Page 34 - Studio International - June 1974
P. 34

A-logical drawing c. 1915
                                                                                               Private collection

     in addition texts by Matiouchine's wife - the   knowledge beyond the subjective    new teleology. Ouspenski's treatise elucidates
     poetess Helina Guro - and Krouchenykh and   understanding of the world, referring to   the basis of this logical revolution, whose
     Khlebnikov, as well as four reproductions   Kant's philosophical definitions and the new   meaning we attempt to understand today.
     of remarkable futurist drawings by Kazimir   scientific discoveries of Minkowski, who in 1908   Against the background of this feverish
     Malevich and a lithograph on the cover.17c   had just formulated the revolutionary concept   and apocalyptic atmosphere, whose
     Ouspenski's postulates on the movement   of the new spatio-temporal continuum.17f The   iconoclastic key is provided by Ouspenski, we
     beyond the limits of traditional logic   solid scientific knowledge, especially in   can better understand the scenery, designed by
     and those of language in particular, his   mathematics, forming the basis of Ouspenski's   Malevich for Victory over the Sun, scenery
     prediction of a new art language and his   thought, allows him to approach without   where the image of the Black Square appears
     insistence on the role of art - 'the only real   prejudice, the concept of a 'fourth dimension   for the first time. Among the designs for the
     language of the future' - are only repeated in   of consciousness' and human intellect. Moving   scenery and the costumes for the 1913'8
     his 1913 book, their first and decisive   on from the famous book of Howard C. Hinton,   production, there is a drawing of a square,
     articulation having taken place in his masterful   `The Fourth Dimension' (New York, 1904), he   diagonally divided, one half white, the other
     treatise of 1911, Tertium Organum. This   himself wrote a book called `The Fourth   black. In the margin of the sheet, Malevich
     philosophical text, meriting a study far beyond   Dimension' (St Petersburg 1909), where   wrote 'square' (kvadrat). It is an idea for the
     the limits of our introduction, can be   philosophical questions, posed by the new   curtain for the sixth tableau of the fifth act of
     considered as an iconological mirror of the   development in physics, received one of the   the play, a curtain which was to be torn before
     artistic revolution achieved by the Russian   most remarkable philosophical commentaries.   the action began. Can we be sure that the
     futurists during 1913. From 1911,         Inspired by a new concept of material existence,   inscription 'square' is from 1913 and not later ?
     Ouspenski's treatise predicted this revolution   brought to light by discoveries in theoretical   Should we see in it a conscious manifestation of
     in thought by making explicit the fundamental   physics, Ouspenski in 1911 defined the   Suprematism ? It is difficult to reply always in
     themes of a new vision of the world, resolutely   problematic of Futurism by way of a kinetic   the affirmative, for the rest of the scenery is in
     opposed to objective reality, 'recognizable'   vision of the world, reducing the independence   Malevich's futurist style of 1913, the actors'
     within the narrow limits of 'direct' perception,   of time and space to a single denominator. This   costumes being also made up of a multitude of
     restrictions denounced by the cubists as 'retinal   real conceptual revolution in the image of the   geometric forms, more reminiscent of the
     blindness'. Inspired by the writings of Howard   world, of which Einstein's famous formula of   `metallic' rigidity of his cubo-futurist paintings
     C. Hinton,17d Ouspenski very discerningly   relativity was to provide a definitive image only   of the same period, than the 'pure' forms of
     developed philosophical ideas which, while   in 1916, is comparable to the scientific   Suprematism as we know it from the 1915
     being openly mystic, remain critical of the   revolution which took place at the time of the   paintings. Nonetheless, Malevich himself later
     theosophical postulates of Madame        Renaissance. It was to open to the human mind   saw 1913, during the creation of this play, as
     Blavatzky.                               radically new perspectives, whose logical   the time of birth of the idea of a new painting;
       His new conception of the world is strongly   consequences Ouspenski assimilated with a   it resulted from this victory over the old world,

     opposed to the mechanical visions of the   surprising lucidity. The old world of atomist   whose symbolic conquest (psychological act of
     atomists and stresses a new type of logic, refuting   certainties and its logic of mechanical finality   mythological transfiguration) is certainly
     the illusion of 'observation' and with it that of   postulating a world of material unities,   reflected in the production of this cultural
     `reality'. Ouspenski proclaims that there is no   autonomous and suspended in a vacuum,   psycho-drama, the scenic performance of
     reality beyond personal consciousness, no   disappeared like a child's toy, to give way to a    Victory over the Sun.19
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