Page 45 - Studio International - March 1974
P. 45

Books                                                                                     Cornelius Cardew and People's
                                                                                                  Liberation Music recently
        Maya Cities by Paul Rivet. 234 pp,                                                        performed at The Purcell Room on
        over 140 illustrations, 10 in colour,                                                     London's South Bank on 5 March at
        plans, maps. Ancient cities and                                                           7.30 pm. The programme included
       temples series. Paul Elek, 1973                                                            recent piano music by Cardew played
        (reprint of 1960 edition). £5.                                                            by John Tilbury and Chinese
       The scope of this factual book is                                                          Revolutionary Songs arranged by
        wider than the title indicates : it                                                       Cardew and sung byJane Manning.
       describes the origins and history of                                                       People's Liberation Music, the
       the Mayas, their religion, culture and                                                     Marxist-Leninist rock group, consists
       art, besides their cities. The author,                                                     of John Tilbury, Laurie Scott-Baker,
        founder of the Musee de l'Homme,                                                          John Marcangelo and lead-singer
        Paris, wrote the text in the early                                                        Vicky Silva. People's Liberation
       1950s (the book was published in                                                           Music will also be at Harlech College
        France in 1954), therefore no recent                                                      on 19 March, Chapter Art Centre,
       research findings are included nor is                                                      Cardiff, on 20 March, and the Arnolfini
        there an up-to-date bibliography. A                                                       Gallery, Bristol, on 21 March.
        new edition, not a reprint, is required.
                                                                                                  Don Judd's complete published
        Gustave Dore by Nigel Gosling.                                                            writings have been put on to
       112 pp, fully illustrated. Newton                                                          microfilm and can be studied at will at
        Abbot, David & Charles, 1973. £3.95.                                                      the Lisson Gallery, London. The
        An entertaining account of Dore's                                                         gallery have recently published
        career with selections from his work                                                      Sol LeWitt's book 'The Location of
       grouped thematically, eg satire,                                                           Lines' which includes some of the
        adventure, horror, awe, realism,                                                          drawings that were used for the
        compassion. Dore was a prolific                                                           Sol LeWitt show there last year. The
        artist— his output exceeded 10,000                                                        book is available from Lisson Gallery
        items— who exploited the mass                                                             Publications, 66-68 Bell Street,
        media and mechanized production                                                           London NW1, for £1.25 including
        of his day, but in the end he fell                                                        postage.
        victim to the monster which had
        made him a success and he died of                                                         Showing at the Royal College
        overwork at the age of fifty-one.                                                         of Art's Avant-Garde Film
        David & Charles also publish a reprint                                                    Programme are : 4 March — 7 films
        of 'Dore's London', first issued in                                                       by Kenneth Anger from Fireworksto
       1872.                                                                                      Invocation of my Demon Brother;
                                                                                                  11 March— Peter Kubelka's Adebar
                                     Gustave Dore Don Quixote  1863
        Art restoration by Francis Kelly.                                                         Schwechater, Unsere Afrikareise and
        240 pp, fully illustrated, 2 in colour.   La città Americana dalla guerra civile   News & notes   Mosaik im Vertranen, The Whitney's
        Bibliography. Newton Abbot, David &   al New Deal by Giorgio Ciucci and                   computer films and Taka limura's
        Charles, 1973. £1.75.         others. 569 pp, fully illustrated, plans,   Sir Robin Darwin, CBE, RA   Film Strips 1 2. 18 March —
        A paperback edition of a book first   maps. Rome, Editori Laterza, 1973.   Sir Robin Darwin, Principal of the   Bruce Conner's  Vivian, Looking for
        published in 1971. The word 'art' in   9500 lire.           Royal College of Art from 1948 to   Mushrooms and Marilyn, Pat O'Neil's
       the title is somewhat misleading since   A massive study of the growth of   1967, died in February. From 1967,   7362, Jordan Belson's World,
        Kelly deals almost exclusively with   American cities by four Italian   when university status was given,   Cosmos and Meditation and
       repairing, cleaning and retouching   scholars. It includes sections on   until his retirement in 1971, he was   Borowczyk's Dom. 25 March —
        paintings; prints are also dealt with   Daniel H. Burnham and the imperial   first rector and vice-provost. His   Tony Conrad's The Flicker and
       and there is a chapter on forgery.   city and Frank Lloyd Wright and the   appointment to the College stemmed   Straight Narrow and Dreyer's
        Kelly ignores the issue of   concept of an agrarian city. This book   from a report he wrote while at the   Gertrud. 1 April — Warren Sonbert's
        'expendability' in recent art and he   is especially valuable for its numerous   Council of Industrial Design in which   Where did our Love Go,
       does not discuss the implications of   photographs and drawings of   he paid particular attention to the   George Kuchar's  Hold Me While I'm
       soaking acrylic paint into unprimed   skyscrapers, and designs for   proper place of the Royal College of   Naked, Malcolm Le Grice's Yes, No,
       canvas, though synthetic pigments   metropolises of megalomaniac   Art within the national system of art   Maybe and Castle II and Peter Gidal's
       are briefly described in the section on   proportions.       education and training. He proposed a   Clouds.
       'painting media and technique'.                              widening of the college's field of   The shows, which are open to the
                                     Complete paintings of Rembrandt,   activity to include disciplines as   public, begin at 7.00 pm and are at
       Goodnough by Martin H. Bush and   introduction by Gregory Martin, notes   various as light engineering, plastics   The Royal College of Art, Kensington
       Kenworth Moffett. 107 pp,     and catalogue by Paolo Lecaldano.   technology and fashion design, and   Gore, London. Admission 20p.
       65 illustrations, 12 in colour.   143 pp, fully illustrated, 64 in colour.   emphasized the importance of
       Bibliography. Wichita (Kansas)   Bibliography. Classics of world art.   cultivating the relationship that   A Photography Bursary of £3,500
       University Art Museum, Wichita State   Weidenfeld Et Nicolson, 1973. £2.60.   existed between all branches of art   is being offered by the Arts Council of
       University, 1973. S7.50.      This series is published       and design. Darwin's influence,   Great Britain to a photographer who
       A monograph on Robert         internationally, a fact which explains   through the success of the RCA and   wishes to concentrate on his own
       Goodnough, the veteran        their low price and also their   his own activities on the National   work. (See February issue, p. x)
       abstractionist of the New York   impersonal, textbook character.   Advisory Council on Art Education
       School, who is best known for his   Nevertheless each volume is packed   and the National Council for   Running Fence Project: the latest
       individualistic efforts during the 1950s   with factual material and contains a   Diplomas and Design, spread   Christo project is to build a 20 mile
       to integrate the painterliness of   fair number of colour plates.   throughout art education in Great   running fence from the Pacific Ocean
       Abstract Expressionism with a   Gregory Martin, ex Assistant Keeper at   Britain and the College itself became   to a point near Betaluma. The fence
       structural scaffolding derived from   the National Gallery, is given equal   generally regarded as the leading   will cut straight through the
       Cubism. Goodnough has always been   billing with Lecaldano on the title   institution of its kind in the world.   landscape, crossing several roads
       an accomplished painter, albeit a   page of this book but his introduction   Darwin was elected a full academician   including Highway 101. It will be
       consolidator rather than an   is only two pages long. The tricky   of the Royal Academy in 1972 and   constructed on a cable held by
       innovator; therefore it is a matter for   problem of inclusions and exclusions   received a knighthood in 1964.   18 feet long steel poles sunk into the
       regret that his art —judging from the   relating to Rembrandt's oeuvre is                  ground and placed at intervals of
       reproductions of his recent work in   cleverly overcome by means of   Marina Vaizey has been chosen   between 60 and 68 feet from each
       this book — has suffered a sad decline.   symbols which code each painting   to arrange the Critic's Choice   other. The fence will be of white nylon
       The essay by Moffett is reprinted from   according to a particular grade of   Exhibition this year at Tooth's   made by Dupont, the same fabrics as
       Art International, October 1970.   authenticity.             Gallery, 31 Bruton Street, London W1.   the Valley Curtain. The cost will be
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