Page 30 - Studio International - June 1974
P. 30
Open Bounds. It prohibits a clear view of this of the word can cause confusion if it becomes because of the modern necessity for economy.
region, however, since the surrounding steel the ultimate criterion. The essential question is Its completeness, the thought that materially it
plates obscure parts of it. It creates a mystery by to what purpose is the efficiency put ? King's is all there is fundamental in contributing to its
covering the container, its light tone works are not about systems and we should not success. We feel our spiritual extension through
emphasizing its openness. The 'Academy decide the value of each work in terms of its it and another system of time is hinted at.
Piece' relates to Ripple, with its floating centre. economy. Even in the simplest works, such as If some of King's works are less successful
In some ways all of King's sculptures are Wall Piece, materials, colours and relationships than others then it is a failure on the part of the
exactly the same; all have a centre which is cannot be analysed separately and given a particular sculpture in not matching up to the
physically less defined than the extremities, such meaning. There never seems to be a clearly fundamental idea. One criticism has been that
as the surface which surrounds the centre in defined structural device that we can point to as there is an anomaly caused by the difference in
Rosebud or Ghengis Khan. Point- X has clearly being responsible for the sculpture's existence. time between the execution of the work and the
defined extensions, Blue Blaze is a fragmented We cannot look for an expansion of a ideas relevant to it. This criticism implies that
centre whose parts could be locked back mathematical equation or a starting point — ideas always succeed each other and that the
together, Reel r encircles a centre, Ascona has either physical or mental. In constructivist making process is not only separate but should
verticals which establish the outside fence, as do thinking words such as 'start' and 'finish' are keep up in time with the birth of each new idea.
the plates in Open-Bound; even Angle-Poise 1973 important in themselves. The unit's definition This doesn't take into account King's constant
has the break in its centre. lies in an anonymous system where importance consideration of the power of material to
is obtained through a metrical value system. generate both ideas and feeling within us. He
Angle-Poise 1973 bears an interesting
relationship to Cross 196o which was not There are no ideas about series linking King's reveres this regenerative process, understanding
works; each sculpture must, by defining the
also its limitations, and develops idea through
executed and had its maquette destroyed. Both nature of its character, assert its independence material and material through idea. There is no
have a sliding top and split centre, although in from the environment and become unique. separation for the artist and could not be since
Cross the split was implied and not actual. Identity is generally formed in each sculpture by each is part of the other. This idea of totality or
Angle-Poise looked larger outside in actual size the way it moves, encircles, ensnares and holism has been expressed by King in some
than it did at the Rowan gallery show in 1973. It maintains itself in a continuously aggressive and notes made in 1962 when he said 'what goes into
is also interesting in that it is a linear aligned reducing environment. King's works, however, a work of art must be more than an effort to
sculpture, unlike most others.
appear in some ways unprotected and this pursue a single line so far that it becomes new.
Open (Red-Blue) Bound 1974 is less successful stimulates further comparative feelings within It must be a total effort involving the whole
than Open Bound. Substitution of parts becomes us. King avoids any process where prior process. The effort is one of plunging back into
too easy perceptually because of finish. Its size planning might subject the material to a servile history. It results in an original statement when
is uneasy and would probably benefit from role in the order of decision making. Any form a total involvement reaches a clearer expression.
being in a clean indoor and defined space rather of subservience in the making denies the idea of The new today tends towards clarity, larger
than an outdoor situation. the self-will that each sculpture must display via wholes without destroying complexity. The
structure and content to prove its independence impression of a universal whole is involved'.
Open Bound 1973, along with Span and and right to exist. In this King must characterize, The statement also suggests a belief in universal
Sculpture 1971 (Academy Piece) were positioned not particularize. In any event 'series' ideas which exist outside time and which can
in the enclosed portion of the pavilion. A connotations deny this sought-after and never be changed. The assumption that ideas
deliberate attempt was made to keep the individual liberation since it spreads identity are progressively better, that one idea invalidates
strongest coloured sculptures on the outside of across a number of objects and lessens its another is a Western invention and fits the
the pavilion and pieces with less chroma psychic force. It is placed beneath a fearful and original premise that contends that the whole is
encased within; an idea of inside and outside undistinguished conceptual umbrella. The top capable of being analysed into parts, each with
developed because of this. The position of each of Ghengis Khan explodes into our vision that its own hierarchical system. King's sculptures
coloured sculpture worked well within the total which the subterranean and amorphously- work mainly through degree, not quantity.
space. defined inner bottom hides from us. In some Their grand stance suggests the world order
`Constructivist aims are confused and never ways it is a form of metamorphosis contained or that the artist wishes to emulate. But he is also
reach a very high level of art as a result' (King trapped within the single moment. It could be trapped in the present. 'But something in me
1964). This comment avoids an evaluation of the said that it is an expression created by an refuses to accept that fact — reality is centred
economic means of constructivists. The terms alchemist of modern psychology, the well of our wrongly in the present' (New York, 1965).
which the constructivist uses are always subconscious spiritual being projected vividly Without our senses we are void in space and
minimal and efficient in being so. Success is in into view. It does not manage, however, to time, with them we identify the 'now'. The
the degree of efficiency attained, characterized transcend its self-assertive qualities and in this information fed in and the type of stimulation
by having no unnecessary appendages. we are 'distanced' by a clash of egos, ours and that ignites sensory reaction goes also to create
Comparisons are drawn with the functionalism its. It is defiant and will not be owned. Open character. The stronger the signal the more
of machines and with the complex system that Bound does not protect itself and encourages marked the feeling for the present. The meeting
characterizes each human being's 'natural' life possession. place between the particular present moment
style. The individual confuses his perception of Recently King's works have increasingly and the broad continuous universal is attempted
constructivist work with ideas based upon his allowed our readings to take in more of the in King's sculptures. To adjust the imbalance of
own day-to-day actions. A particular space around and raised problems that lie man's alienation from modern world scale King
constructivist work conjures in our mind a immediately outside the sculpture proper. This uses size to create intimacy. This is never
notion, the word for which notion can 'opening-up' process is annexed in Open Bound— vulgarized through familiarity and a sense of
subsequently be fitted into different contexts King's Valhalla — where materials, structure and reserve is experienced since they can never be
and attributed to new relationships with further height, spread, surface and shape create a taken over permanently. Open-Bound is
works without loss of meaning. Efficiency is such warehouse of space capable of foregathering any immensely successful in maintaining a balance
a word and is used constantly in this way. The contemplative ideas that we might wish or between reservation and ownership. King's
word is transferable and is not bound to any involuntarily feel to exist in it. Its scale is works are, finally, elusive, their reason for
system. It comes to mind, stimulated fundamental in maintaining this rapport. We being hidden deep within the sub-conscious.
mechanically but the intrinsically neutral role are not lost in a wilderness or squeezed out BARRY MARTIN