Page 34 - Studio International - May 1974
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appropriate to the transition from one model of   subject of the official correspondents of the
      Correspondence                             teapot to another. Yes, but in that case the   Paris Biennale and also the representatives of the
                                                 motor-car to another, or from one design of
                                                                                           Paris Salons. But not to mention my reference
                                                 parallel in fine art cannot be anything as   to Charbier is to imply that there was a question
                                                 delicate as, say, the transition from an early   of falsification in the catalogue.
                                                 style to a late style in a painter's oeuvre. The   One remark: I am not French, I've lived in
                                                 corresponding sequence in fine art would have   Paris for only a relatively short length of time.
                                                 to be something like 'the cave-painting, the   I am Roumanian, comrade Forty.
                                                 illuminated missal, the English watercolour,   CADERE
                                                 Cubism'. If that kind of history of Western art   Paris
                                                 sounds too bald to be useful, so is Professor
                                                 Smith's summary of the history of Western   SPAR
                                                 technology.                               In recent years the need for an association for
                                                   It isn't the case that technological    arts administrators has been discussed but few
                                                 inventions simply 'drive out' old ones.   practical steps have been taken to form one.
                                                 Professor Smith seems to rely on a simplistic   This is why, after a meeting held almost a year
       Art and industry                          model of the process whereby an invention   ago, a group of people formed a working party
       Bernard Smith's 'Art and industry : a systematic   becomes applied and diffused. Some inventions   to discuss the practical requirements of such an
       approach' (April 1974) deserves to be read with   in fact peter out after a promising start (like the   association.
       care and respect. But some confusions seem to   flying-boat); others do so and are rediscovered   Unquestionably a society is necessary;
       have slipped through the net of the four   (like the golf-ball typewriter, I believe); others   many administrators work in dreadful
       distinguished institutions, which heard   wait a long time before they are socially   conditions, supposedly proscribed by law, for
       Professor Smith rehearse his argument before   developed (like Babbage's analytical engine);   poor financial rewards. Career advice is almost
       it saw the press.                         others are found totally impracticable (see the   non-existent. There is no proper career
         The notion of 'units' within 'sequences' is   archives of the Patent Office, to which I once   structure. For many there is no pension scheme.
       clear as far as craft and fine art are concerned.   personally contributed); others keep research   There is no forum in which the problems, both
       A given teapot stands in the same relationship to   and development labs busy looking for   particular and general, to the arts administrator
       its craftsman's 'run' of teapots as a given   applications (like laser holography). It is naive   can be discussed independently; such a forum
       portrait stands to its painter's oeuvre. But when   to regard the automobile as a more advanced   would help to relieve the isolation which many
       a third type of production is introduced -  technology, in some linear model of human   arts administrators undoubtedly now suffer
       industrial production - we are asked to consider   progress, than was the locomotive. The   from. Some six years ago the Arts Council
       `machine sequences' where the units are   automobile developed in fact to serve a specific   recognized the need for good administration by
       inventions. Smith gives two examples of such   way of life which Raymond Williams has called   setting up training courses. It is now the turn of
       sequences: (1) bullock-dray, coach-and-four,   `mobile privatization' and which has now been   the arts administrators to come together as a
       locomotive, automobile; and (2) clay-tablet,   widely criticized within our society; many   body to maintain and improve standards by
       reed-pen, wood-block, linotype machine. This   people now regard railways as a more   creating the right working conditions for the
       is getting rather like one of those I.Q. tests   civilized form of transport. Nor does the   profession.
       devised by the Caucasian mind to prove its   industrial system provide only for       Practically anyone who works in connection
       racial superiority; but let us persevere.   `demonstrable human needs', unless H-bombs   with any art form, other than a technician or a
        The difficulty is that we cannot shift abruptly   and deodorants come under this heading.   performer, is an arts administrator; for
      from specific material 'units' - such as teapots or   I know that Professor Smith was trying to do   example he or she may be a general manager, a
       oil paintings - to technological inventions,   a lot in a short article; and there is indeed a   publicity officer, a secretary, a house manager or
      without putting the notion of a 'unit' in a   serious need today for someone to develop and   the arts officer of a local authority. The working
      `sequence' under severe strain.            reorient the Mandan or historical-materialist   party would like everyone who thinks he or she
        A teapot or an oil painting can be destroyed   model of the relations between art and industry.   is an arts administrator and who is concerned
      or stolen. A corresponding unit in a sequence of   But it is a pity that Professor Smith decided to   for themselves or their fellow administrators to
      industrial production might be, say,       discard this approach altogether. It is not the   write to them for further details.
      Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion car no.1 which   case that Klingender's classic study of industrial   A set of draft aims for the Society is now
      was crashed in 1933, or my own Volkswagen,   iconography (which I agree with Professor   complete. We ask all potential members to come
      registration no. JYY 402K. Not 'the automobile'.   Smith in admiring) exhausts the possibility of   to an open meeting at the Place Theatre,
       Smith might contend that the true unit in his   historical-materialist analysis of these relations.   Duke's Road, Euston, London WC1 at 3.3o p.m.
      `land transportation' sequence is the set of   Nor can I see the advantage that Smith gains by   Sunday, 12 May, 1974, to discuss these aims and
      specifications of the Dymaxion or my      adopting a kind of electrician's model of the   to launch the Society.
      Volkswagen, ie a unique structure of       connexions between the 'systems' of fine art,   MARGARET TOLLIDAY
      technological permutations which could     craft and industry. It seems for him to have the   Working party for Society of Professional
      conceptually generate all individual Dymaxion   function of eliminating the need to consider   Arts Administrators
      or Volkswagen 1300s. But then surely the   problems of social and cultural conflict.
      corresponding 'unit' in the case of craft ceramics   JONATHAN BENTHALL              Tony award
      should have been, not this or that individual   London, W10                          I was pleased to read the article in your last
      teapot, but, for instance, the specific combination                                 issue on Roger Hilton. I was particularly
      of paste, design etc. which enables a     Comrades in art                           impressed by the statements in his letter which
      connoisseur to identify and date any      The letter by G. M. Forty published in the   I agree with wholeheartedly. I was also
      Wedgwood teapot made in 1780.             February issue of Studio International adopts a   impressed by the way Hilton's letter was laid
        But (Professor Smith might alternatively   political standpoint strongly opposed to that of   out and presented, as an experience, to be read
      contend) the sequence 'bullock-dray,      my own article, to which this letter refers.   and appreciated.
      coach-and-four, locomotive, automobile' covers   However, G. M. Forty could only confirm, in a   PAUL WILLIAM WHITE
      a much longer historical time-scale than is   purified form, what I myself wrote both on the    London, SWI
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