Page 32 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 32
catch 20lbs and let me pick my own peg I'd do well, fish are just the same, they like the warm get more bites than a person using a big hook, on
it gladly. Winter fishing's harder. The summer and the sun, so usually they come out of the these little hooks. I'll have twenty bites and
months I win, the winter it gets harder and deep holes in the summer into the more shallow catch ten fish and a person'll have nine bites and
harder. There's no such thing as a 'professional' water, and in winter return to the deeps. Bait get nine fish on a big hook. Well, he is better
angler at the moment, not in England, probably presentation is also a very important factor. If it than me on average — he's a hundred percent !
on the Continent. You couldn't live off the is presented right, well and good, but presented But I've won the match. They don't pay out on
money you earn over a number of years, perhaps wrongly — it's like someone throwing my dinner who's the best at bites.
one or two years. I've been in the limelight ten on the floor, I just wouldn't eat it. I don't need a book or a tape to tell me
years and over the past six years I've averaged In the summer I go out Monday nights 6 pm anything. I've got a built-in memory. I will go
£400—£1,000, and there's not a lot of anglers in till it gets dark; all day Wednesday, all day back ten years and tell you, if you say 'You won
the country who can say they've won that sort of Sunday and an odd night in between, the rest of a match on so-and-so with such-and-such a
money. An average year is £500—£600, a good the time I run my business. I can't go out all weight' . I'll tell you the method I was using;
year is £800. Over the country there's probably day, the business would collapse. Roy Marlow what bait I used; what weight it was. I won a
only half-a-dozen anglers who win over £1,000 a is my partner in business, with a name just as match from here eight years ago with 81b on, on
season continually. big as mine, and he goes with me all the while. yellow maggots, Boxing Day match, from that
I get no thrill in pleasure fishing. I must have He goes as one of the team, that is the famous swim there. In the olden days people used to fish
competition all the while. I can only get pleasure `Likely Lads'. There are four of us, myself, for food. This was before the Second War and
out of fishing if there's a job to be done. If Roy Marlow my partner, Dave Downes and perhaps just after but there's no such thing as
you're top on the day, that's good enough. Dave Ross, if you say people who go with us that now in England. Some people eat pike here.
You've proved a little point. While I'm pleasure fishing competitions round the country, then I don't bother killing any fish unless somebody
fishing I'm harmless. If you say 'I'll fish you for there's a dozen. They're all local lads. It's just a wants fish to eat. I wouldn't just go up and
a cup of tea' on the river bank, I'm like a killer name that's stuck. The name of 'Likely Lads' is gladly kill it and throw it on the bank, even a
let loose. It's only 2p or 5p but I've got to prove known from the highest point in Scotland to the pike. I would return it back to the water if
I can beat you for that cup of tea. Pleasure lowest point down South, as anglers. And it's possible. It's no use to a match angler otherwise.
fishing I don't enjoy unless we're doing serious known just as well on the Continent. If you say You don't become a full studied angler till
practice. I get an enjoyment out of practice `Likely Lads' you automatically say 'Leicester'. you're in the thirties. It's experience and fitness
because it's for the day when the big It's the second name for Leicester. We're not because it can be very tiring. You'll only get odd
competition comes to the actual water. Before a bothered who wins as long as they say 'First anglers round the country — Roy Marlow,
competition we'll probably put in twenty hours Prize: Leicester'. Phil Coles — who've got a name, and this is what
on a venue to find out what's the right bait, the Anything to do with angling, if it was a job I happens: that where these young anglers are you
right method, everything. If we take pot luck we would enjoy it. I had a pike out in an open can always find a 'name' who's very close to
make a lot of enquiries to friends all over the competition, 11lb 4oz. I caught it on a 20 hook, them, a big name who's helping them on. If a
country and we phone them to ask what sort of i 21b breaking-strain line and I foul-hooked it in young angler comes along with me he'd
fish are in the water, what do they feed on, do it's tail. It took me 70 minutes to get it out. Now probably struggle to learn as much knowledge
we fish it heavy or light. I might be one of the I couldn't move a boat or move along the bank, I as I'm going to feed him. At 37 I'm putting my
fortunate who can talk to a specimen hunter [A had to sit still and play that fish in my area. That experience on his shoulders, plus Eddie Allen's,
fisherman who hunts for the biggest fish of is the rule. I hadn't got a big enough landing-net who taught me such a lot about fishing, and he's
individual species — Ed's note], and his styles to get it in, which I had to get it in; and I 50, so really you're talking to a man who's got 8o
would also agree with the matchmen as well. I couldn't ask anybody to get me a bigger landing years behind him in fishing. If a person's trying
can understand his methods. net. In a competition you are limited. Sure to make it himself he just can't, he can't match
I went on a venue three years ago when the enough I was a nervous wreck after I'd got it those who are willing to share their knowledge
Angling Times said 'We've got some very big out. with him for the asking. I don't tell any lies you
bream in this lake, will you try and come and Why am I successful ? It's having young see. If I wanted to string you along in an article
catch some ?' And they had two matchmen anglers around you. You can't beat youth. It's I could make it sound so fantastic you'd be
there and three specimen hunters after these not what you'd call an old man's sport, angling. saying 'This is a person out of this world !' But
rare big bream: 6, 7 and 81b fish. Before we You usually say when you get old you can go I've got so many big names in the match world,
fished, one of the editors of the AT said 'This fishing, but during a match you could be for me to start talking like that they'd say 'What
man, if there's fish to be caught, will catch', and standing for five hours in one spot, working all have you been doing here, Ivan ? You've been
he named me as being the man who would catch the while. It's like everything else: youth plays having a right session!' Now why should I do
them sooner than the specimen hunters, most of so much part in all the sports, as it goes now. that to the people who've put me there, which is
whom know everything about it. This man was They're quick to pick up things, styles, the novice anglers? (Line broken by a fish.) That
right to the point: I caught, the others didn't. I everything. They come to us, the young anglers was probably a carp. When I get keen I strike
didn't know the water. I didn't pick my swim in Leicester, tell us these styles: it might be one harder and when I strike harder the hooks start
till everybody else had picked theirs. I went shot out [the weight of the lead shotgun pellet going off! Normally I wouldn't have got broke —
around plumbing the lake, taking the different weighting the line — Ed's note], two shots out or in a match I wouldn't. Pleasure fishing, larking
depths, and then I sat down. Within an hour the line's wrong, but the method's right and around, this does happen.
and a half I started catching fish. we'll see that the method's a very good style and There is a wide social life. Tonight we're up
Fly fishing is a skill on its own. In time I'd we'll be able to pick it up. Now if you've not got in Leeds doing something for the Multiple
probably be reasonably good, but it's time. It's young anglers you lose that. You keep to your Sclerosis Fishing Club. If you can't help them
like anything else. It doesn't matter what sport, own methods, and it's no use just keeping to one who can you help ? You've got to help
you've always got a person who's a natural, and thing. You must be willing to learn and learn: everybody and I'm going to travel a hundred
fortunately I'm one of those people. I am a whoever the best angler in England is he must miles tonight to do it for them. I'll talk — they
natural. I don't know why somebody's picked be able to say 'Right-o, I can learn from the want me for a dinner and dance — some people
me out and says 'You can catch fish'. I don't biggest novice. I can learn from anybody'. You'll will buy tickets just because I'm going: so the
know why I catch fish. I understand fish. Fish never finish learning at this game. more they can get in the better off they're going
are like people. When the sun is out people In theory the more bites you get the more fish to be. These people can't come to an open
flock to the beaches and parks to sunbathe; you're bound to get. And you must go on that. I competition to see me so I must go to them. I