Page 46 - Studio International - March 1974
P. 46
Holland that country, with the result that
half of the money went to American
As opposed to their German and dealers and not to artists.
Belgian neighbours, the Dutch can Mr van Antwerpen also raised the
not boast of many important private other two questions, mentioned
collections of modern art. On the other above, and suggested that a
hand, the number and importance of committee be formed to evaluate ten
their public collections have more years of Stedelijk Museum policy. The
than once been a surprise for the committee should also look into the
visitor to this small country. When, internal functioning of the
after his stay in the Stedelijk Museum museum and consider the possibilities
and the Van Gogh Museum the for laying down publicly its
foreign visitor leaves Amsterdam and programme.
drives to the west, it will only take him Reactions to this address were
twenty minutes to reach the Frans amazingly strong. All newspapers
Hals Museum in Haarlem. From there, reacted. In several interviews Mr
about million dollars, paid for by the The Moodies, a cabaret act of six
it is another forty minutes to the De Wilde defended his museum
artist from the proceeds of his women and one man, are currently
Gemeentemuseum in The Hague. policy. Summarized according to the
drawings and sculpture. 54 having a great success in London. The Driving on to the south he will very three points already dealt with he
landowners will be involved and Moodies, who all studied art at soon find himself in front of the new stated :
350 workers used. The project will Reading, received their 'break' at the wing of the Boymans—van (a) The number of visitors has
begin construction in May and the Bush Theatre last year. Their act Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam. increased (500,000 in 1972) : the
fence (cloth) will all go up in one day consists of singing old rock and roll Not satisfied ?The visitor can make museum has an international
this August. The Project Director is hits and ballads in a seemingly his choice between the museums of reputation ; there is an educational
Peter Selz and the Associate Director amateurish and refreshingly funny Utrecht, Eindhoven, Arnhem, staff.
Lynn Hershman. Meanwhile in Rome way all in a context of extraordinary Groningen, Venlo, Maastricht, (b) Only one man ('the captain on
Molotov cocktails have been thrown glitter, high camp and ambiguous Schiedam, Middelburg. The his ship') can be responsible for
at Christo's latest work, the wrap up of sexuality. ecologically conscious art-lover may building up a collection — advised, of
the Porta Aurelia. make a lovely bicycle trip to the course, by his staff and by his
sculpture gardens of the Kröller- advisory board. A more democratic
Gilbert and George recently sent Muller Museum in Otterlo. vote system would by definition
out a series of cards comprising a All these museums have a lively result in a mediocre choice (instead
photograph on the front with a poem exhibition programme. The larger of a 'characteristic' one).
inside which ended with the ones have ample means at their (c) The Stedelijk Museum should
salutation 'Cheerio, Gilbert and disposal for an active acquisition have an up-to-date art collection
George'. The last card of the series policy. Their budgets are provided and exhibition programme, in which
pictured terraced houses, subtitled for either by the cities or the the public will see reflected the
'Dom Perignon'. Inside the poem government, and they have gone up development of Dutch art against the
read : considerably over the last twenty background of international art
'Tired in mind and tired in spirit years. movements. As the American art of
Wondering why we did begin it Not only budgets were raised in the the 50s and 60s was undoubtedly
Waiting for someone to call our bluff years after the war ; the number of very influential in the history of
For art is made of sterner stuff staff members also increased. Before modern art, a high percentage of the
Rubbers Goodbye Forever the war these museums were run by budget had to be spent on examples
(signed) Gilbert and George a director with one or two assistants. of action-painting, colour field
This sparked off rumours that Now the professional staff amounts painting and pop art. In this
Gilbert and George had separated but to about fifteen people. Twenty-five capitalistic society this could only be
The Moodies (See above)
when they eventually returned from years ago one man could spend 'his' realized through American galleries.
abroad the card was found to be a The International Museum of little money on whatever he thought What is the modest comment of
very well produced forgery. Modern Art/Gallery House is worth buying for 'his' museum. your correspondent on these matters ?
being planned by Sigi Krauss Today, the general public (not In the same order again :
The Museum of Modern Art, formerly of Gallery House. Premises necessarily museum-goers but all of (a) We all know that mainly the
Oxford will be showing paintings by are currently being negotiated in them taxpayers), the artists and the better educated and the better paid
Bob Law and the Reconstruction of Mercer Street, Covent Garden. The city councillors want to know how people visit the museum ; that a very
the Moscow Constructivist Exhibition Museum will be free, have members, a their money is spent, and justly so. small percentage of the Dutch are
during May. permanent collection and a restaurant (a) For whom does the museum interested in modern art. It seems that
and bar. The museum will have make its collections and exhibitions ? changes within the museums can
The Serpentine Gallery had their contacts abroad who will be in touch (b) Who decides on what to buy only solve part of the problem. To get
poster for the Roger Hilton show with what is happening and will and exhibit? more people interested depends also
turned down by London Transport arrange international shows. (c) Where does the money go — on better education and this again is
Advertising not because it was Sigi Krauss has made a proposal to who profits most ? related to a more equal distribution of
obscene but because it would the Arts Council for the use of the To start with the last question : the goods of our welfare state. If the
welcome graffiti. The poster will still Floral Hall, Covent Garden, for the already five years ago Dutch artists committee, as suggested by Mr
be used but not on London's Museum when the Market moves. made it clear by various actions that van Antwerpen, could produce
Underground. Sigi Krauss was forced by the according to their view-point not recommendations for a better
German Institute to leave Gallery enough money was spent on them educational and public relations
Events during March at the House's premises in Princes Gate and too much on too few — mostly department in the museum, it would
Royal College of Art, Kensington last August because of 'rebuilding' American — artists. The artists' union be a result that Mr De Wilde also
Gore, London, include :5 March — but the premises have remained B B K (see Studio International could not but applaud. In the
'Private Future', a lecture by untouched ever since. Contact August and December 1973) was Stedelijk Museum at the moment
Martin Pawley ; 12 March —The Sigi Krauss, 73A Highbury Hew especially active in organizing these one man together with a number of
Moodies; 19 March—The Majorca Park, London N5. actions. This point was recently free-lance guides constitute the
Orchestra, who are some of the made topical again by a city educational department. It should
members of the Portsmouth Sinfonia ; Patrick Heron's vertical stripe councillor of Amsterdam, Mr E. van become a highly qualified team,
26 March —films by David Hall. All painting reproduced on 'Review' Antwerpen. In an address to the city which should plan and realize the
commence at 6.30 pm. p 3 of last month's Studio was council last October, he gave a series exhibition programme together with
wrongly described. Its title is of figures, to indicate that 48.24% of the mostly art-historically-trained
Jasia Reichardt, formerly assistant Vertical Light: March 1957. It was the Stedelijk Museum budget was staff.
to Michael Kustow at the ICA, has first exhibited at the Redfern Gallery, spent in America between 1966 and (b) Mr De Wilde's viewpoint of
been appointed the new Director London, in 1958. 1971. And, what was far worse in his 'one captain on the ship' is shared by
of the Whitechapel Gallery, London. Compiled by Paul Martin eyes, 44% was spent in galleries in most museum directors. Historically