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from the underground and after. Also                                                       impressions when Leonard and
         like the Millennium, the success of                                                        Dorothy Elmhirst came to visit us in
         the one-man shows has been                                                                 Cornwall in 1927 was of two
         reflected in continually increasing                                                        sensitive and generous people bent
         audiences. This has formed the basis                                                       on spending a considerable fortune
         from which Sally Dixon has been                                                            for the benefit of all. This impression
         able to raise funds for an increasingly                                                    was never altered during half a
         ambitious extension of film work in                                                        century. With the advice of
         the city. She has initiated four other                                                     Rabindranath Tagore they attempted
         notable developments. Firstly the                                                          an unrivalled decentralization of
         creation of special production                                                             culture from town to countryside in
         facilities for film-makers with projects                                                   Devon. To a great extent this brave
         which they would like to realize                                                           experiment has been a success. At
         within the city. The most                                                                  the outset Leonard invited me
         spectacular of these so far have been                                                      amongst others to work at
         the three films by Brakhage, now                                                           Dartington saying, "Neither Dorothy
         known as the Pittsburgh Documents.                                                         nor I are leaders by nature. It is up to
         These fulfil his long held ambition to                                                     all of you whom we have chosen to
         film subjects to which he had                                                              make a success of this venture".
         previously been denied access—the                                                          All through the intervening years,
         police, the hospital service and the                                                       I as a potter, have had unflagging
         morgue, giving rise to the films                                                           encouragement and support.
         (in the same order) —Eyes, Deus Ex                                                         Leonard had a special talent for
         and the Act of Seeing with One's Own                                                       helping the young with long term
         Eyes. In each case the funds for the                                                       perceptive assistance. His shared
         films came from the purchase of an                                                         vision was to evolve a high standard
         earlier film, rather than through the                                                      of life and work in a rural community
         inhibiting obligation of a 'grant'.                                                        for all to share. His appreciation of art
         Secondly, the beginning of a film                                                          in all its branches, music, dance,
         collection, which is soon to be                                                            theatre, craft, was extremely wide and
                                                                     Ad Reinhardt Abstract Painting 1960
         extended to a collection of film stills   News & notes      sold at Sotheby's for £24,000 in April   international. Never spoilt by
         made according to the wishes of the                                                        wealth, I shall always remember him
                                       The Venice Biennale has been
         film-makers. Thirdly, the building of a                                                    for his gentle sensibility and
                                       cancelled owing to lack of finance
         completely new section and                                  Wadsworth retrospective (1889-  considerate practicality.'
                                       and the uncertain political situation ;
         auditorium specifically designed for                        1949) in July and August. This will
                                       the committee will be meeting
         the film section and in no way                              be followed by a show of Augustus   Richard Huelsenbeck, one of the
                                       shortly to rethink the roll of future
         relegated to an education department.                       John drawings to coincide with the   original Dadaists, has died at the age
                                       Biennales. Britain's contribution,
         Within this new section, which will                         publication of a biography by   of 81. Huelsenbeck arrived in Zurich
                                       David Hockney, will now be at the
         open later this year, plans have                            Michael Holroyd, and Euan Uglow   from Berlin in 1916 and took part in
                                       Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris from
         already been accepted for the                               drawings (September) and Alvara   the performances at the Cabaret
                                       mid-October to mid-December 1974.
         presentation of film work within the                        Guevara (December), whose      Voltaire where Dada was founded.
         gallery space where this is                                 painting of Edith Sitwell in the   Raising hell was a natural expression
         appropriate to the work. Fourthly, the   The winners of the John Moores   National Portrait Gallery is the only   for his appetite for life, he was
         establishment of an extremely well-  Liverpool Exhibition are, in order   one widely known.   obsessed by negro rhythms and with
         equipped film-makers' workshop, now   Myles Murphy, John Walker, and                       Janko and Tzara wrote and performed
         including an optical printer. Though   Craigie Aitchison.   Artists on Art, a series of talks,   the simultaneist poem  L'amiral
         this workshop was originally                                continues at the Architectural   cherche une maison à louer. In his
         established within the museum in   A major exhibition of    Association, 34-36 Bedford Square   poetry he was a master of the art
         1971, in September 1973 all the   independent video is being   London every Tuesday at 6 pm.   of free association. In 1918 he
         facilities and equipment were handed   arranged by the Arts Council of   Peter Schmidt— 4 June ; Tom   returned to Berlin and delivered the
         over to the Pittsburgh Film-Makers   Great Britain, probably to take place at   Phillips — 11 June; Mark Boyle — 18   'First Dada speech in Germany' and,
         Association and is now independent   the Serpentine Gallery, London, in   June; Patrick Hughes — 25 June;   with Hausmann, founded Berlin Dada.
         though retaining close links and a   May 1975. Artists' tapes, community   Bridget Riley — 2 July.  .   They quarrelled for many years after
         good relationship with the museum.   TV, political documentary, and                       as to who had founded Berlin Dada,
         Its aims and services are broadly   videographics will be the main areas   The Whitechapel Art Gallery,   as Huelsenbeck and Tzara quarrelled
         comparable with those offered by   of video shown. The show will lay   London, under its new director, Jasia   as to who had invented or discovered
         Millennium, though with the   emphasis on video in the UK but there   Reichardt, has been divided up into   Dada. In 1920 Huelsenbeck
         difference that film-makers who are   will be a section of invited   three areas of activity : the Main   published the 'Dada Almanach' and
         the subject of the Museum screenings   participants' tapes from North   Gallery an Experimental Gallery   'En Avant Dada' but when Dada died
         have often stayed on to spend a   America and Europe. Those   (upstairs) and an Ideas Gallery (the   he lost interest and became a ship's
         teaching period at the workshop. The   interested in taking part are invited   small ground-floor room). The   surgeon, a surgeon, and finally
         current director of the workshop is   to send written information about   gallery will no longer spend a quarter   psycho-analyst, although he
         Robert Haller, who has great   their work to : Sue Grayson,   of its budget on publicity but will   continued to write poetry and do
         technical knowledge and a near   Serpentine Gallery, Kensington   develop a comprehensive mailing   some painting. In the 1960s
         encyclopaedic memory for the   Gardens, London W2 3XA. More   list. The gallery will continue to have   Huelsenbeck said : 'What Dada was
         history of cinema. The main source   information is available from the   local as well as international shows   in the beginning, and what
         of funds for the workshop was the   outside organizer, Peter Bloch, c/o   and each show will be 'humanized' by   developed later, is totally
         A. W. Mellon Educational and   the Serpentine Gallery or telephone   introducing each with photos of the   insignificant in comparison with what
         Charitable Trust. Full membership   01-727 7244. Owing to the flexible   artist at work etc. Showing until   it means today'.
         (with voting rights within the   nature of the planning so far there   30 June are David Hepher 'photo
         Association) costs $100 per year,   may be some delay before   realist' paintings, Ray Atkins and   The National Council for
         though there are other forms of   submissions are acknowledged.   Henri Chopin 'concrete poetry'.   Diplomas in Art and Design
         membership.                                                                               and the Council for National
           The workshop also has       Colnaghi's,  14 Old Bond Street,   Leonard Elmhirst, who with his   Academic Awards have merged.
         arrangements with local colleges to   London W1, who have recently begun   wife founded the Dartington Arts   Th is means that successful art
         provide a 'college-level' curriculum,   dealing in contemporary prints, are   Centre, died in April. From 1930 to   students will be awarded the
         providing facilities for over one   moving into 20th-century painting   1938 Mark Tobey stayed at   Bachelor of Arts with Honours
         hundred students in the last two years,   and drawing headed by Mark   Dartington and developed his 'white   instead of the Diploma in Art
         and film-makers' employment as   Glazebrook who was Director of the   writing'. The Elmhirsts financed   and Design. Students already on
         teachers within the workshop.   Whitechapel Gallery until 1972. The   Tobey on a trip to the East with   Dip AD courses will be offered the
         Malcolm Le Grice              first show planned is an Edward   Bernard Leach who writes : 'My first    choice of either awards. The UK art
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