany is pretty   works come mainly from English   beatings and various forms of bondage   telephone booths, on walls. Canogar,
         catastrophic at the moment. This has   museums, and I shall make mention   derives from some fetish ? Should he   engaged in the same activity, gains
         also hit the large portfolio Hommage a   now of the catalogue, with its 400   too have spent the summer gamboling   urgency by his lack of sophistication.
         Picasso, costing DM 50,000 (not an   pages and 200 reproductions. The   in the 'lush green valleys (crammed   In the Human Landscape series, a
         above-average price), which was said   works come from 55 collections, and   with every kind of wild flower) of   human form stretched horizontally
         to have been fully subscribed already.   among the 'angry Victorians' are   the Asturian mountains', while his   across the bottom of a plain ground,
         The author of currently the most   artists such as Ruskin, Ford Madox   gallery, the Juana Mordo, was   is loosely described in terms of a
         amusing German art book,      Brown, Holman Hunt, Rossetti,   suffering the spray-paint attacks of   crumpled jacket and trousers. Poor
         Kunstwetterlage (Art weather   Burne-Jones and many more. This   the extreme right-wing Guerillas de   painting, wonky relief-work, but so
         situation), the writer and film-maker   exhibition of English painters of the   Christi Rey, a band of thugs who   much more eloquent in its description
         Gerd Winkler, whom I  met in the   second half of the nineteenth century   enjoy police protection ?   of 'that which shouldn't be' than, to
         studio of sculptor Otto Herbert Hajek,   has already aroused considerable   Spaniards love looking at   pick the obvious and expensive
         told me that the art portfolio was   interest. It was only the year before   themselves, and the Madrilenos   comparison, Kienholz's'Documenta'
         going very badly, despite international   last that the Stuttgart Staatsgalerie   currently have ample opportunity to   horror scene, which used huge
         distribution. The sculptor was making   acquired a Burne-Jones picture   do so as the State is presenting the   American cars with lights full-beam
         his final preparations for a trip to   cycle—from an American collection !   art of Eduardo Sanz, a man who   to illuminate the all-American red-
         Australia, where he is to stay until the   Gunther Wirth    makes elaborate decorative nothings   necks castrating the nigger; so much
         end of November. Hajek — who is also   (Translated from the German by   with mirrors; yet Canogar, at the   more potent than modern, puking,
         chairman of the  Deutscher    John Wheelright)              small Mordo gallery, can easily rival   face-contorting, northern - European
         Künstlerbund (German Artists'                               Sanz in terms of show attendance.   performance-art, which reeks more
         Federation), which is to have its big                       Why? Could it be that Canogar's   than anything, of left-wing
         annual exhibition in Berlin in                              black, dejected figures reflect more   sanctimoniousness. David Medalla
         December—has been invited by the                            of the truth than the gaudy glass at   criticized Kienholz as being a purveyor
         Adelaide Festival Centre to lay out                         the Sala de Exposiciones ? Could it   of unpleasantness without providing
         part of the piazza of the cultural   Apology: In Gunther Wirth's report   also be that polite English   any answers. While I can't see that
         centre there. The artist, who recently   from Germany (Review 9, November   newspapers employ half-wits ? On   Medalla's play -things would help
         discussed this in London with John   1973) the reference to Mark Boyle's   the last two counts my answer   one out of a fix, I agree that an art of
         Baley, Adelaide's museum director,   work which reads 'I find Boyle's   would lean heavily in the direction   pure complaint is of little value.
         told me he will be proposing   objects inconsequential' should read   of the affirmative.   Canogar, however, might well
         'colourways' and 'city symbols' for the   'I find Boyle's objects   As a painter, Canogar is   please the ICA division of Mao's
         piazza. Hajek is the first West German    consequential'.   uninteresting ; he is too involved in    embroidery guild. He balances his
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