Page 45 - Studio-International-January-1974
P. 45

News and                      inventive plans for actual sites.   'confidential' information about the   Jeremy
                                                                    international art scene, is now
                                      There are three categories of entry :
                                      Professional (artists, architects,   available in English. Subscription
        notes                         landscape architects, engineers and   price is D 1250 (DM125 for artists)   Moon
                                                                    for one year from Art Aktuell,
                                      students), Laymen and
                                       Schoolchildren. The judges of the
        'Beyond Painting and Sculpture'   competition are Professor Peter   5000 Köln 1, Lindenstrasse 18,   Jeremy Moon was killed in a motor
                                                                    West Germany.
        is the title of an Arts Council   Shepheard, Hubert Dalwood and                           accident on November 30, 1973, at
        travelling exhibition which includes   Ian Nairn. The first selection of   The German Institute's premises   the age of 39. Hе   had his first London
        work specially bought for the Arts   entries will be made in May and   at 50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road,   one-man show at the Rowan Gallery
        Council Collection by Richard Cork.   those chosen will be asked to   London SW7 (formerly Gallery House)   in 1963.
        Works included in the exhibition are   develop their projects further for   will be oper ing as a gallery again.   Charles Harrison writes : Jeremy
        Hamish Fulton's  Moonset and   showing at the Serpentine Gallery,   The interior of the building has yet to   Moon's was the first painter's studio
        Sunrise, Gilbert and George's   21 September-20 October, and   be gutted and rebuilt, so it will most   I ever entered on anything like equal
        video-tapes In th e Bush and   presentation in The Sunday Times.   likely not be opening until 1975. The   terms —which is to say that neither of
        Gordon's Makes us Drunk, films by   Further information can be obtained   first show planned will be by the   us had had much reason or
        David Lamelas and David Dye,   from the Serpentine Gallery,   German auto-destructive artist   opportunity to form attitudes towards
        Gerald Newman's  Piece for2 Lights   Kensington Gardens, London W2.   Wolf Vostell.       each other in advance. It was an
        and (4 x 2) Sound Groups, texts апд    (Telephone 01 -402 6075.)                          important occasion for me and the
        statements by Keith Arnatt, Victor                          The Tate Gallery will be opening   memory I have of it has stayed good.
        Burgin, and John Stezaker, and   Christopher Hobbs,Michael   two rooms of recently acquired   I liked his paintings and I liked
        John Hilliard's photopiece  10 runs   Parsons, Howard Skempton   'conceptual art' in late January. The   talking to him about them, hearing
        past a fixed point. The first four   and John White will be playing their   work will be shown in four phases,   him talk. I never heard him talk any
        venues are : Leeds City Art Gallery   own music at the Purcell Room,   each lasting two months. The first   bullshit. A painter's priorities must
        12 January-3 February, Liverpool   South Bank, London on 5 January at   will be of work whicn the public will   depend on his reading of himself;
        Walker Art Gallery 16 February-  7.30 pm. Christopher Hobbs has   be acquainted with : three floor pieces   he was never anything but serious
        17 March, Eastbourne Towner Art   played with AIM and the PTC and   by Carl Andre, sculptures by Robert   about his paintings —or anyone
        Gallery 30 March-21 April, and   with John White at the Systems   Morris and Don Judd, Karel Visser and   else's — and I don't think he ever
        Bristol Arnolfini 4 Maу-8 June.   Exhibition at the Whitechapel last   a wall drawing by Sol le Witt.   tried to evade the fact that the
                                      year. Parsons and Skempton were                             decisions and priorities which
        John Moores Liverpool         co-founders with Cornelius Cardew   The Ethical Society are opening a   confronted him were moral
        Exhibition 9 will this year be   of the Scratch Orchestra.   gallery in late January at the Conway   decisions and moral priorities, and
        concentrating on painting'... as the                        Hall, Red Lion Square, London. They   that these were problematic. I think
        sponsors feel that it can no longer   Art Net, Peter Cook and Cara   will be showing young artists   that's the strength in his work.
        embrace comprehensively all new   Montgomery's new venture, has   beginning with Coventry students.   He thought I had taken some wrong
        developments in art'. The competition,   now started with financial assistance            decisions over the last three years or
        with prizes totalling £7000, will be   from Alastair McAlpine. The address   Modern Mezzotints, an   so, and was prepared to talk about
        judged by John Moores, Susan   is 53 Endell Street, London WC2.   exhibition celebrating the renewed   them as matters of concern to both of
        Grayson, William Feaver and Patrick                         interest in this medium, will open at   us; I always had the feeling that he
        George. Sending in days are 25-30   The National Gallery are holding   the Oxford University Press (Ely   was, as it were, putting his painting at
        March and further information can be   a poster design competition,   House, 37 Dover St, London, W1) on   stake when he talked, however
        obtained from the Exhibition   sponsored by The Financial Times,   February 2. Among well-known   outlandish the context I or another
        Secretary, John Moores Liverpool   to mark the 150th anniversary of the   artists represented will be Hamaguchi,   interlocutor might have established.
        Exhibition 9, Walker Art Gallery,   founding of the National Gallery.   Merlyn Evans, Avati and Krjuli.   That he could do this seemed like a
        William Brown Street, Liverpool   Prizes totalling nearly £1000 will be                   mark of respect both to the painting
        L3 8 E L.                     given and the judges are Sir Colin   The PАSTА/МОМA strike was   and to the conversation. I think his
                                      Anderson, John Hobson, R. B.   settled in the final days of November.   painting carried the kind of conviction
        Art into Landscape is a       Kitaj, John Piper, Sir Paul Reilly and   Members were not altogether   that suggests —a conviction in which
        competition with prizes totalling   Denys Sutton, who will be looking   satisfied with the settlement. While   there's no hint of complacency. His
        £3000 being promoted by the Arts   for 'an essentially up-to-date design   the salary increase across-the-board   good paintings were achievements
        Council in co-operation with the   reflecting the glory of a supreme   was sizeable the gains hoped for in the   and I don't think the bad ones were
        Royal Institute of British Architects,   collection of paintings from the past'.   areas of representation on the Board   ever compromises.
        the Institute of Landscape    Closing date is 28 February and   of Trustees and 'disputed' titles were   I learned a great deal about
        Architects and The Sunday Times.   conditions of entry and entry forms   not realized. PASTA/MOMA itself was   painting from talking to him, and
        What the judges will be looking for is   are available from : The Financial   not broken however.   about criticism. I also learned by
          . that act of imagination which will   Times, National Gallery Poster                   looking at his paintings — particularly
        put "art into landscape".' Schemes for   Design Competition, Bracken House,               about what it might mean for colour
        any wasteland, housing estate, car   10 Cannon Street, London, ЕC4Р                       to be substantial in a non-
                                                                    John Hilliard 10 runs past a fixed point
        park, urban park, pedestrian precinct,   4ВY.                                             representational painting, and about
        town square, etc. are welcome. The                                                        how an ambition to make it so, in
        sites could be imaginary but the   Art Aktuell,  the bimonthly                            reference to a certain European
        judges particularly welcome   magazine which publishes                                    tradition, is a European virtue.
                                                                                                    I associate these various
        Art Aktuell's top twenty for 1973                                                         impressions with the way his work
                                                                                                  impressed itself upon me generally.
                                                                                                  In the paintings that I like most he
                                                                                                  seems to have worked through a
                                                                                                  chain of comparatively
                                                                                                  unformalized, seductive images,
                                                                                                  towards an intended, more rational
                                                                                                  but not necessarily less sensuous
                                                                                                  image ; the governing procedure
                                                                                                  here was one in which right choices
                                                                                                  could be taken as representative of the
                                                                                                  achievement of integration within
                                                                                                  any context for which the relevant
                                                                                                  problems themselves held good :
                                                                                                  where to establish an edge, which
                                                                                                  colours to juxtapose, what kind of
                                                                                                  painting to make, what to value,
                                                                                                  what to embody.

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