Page 31 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 31

fish in different places. I played football. I went
                                                                                            for trials with Forest, Villa and Shrewsbury and
                                                                                            played cricket trials with Leicestershire County
                                                                                            but never made the grade at any of them.
                                                                                            Fishing just seemed to come to me naturally.
                                                                                              The club angler and the open match angler:
                                                                                            it's two worlds. It's like putting an amateur
                                                                                            against a professional. You get some very very
                                                                                            good club anglers who could win matches on the
                                                                                            open circuit but they're satisfied to go with their
                                                                                            friends on club outings. In open matches there
                                                                                            are probably a hundred to a thousand anglers on
                                                                                            the river bank at one time. There's the
                                                                                            headquarters at all waters where you make the
                                                                                            official draw for your peg: the pegs are twenty
                                                                                            yards apart and every twenty or so yards there's
                                                                                            a permanent peg with a number on it. You put
                                                                                            your hand into a large bag, draw your number
                                                                                            out, and sit there for five hours if you fancy
                                                                                            fishing. After the five hours the officials come
                                                                                            and weigh you in. Every person pays so much
       of fine quality.                                                                     for his ticket at the start and so much for the
         Wells left a stock of wine in Norway in 1939.   2 Ivan Marks:                      pool. A certain amount of the ticket money goes
       On his return in 1946 the first words of                                             to the Club, a certain amount gets paid out. The
       Mathias were 'Mr Wells, I have got your wine!'   fishing as a profession             pool's usually one hundred percent pay out.
       It had been buried.                                                                  There's a set of scales every thirty pegs and the
         His other interests included the collection                                        prizes are given out. The bigger the match the
       of Colonial stamps — his Cape St Vincent   The following interview with Ivan Marks was   larger the prize.
       series, inspected and admired by King George V,   conducted by the artist Rory McEwen, himself a   People don't bother me. The only time I'd
       was considered to be the finest in private   keen fly fisherman, on the last day of the Coarse   get bothered if I was in a competition now would
       hands — and entomology. Unfortunately, he   Fishing season. The interview was held on the bank   be if they stood there with their shadows on the
       dispersed most of his collection of moths and   of the River Soar in Leicester, while Marks   water. I could have them all under the bridge
       butterflies many years ago.               demonstrated some of his fishing techniques. Due to   and they wouldn't bother me. But there: this is
         Wells was endowed with a fantastic memory   the miners' strike having cut fuel supplies, the   the dangerous time. It's not actually that the
       and could effortlessly quote, even in his latter   power station upstream was not discharging hot   fish can see you — they don't know it's a person —
       years, the Odes of Horace and the whole of   water into the river. For this reason no fish were   but it is a shadow. They can pick out that there's
       Paradise Lost. His sound judgement as an   caught because the low temperature of the water   something there that wasn't there a little while
       investor enabled him to supplement his salary   dissuaded them from feeding. Casters were used,   before. That makes a shadow, the fish know,
       and, later, a very small pension. He was thus   one on a hook, and no groundbait. Ivan Marks is   and when they know they're just not going to
       able to gratify his tastes as a fisherman in   one of the top match fishermen in Britain.   feed. Most of the matches are worth £100 plus.
       exclusive waters and as a connoisseur of wine.                                       You only win, on a season, three or four. On a
       He was at the same time most generous to his   Twenty-six years ago I was probably one of the   match of a hundred there'd probably be four
       relatives and friends.                    biggest nuisances on the bank, larking about.   prizes going 40%, 30%, 20%, io%. The pools
         To the end of his life he preserved close ties   And then about twenty years ago I was starting   are optional so if a beginner comes along and he
       with many of his old Eton pupils and      to get a bit serious. People told me a lot of   wants to go in the pools he can, but if he doesn't
       colleagues and some of them would often visit   things and everything started to knit in to make   he needn't. It's an open house. It's the biggest
       him at St John's Wood. His loyalty to the boys   me the angler I am today. Nobody's ever gone   sport in England — people don't realize it — and
       of his house was profound and one of them   fishing in my family at all. We used to own   it's one of the sports where a novice can have a
       recalls a touching incident on Armistice Day   greyhounds and the person who used to train   go at the big names of the country. In every
       1918 when, as elsewhere, jubilation was the   them was a keen angler, his name was   other sport a novice can't. He can't play golf
       prevailing mood. Wells strode through the   Alan Coles (the lad who just won the National   against Tony Jacklin, he can't ride against
       house silencing the revellers and charging them   two years ago, Phil Coles, that was his son and   David Broome. In angling all you need is a rod,
       to remember all boys who would never return.   I've virtually done the same with him: I've   a line, a hook and a bit of bait and you can have a
         In more recent years one would meet him   taken him everywhere with me and taught him   go at the stars. The biggest prize I've won is the
       every now and then in St James's Square on   the things I know which is how it's gone on).   HAS : it's a match run down in London by the
       his way to or from his Club, a short square   He took me fishing and since then I've just   big gravel people on Leisure Sports. I won that
       figure with penetrating blue eyes and white   improved and improved.                one year and it was worth £800 for a two-day
       moustache, a black overcoat buttoned tightly   I first got really serious seventeen or eighteen   competition. The biggest match in the country,
       to the neck in all seasons and surmounted by a   years ago. Before then I was winning club   moneywise, is the National Championship. You
       black felt hat. Humble, modest, kind and   matches — that's probably twenty or thirty on a   could win up to £1,500—£1,800 with a thousand
       tolerant, C. M. Wells would have been the last   bus outing — and then after the Forces I started   anglers fishing in it. The biggest match
       to have foreseen how much and to how many   competition fishing. I met Eddie Allen when I   moneywise for English anglers is the Woodbine
       in all walks of life his death would bring   was winning club matches and he took me   Challenge Match, which is usually fished in
       grief.                                    under his wing for seven or eight years. Eddie   Denmark, and that's worth f2,000. Conditions
       J. W. CHANCE                              taught me more about fish than anything else:   are everything to an angler. Today if you said
                                                 where they would be liable to feed in a river;   catch me 20lbs I'd say it's an impossibility. If
         (Reprinted by kind permission of the Salmon and
       Trout Magazine, from the issue of May 1964.)   what periods of the year you'd catch different    you came to me in the summer and asked me to
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