Page 47 - Studio International - March 1974
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seen, this is not amazing. It is often   all artists up to 35 of a proper chance   Diane Arbus and   photograph it becomes stranger :
       defended with the concept of   of being exhibited. Its resuscitation                       'I mean if you scrutinize reality closely
       quality — source of endless disputes —  with the addition of a set theme is   American freaks   enough, if in some way you really,
       and in Mr De Wilde's case called   grotesque; if even quite young artists                  really get to it, it becomes fantastic'.
       'characteristic choice'. Anyway, there   are forced into such a corset, instead   Many successful modern   In a recent, and brilliant, review of
       are large fields to be covered : from   of being able to develop freely, then   photographers are intermediaries,   Arbus's work, Susan Sontag develops
       industrial design to ceramics,   objections must be loudly raised   explorers and reporters on our behalf.   the idea that it was largely, even
       photography, tapestry, posters, etc.   in the interests of the young   They take unfamiliar and often   exclusively, about 'pariahs and
       A large task for one man to be the best   generation of artists. It must be   disquieting societies as their subjects.   miserable-looking people'. She goes
       informed in all these fields and   clear to all those responsible that   Until fairly recentlythese societies were   so far as to claim that 'anybody Arbus
       sub-divisions. Why not have the   themes lead directly to adjustment   safely distant, in Russia, in Africa, or,   photographed was a freak'. This
       specialists on his staff make the   and accommodation. It is therefore   particularly, in China. Of late these   fascinated attention to the misshapen
       decisions for their parts of the museum   to be desired that all young and   aliens have been detected nearer to   only accounts for a proportion of the
       collection ? Priorities could be   creative artists may be able to take   home; photographers have turned   pictures, though, and it is no more
       discussed in staff meetings.   part in the  Deutscher Kunstpreis der   their attention increasingly to the   than a particular manifestation of her
         (c) The modern art that Mr De   Jugend without being subjected   poor, to cult and interest groups and   much broader taste for the strange.
       Wilde collected during his ten years   to the thematic constraints.   to ethnic minorities. This was a   There are a number of pictures in
       as director of the Stedelijk earns him   In Stuttgart, where the beautiful   distinct feature of American   the book which have no possible
       the respect and gratitude of all. The   electrostatically charged Plexiglas   photography in the 1960s and its   connection with freaks, yet they are
       growing public interest in the still   boxes of the Düsseldorf artist Erich   most complete expression is to be   undeniably strange. In a very puzzling
       existing problems, concerning the   Reusch are on show at the year-old   found in the work of Diane Arbus, the   late picture,  A family on their lawn
       internal and external functioning of   Galerie Mueller-Roth, I met Senior   successful fashion photographer who   one Sunday in Westchester, NY 1968,
       the museum, is something the   Curator Siegfried Cremer at his home.   studied with Lisette Model, turned to   a couple sprawl on deckchairs.
       museum people themselves should   The reason was that Cremer, one of   art-documentary work in the 60s and   sunbathing, whilst their son plays on
       be grateful for.               the most important collectors in the   in 1971, at a time when her work was   the lawn in the background : a row of
       Liesbeth Brandt Corstius       field of Nouveau Realisme, is in the   becoming celebrated, committed   trees cuts out most of the sky and
                                      process of splitting his collection   suicide.              closes the picture. This could
        Germany                       of 500-odd pieces, amassed since                            epitomize middle-class normality, but
                                                                                                  for the sombre gothic cast of the
                                      the late 1950s, into two large self-
       The twenty-first post-war annual   contained groups and handing these                      bank of trees and the unalleviated
       exhibition of the  Deutsche    to two museums on permanent loan.                           leaden intricacies of the wide stretch
       Künstlerbund (German Artists'   The major part of Nouveau Realisme                         of lawn. The boringly normal has
       Federation) — held this year in   is going to the Landesmuseum in                          become sinister in this photograph.
        Berlin, where the federation was   Münster and will be shown to the                       Just as mundane is an image of an
       founded in 1903 to counter     public in the museum's new building                         Elderly Couple on a Park Bench, NYC
       conservative forces — lured many   in the spring. This section contains,                   1969: they look sour and tired,
       artists and art critics to the former   in particular, works by Arman, César,              admittedly, but far from odd : there is,
        German capital. A newly elected,   Christo, Deschamps, Hains, Klein,                      however, an element of the 'fantastic'
       and very much younger, committee   Raysse, Rotella, Spoerri, Tinguely.                     in the heavy black labyrinthine pattern
       had come up with an exhibition   The second group is going to the                          of the woman's astrakhan coat and
       concept hitherto unknown to the   Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung                         the accidental alignment of neck and
       federation, which as an institution   in Munich and is to be hung in its                   shirt which makes the man's head
       is only of significance on the German   annex at Wasserburg am Inn. The                    into a continuation of his shirt front.
       art scene. Artists were invited   main theme here is the intermediate :                    More discreetly 'fantastic' is a
       according to 'themes' — 'synthetic   that is to say, script and picture.                   picture of  A Woman with Pearl
                                                                    A flower girl at a wedding 1964
       figuration', 'actions', 'visual   In addition there are the visionary                      Necklace and Earrings, NYC 1967;
       arrangements' and 'realism' — which   architectures of Hermann   With Diane Arbus it was no longer a   the cord fabric of her hat makes a
       seemed too vague to many of the 300   Finsterlin and a self-contained   case of documenting the squalid and   pattern of parallel lines which looks
       members and resulted in a storm of   collection of some fifty works by   dangerous sectors of American urban   very like a blow-up of a crude
        protest. Consequently the committee   Dieter Rot. Cremer's previously   life, but of identifying and   wirephoto and this is curious above
        finally decided to ask all the members   art-strewn walls were almost empty   photographing its more eccentric   the detailed description of her face,
        not already accommodated in the   and he explained to me why he was   inhabitants, of seeking out the   but it is no more than a witty
        previous groups to exhibit in an   parting with his collection. He said   veritable curiosities. Her subjects   demonstration of the resources of
        additional category called 'prism'.   that it was growing beyond a private   range from the disturbed and   photography. As she said , one of her
       This category, in which each member   setting and that ownership of art was   mongoloid through the ranks of   great preoccupations was with the
        could only show a single work, was   illusory ; he added that such a   transvestites and hermaphrodites to   differentiation of substances : 'I
       a unique disappointment.       collection acquired a momentum of   the near-normality of burlesque   wanted to see the difference between
         The exhibition—which was on   its own which came to direct the   entertainers and topless dancers. In   flesh and material, the densities of
        view until the end of January in two   collector's life, and that he wanted to   the resultant portrait gallery there is a   different kinds of things : air and
        locales, the Akademie der Schönen   be free of it for this reason. While   stress on the grotesque ; many of the   water and shiny'. This interest in the
       Künste and the Neue Nationalgalerie —  I was takling to Cremer, Dieter Rot.   figures are ugly, their settings are   substance and the texture of things
       must be summed up as, on balance, an   who has just done a new etching for   mundane and their actions perturbing.   often goes no further than a delight in
       experiment which failed, even though   Edition Manus-Presse, was having   In the recent monograph devoted to   differences of material.
       there were outstanding pictures and   a discussion with Hansjörg Meyer on   her work the pictures are simply and   More often than not this
       objects to be seen. It cannot be the   the floor below. Meyer had just   arbitrarily presented with a studied   preciseness about substances serves a
       task of the Deutsche Künstlerbund   returned from London, bringing new   minimum of comment. Typical   more complex intention.  Patriotic
       simply to imitate the museums and   works by the English group 'Visual   captions give a subject, a place and a   Young Man with a Flag, NYC 1967
        put on exhibitions restricted to   Poetry' for Cremer's collection.   date : Xmas tree in a living room in   offers a range of matte and reflective
       themes, like this one. Rather, it   It is sad for Stuttgart that this   Levittown, L./. 1963 and Mexican   surfaces, delicately modulated half
       should reflect the current German art   collection, centred on European   dwarf in his hotel room in NYC 1970   tones and the clarities of an
       scene — all the more so since most of   avant-garde art of the 1960s, is   are examples. The unifying factor is   emblematic badge and a flag,a richly
       the well-known German artists belong   going to museums elsewhere. To   that in some way or other each of   beautiful setting for the youth's
       to the Federation.             round it off, Cremer some time ago   the subjects depicted has fascinated   blotched and pustular face. She had
         The evil of tying artists down to   parted with the American Pop artists   Diane Arbus. Although she   it in her power to ridicule and it was
       themes has not even stopped short   for a good price. The proceeds were   concentrates on eccentricities of   a power she did not refrain from using.
       of the exhibitions of the former   used to the advantage of European   appearance, on 'freaks' as she calls   There is something of George Grosz
       Deutscher Kunstpreis der Jugend   sensibility. A marvellous catalogue   them ('Freaks was a thing I   in her occasional savagery, but where
        (German Youth Art Prize) which   on the Cremer collection gives details.   photographed a lot'), she notes a lot   he revealed the lusts and brutalities of
       were held in several towns. This   Günther Wirth             of other things too. Virtually   a rampant middle class she attends to
       prize was perfidiously done to death   (Translated from the German by   everything she pictures is strange and   anyone who has been to the trouble
       some years ago, thereby depriving    John Wheelwright)       in the course of being fixed as a    to prepare a face or posture for the
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