Page 58 - Studio International - June 1974
P. 58

Kenneth Martin                                                                            themes. It was a development of the
                                                                                                   time thing, the rhythm of time.' Martin
         In 1922 Alexander Rodchenko                                                               breaks off a primary line when a
         explored construction and the line :                                                      subsequent line passes through it,
         'Recently having devoted myself                                                           and takes it up again after the meeting
         exclusively to the construction of                                                        has taken place; he adds parallel lines
         forms and to their system of                                                              to the primaries, their number based
         construction, I have introduced in the                                                    on the numerical order of the pair
         plane surface the line as a new                                                           in the column (Monastral Blue,
         element of construction. This led to                                                      Chance and Order 101972). These
         a definitive clarification of the line's                                                  secondary lines are also broken off
         signification, both in its comportment                                                    by antecedent or subsequent
         as a limit and a border, and as a major                                                   primaries and then resumed. The time
         factor in the construction of every                                                       sequence of laying down is solved by
         organism in life : skeleton, base,                                                        conscious act, and by colour : 'The
         framework or system. The line is a                                                        first seven paintings each had a
         beginning and an end ... a means of                                                       different colour. I hadn't used my paint
         passing, motion, collision, border,                                                       box for a year so I would take one
         re-enforcement, conjuction, cut.' In                                                      colour and use it straight, or with the
         1971 Sol LeWitt explored                                                                  addition of white. Then I became
         construction, the line and colour                                                         interested in the sequence of rhythm
         within a conceptual framework                                                             and trying to separate things in time
         subjected to chance execution by
         others : 'All walls are to be covered
         with a 6-inch grid drawn with a hard
         black pencil to contain at the
         predisposition of the executor (a)
         straight lines drawn from edge to
         edge with red, yellow and blue
         pencils (b) free hand lines
         not touching the edge drawn with
         red, yellow and blue pencils (c) free
         hand lines drawn with a black pencil'.
         Kenneth Martin has continued this
         exploration during the last three of
         four years.
          Martin's structural physiology
                                       Chance and order 10 (monastral blue) 1972
         remains the same in one or four
                                       Oil on canvas. 36 36 in. Photo: John Webb
         dimensions : the lines are drawn in
         paint on canvas or with metal in space ;   ring and rod) on a programme based
         he uses sequential construction,   on two sets of numbers 2, 3, 4 and 1,
         one unit adding to another and   1, 2, 3, 5 ordered by permutation.
         another; primary elements of form,   His recent book 'Chance and
         motion and material, give variety   Order'* has formalized the tabulation
         within the simple ; the joins, in line or   of methodology into an element as
         metal, impart character and   important as the drawings, but it
         characteristic ; identity is a family of   introduces a twist— chance rather
         units or opposing units; the kinetic of   than reason as the determinant of
         the whole is the kinetic of individual   articulation and form. These two
         units to each other within the whole;   parallel narratives, the conceptual
         the physical content is primary   and the executive, are the history of
         (numerical) and secondary     the seven paintings shown at
         (material, scale, size) ; potential   Waddington in 1970 and the nine   Chance and order 12 (black) 1973   and give them attributes. You can say
                                                                     Oil on canvas. 48 x 48 in. Photo: Cooper
         metaphor, dependent on the psychic   shown this year. Concept and                         1, 2, 1, 2, black, white, black, white
         and physical orientation of the viewer   execution, drawing and painting are   numbers 1 to 25 written on cards and   or 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, black, grey, white,
         is implied — square becomes box. The   one. 'I persisted with the drawings   drawn by lot with the resulting   black, grey, white. At first I said I'd
         work is method as an inquisition into   and then made paintings from them. I   sequence written in a column beside   pick any colour from the paint box,
         the nature of art. 'I want to construct   never changed any rules of chance   the grid, the numbers then paired to   but colours react to one another so you
        a single homogeneous whole out of a   midway. Having got the rules of the   provide the alignment of one point of   have to think about it. But if you have
        variety of facts, to select these facts,   game I accepted them and had to   intersection to another. The grid can   a white band between the colours,
        to see what will be the resultant of   make the best of it and the most of it.'   be consciously varied, to make square,   then the difficulty of relating one
        their fusion, to observe its character   In his book Martin explains why he   circle or diagonal. Its size can be   colour to another is minimalized and
        and to proceed again.'         started the drawings : 'I started some   increased to give 7 x 7 in. squares   they take on a gaiety like Picasso's
          The methodology seems like a   drawings in the South of France. I   with 64 points of intersection   coloured drawings. (Four Colours
        control experiment, its tabulation as   wanted to find out what would   (Chance and Order 12, Black 1973).   1973). But I did one where I brought
        much an object of self-sufficient   happen without a formal design to   But chance articulates form ; it can be   colours right bang together and then
        consideration as a determinant of   start, I wanted my mind to be   manipulated as long as the numbers   I had to consider colour . (Green and
        sequential action. I remember the   completely blank and to see what   chosen by lot correspond to the   Red 1973). I can't use colour like a
        eleven tables he published in   would happen with anything   number of intersections. There can be   colourist uses it, his very close tones,
        Leonardo documenting the       subsequent. The only way I could do   up to five columns of numbers   his very close colours, because what
        formulation of the Screw Mobiles 1965   this was with the determinant of   increasing the complexity of form   I've been concerned with in any
        —1967, the series of ordered, related   chance.' Then how he started :   (Cobalt Blue, Chance & Order, 1973),   dimension is drawing and the more
        acts consciously executed, the   'Order is the order of doing things,   pairs giving verticles or horizontals   precise a drawing is the more tough
        predetermination of a system   this is the framework. The order of   can be eliminated. However, 'When   it is and that's the precision of
        permitting either/or, posited on the   putting down one line and the next   you're done the whole thing looks   drawing rather than the precision of
        observation of the preceding   and the next. It is the sequential   like it had been done at the same time   colour. The colour is always
        outcome or activity. Each represented   order of planning anything in any   so I began to play with how to   determined beforehand and can't be
        a series of discrete events realized   dimension.' The predeterminant   develop it so that it didn't look like   altered.
        through the ordering of fundamental   element was a grid of 164 x 4 in.   that. But it couldn't be a development   Jennifer Oille
        movements and forms (parabola,   squares, giving 25 points of   of chance because chance can't be
        circle and line transmutable into bar,   intersection. The determinant is the   developed. But I developed the    •Published by Waddington Galleries,
                                                                                                   London, £2.
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